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Show Fri-d An.-rk!e is peddling egetabh-s I In Plorhbk He is gat ting In shape for u minor league job. Nebraska want an eastern football couch. So docs Cornell. I Has- ball bold-ons are more numerous numer-ous lha'i bold -outs. There's a lotta guy s who d rather pla ball than lia" SO Job atall! Yale will try' to catch up with modern mod-ern stylo football by inaugurating winter win-ter grid practh s Wiiiard . ii. t remembej what her he's 30 or 37. Uoxcrs don't have mauy birthdays. Mark am., winning trapshootcr at the !) tuple uaines. has turned pro Norman Koss. speed swimmer. "h"Ol il no ill ii, .nerallt - on the bowling bowl-ing alle.vs Neither Caddock nor Bteoher condemn con-demn tlie headlock. The "ro good s-r Eddie Bennett, tho rabbit-foot maa-i cot, hiyjf been fitted for a Yankee unl- form. Better watch the llugmcn' Montreal's $700,000 offer for the I 'einpse -arp.-ntier fight came a llttb?' Ut. ror t'bnuttnas. but Itlelca.nl will always beljexe in 8an'a Clnua. All of Connie Mack kids loirs -Utned but one. The last one is tho, sticker. Two of the Giant's rookies weigh a1 total of 450 pounds. They ought to! quallf). 1 "The Strangler's headlock causes me I No lenr," the rassler said. ."For nature h;i bestowed on me A most pec u I hi r head. ' .M bead la shaped just like wedge, ' It's sharp ned Ilk., a tnik, Vnd when a headlock grips my skull, I stab hlni In the back." |