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Show lot a Crime J to Be Thin, But-- itjKston-iasinj to be do thin thai uaflffrT, c'f ou being "sklnn-. t uaflw rrl nr,"'r '" i" , ; K' iBi!.,!""'iK r,! ' flflflflptb. endurance a 1,1 '"-Iron Phosphate from BauV This .. I- nrthens mm K VsBl l? nt,y t ho t th. tfTaWJaV r 1 ' flW- ' lp, Girls ir. flE-' in- J!jVid ,lr" H In ;rtBtt,l what u L " a r,',nl bwiu- BVfec:lt !,','' " Vl''" r"":" fJa-l!J' ln.. ni i-McS 418 wther wool Mi?' W8D1Sg00dfl' afly J. ETERNAL LIFE - Jeiuj laid un I to her, lam the rtiturrec-ium rtiturrec-ium and tha l(ft : he that believclh in me. thovgh he were dtad, yet shall he lire. And whotwner Iweth andbrJieeth iii km thall never di$. John 11:25, I - - - i g 'iery Picture 5Le Bfc ''mT'B Has Your Back 14; . iv). Given Out? I ''arvS' ncW -w A 011 drain along day in and dav L-$ztf -out with a , nil, throbbing backache"- j W '11 vJ'l l'WW' day;' suf'cr iliarP- torturing twinges at 1 ' i V' ' V!glM '''iVi ' every sudden move- Hien there's something j '' 1 JtPi WtS ' yqEv u wrong' So wh not find our what it is and ' f( ' SjeWp 1 7-- try to correct it? Vou may never have sus- , 's zxS peered your kidneys, yet often it's the kid- 7 XvT ,ieys r'iat are at lault- A cold, strain, or I overwork congests the kidneys and slows them up; poisons accumulate in the system and many mysterious aches and pains result. You may have headaches and dizzy spells, too, with perhaps some annoying bladder irregularity , Don't wait for more serious trouble. You owe it to yourself to get well and stay well. Use I)oans Kidney Pills. They have helped main- Ogden folks. They should help you. These Are Ogden Cases: I I Jefferson Avenue Adorns Avenue Twenty second Street Twenty fourth Street A W Ruosell, ji20 Jefferson Mrs J. 1. Prompton, 3I6S Adams T. If. Itceder. carpenter. 832 22nd Mrs. W. Hadley. 10&3 Mth St.. iflfll Ave. says "I strained my back Ave., sass I .an C ST tain L) praise st . (-as.- Some vears ago 1 had says: "I have used Lioan's Kidney jHH by heavy lifting and suffered se- Ooan's Kidney Pills. Whenever I a severe attack of kidney com- Pills for years as base others in iHHJ verely from kidney trouble I have overworked I have suffered plaint and It ssas at that time that ms family and I can vouch for rflfll couldn't do any lifting at the time severely from kldnev complaint. . 1,-. nmmji iir,,'. wi.mev iiiu mo their merits, for I well know their flflf i.e. ause of the ses ei . ,..tir,B which At times I could har.lls stand be 1 UTml "s" ,-'cv" a "vJne riiis no lhlii rsknn of weak and dls- flflj isoultl catch me In the mall "I m; causi o In ilreadful pains In ion 'r,n Mnc then when I orderetl kldnes y sr times m back flflj back Ms kidneys acted too fre- kidneys. If I walked too fast I have suffered from attacks of lame has been sveak and aching- My ifll Muently anil tin se.rellons . . 1 . ..ul.l l.o greatly troubled ssith ba k I base used Moan's and they kidneys would act Irregularly, too. iH ... and burned In paasage 1 shortnees ( breath 1 i.e. mi. havt always brought 11 ntire re- 1 Kidm-s riiis have neser ssould have such dlizy spells I easlls SXClted and felt all out of lief other members of the fainlls failed to cure me when I have j flH WOUld often fall right over. I read sorts. I alwuvs use Moan's Kid- base also found this remedy good been troubled In this way ansl I HH ftboUl Doan'S Kldne) fills and a nes Pills from McBrlde's llrug and I can honestly say that ll mer- .an especially recommend Moan's 'H r.uple ,,f boxes from t'ulles B Miug ' Store for these troubles and they lis iln. words of praise. 1 get for children with disordered kid- 111 Store rellcsetl ihe trouble' als-.as.-. gasi tint 1. suits' DOSJl'S at Mclntyrc's Drug Store " ness." Kll Doan's Kidney Pills I Every Druggist has Doans, 60c a box. Foste r-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. BBBBBjBBBSJpaSJHaM |