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Show oo r, T Little Benny s Ma was darnlnc holes out of stockings , and pop was wafting for 'he telefon.- to i mc on account of Ixpecttng It to. and I was laying .m the floor writing, and ma ed, Benny, are sou iIoIpt s our lessins'' No mam. I'm svrltinK epltaffs for nee-; nee-; ph-s RTaves. I i-d. and ma sed. Well of 'all things, for nierses sakes. who ever herd of BUtoh a thine. Ise sot es'ers btrfl s s in this roORl. do you wunt to heer yourg. ma'.' 1 aed. Certeny not. RoorlnlsK Krayshlss sutch B creepv Ideer. sefi ma. and pop sed ' b-t hi reed It, this mile be the ons chance youll eveV luive to beer your own epltaff. 1 don I ssunt a chance, aed ma. and I ed. yours Is a grwni one, ma. And 1 red It. being- Heer lies Mrs Potts Mhe was ' middle nice and plumb. And she Rase I her ony son and heir mauy a crack and bump. Ha ha ha, sed pop lafflnp. middle size and plump Is a gTate inscription, ha ha I ha. Knbody that thinks Us funny I Q-: Q-: titled to laff at It, Ned ma. Meenlng she dldenl. and I aid. I.lssen yours. pop. I sours Is even better. And J red iops. beliiR. Heer Ilea Willyum Potts, be had a inustash but no beard. And the hair that was once on his bald spot had lonr sines disapso) d Met- bee Inc. tha- 'he best discripti .n I sver herd in my life, now tbats reely 1 funny, ws- dent ou laff. Wills uni. bee hco iiee. sed ma. I trust I cm Kee the humor of If I without falllnc to the floor in uncontestable uncon-testable merth. Benny. If you havent donevyour lfesain yet Its high time you began them, sed pop. Yen sir. 1 sed. Wicli I did. oo |