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Show WANTS TO PREP JESS FOR HIS COMEBACK ' u ii wi DBR. Tommy tllibons wanL to he knowti as a heaN-yweljrht from now on. 1 Jess Wlllard has asked Cibbons to prop him for his fiRht with Dempsey- "That'll suit me fine." says Gib-i Gib-i lons. ; "Eddie Kane. ,ny manaRer, has wlr-ed wlr-ed for tefmn. If they suit. I'll be glad to train the ex-.hamp for his cotne-I cotne-I back. "I want to mix with heavies. Tiiy- Iway, Notir ,jf th'- mddlcweigbfs will I box no . j "I'm a.i big as Carpentler- If the lnchman is a heavyweight so am I." . TOnnmy, younger brother of the wonderful won-derful Hike, now retired, occupies the same place Dempmj held a few months ago. Nobody win riRlit him. Like Dempaey ho's been called the Imnst feared fighter !n his da.s in poj Ulism. But it gets him no business , of i lie f'-tt matches i keti 6S per rent are called off later by the men se' lected as opponents. rRAIXIXG ; i I : s. I Gibbons ha worked out a scientific training system. No towel-swinging Is done In his corner. Cold water eooling Is taboo. "I use the towel -to keep me warm not as a cooler. 1 "They blanket a race horse between heats. Baseball pitchers wear sweaters sweat-ers between Innings. if you coOl off between rounds it takes a mlmiie of the next lo got back fighting pee,i again- "I'd like to try out this system on J ' r. "Some day I'm going to be the hea- v weight champion. Vnd if 1 am I'll fight for what I can draw at the gate just as 1 do now. "Xo boxer is worth more than he can draw." |