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Show BALMY AIR OF SUNDAY DRAWS FORTH THRONGS Signs that never fall were everywhere ev-erywhere In evidence about tho city yesterday, tacitly reminding gden Itlzens that if spring Isn't here, it Is lust around the corner, anyway. The balmy air of Sunday proved to le a magnet that drew hlber-nators hlber-nators from their winter homes to sniff ozone and bask in the sun. Robins, unerring harbingers of coming spring, perched atop tho trees eherrily sang and chirped, their ruddy breasts ruffled by the tempered wind, as they poured forth their message to the city. Roys with grimy knuckles and muddy knees grouped themselves around "rings" shooting marbles, meanwhile muttering mystically of "taws," "mlggles," "flints" "minks," and such. The open weal her too, had its victims among the elders. All over the city could be seen automobile owner with boots and hose leaning the cars of winter's accumulations of mud. And later in the day they were enjoying en-joying tho air with their families, fam-ilies, as they drove along tho miles of hard-surfaced roads in and about the city. In the business district the streets were thronged with prom-enaders. prom-enaders. top coats loosened or furs thrown back, leisurely walking walk-ing along absorbing the balmy air and taking especial pleasure in what the day had to afford. With a brilliant sun and a slight, warm breeze, tho thermometer ther-mometer reached CI degrees during dur-ing the early afternoon yesterday and warmth prevailed throughout through-out the evening and night. Tho minimum last night was but 41 degrees, which is a higher point reached throughout many days Just passed. I 'nsi I tied . ither conditions are predicted tonight and tomorrow, tomor-row, with probable ruin tomorrow afternoon, according, to the daily weather report of the I'nlled States weather bureau. Cooler temperatures arc also expected on |