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Show LESION OPPOSES SOUTHP BILL Ogden Former Soldiers Send Memorial to Legislature Protesting Enactment Vigorous potcal apalnst thc enact- j merit of ihe Southwlck antlelfjnrel bill , in its iires.'iiL foam has been registered! i by the Herman linker post No. of, !tho American Legion in t'gclcn in a 'resolution sent to the lu.iue of repre-1 sentatiyes anl which will be read to-1 '.lay. ; The former soldiers of WcIhc counti who arc members of the local post lake the Soul'iwick .measure ud ;a blow to personal liberty and as vlvlation oi the hol principles of Amertinn Justice The resolution, : which bears the title of "A Memorial to the Senate and iho House of Rop-resenuutlves," Rop-resenuutlves," follows: Your memorialist, the Herman Baker.tpost NO. 'J tt t'tah. of tho. j American legion, respectfully ivpre-; 'sents that: I "Whereas, your memorialist repre-, eiyu " organisation f men who . . t -rod the military service of the . v, mi rv- m the name of law ami !n ihe name of liberty, an organization ot linen wn ;re dedicated to the preservation preser-vation of llbert and to the enforce-1 ment of law, and who will always -tan. I p.-epartMl t'.- assSl whenever olther shall bc threatened; and, Whercus. sahl Herman iaker post No y of Ltau, of the Amerlcau Legion, deems-the effect of the present sen-l (ate bill No. IS, commonly known as the ahtl-clgaret bill, now pending be-!fort be-!fort your body, to be repressive ot j freedom and antagonistic to the fJrin-lelplet: fJrin-lelplet: of freedom for which your ine-Imorlalist ine-Imorlalist stands, and, Whereas, the proposed senate bill No 12 will act to bring .liscrcuu upon the body of law of the State, being of a nature to make violation of it easy and comparatively safe and thus ln-duolng ln-duolng a facile contempt ot' all law; and. Whereas, such S law is by its very nature impossible of enfoi cement and Its presence on the Statutes of I tah would serve only to bring the body of those statutes Into disrepute, Just and necessary laws sharing In the contempt con-tempt Of an unjust and useless law, and. Whereas, tho choice as to whether or not a citizen shall smoke cigaretais purely an Individual and moral choice and is of no legislative or social concern, con-cern, and ts a choice. In short, which le one of the prerogatives of personal liberty and therefore f particular ictffj to your memorialist which Ls . omposed of men who remember and strive to perpetuate In all men the memory that Americans hae over bet n i- ilons to preserve and vigilant to det&d the right of individual freedom free-dom f conscience; and, "Whereas, senate ini No, 12. seek-in; seek-in; as it does by effect. If not by in 1 1 it i i o i . to entali tho freedom of oon-I oon-I SClenCa and tl)! liberty of moral action leaser tap) bj the Decle.re.tl6n of inde-pondepoe inde-pondepoe and guaranteed by the con-stltutkln con-stltutkln of tho United States, not only 'opposed to ancient and holy principles princi-ples of American Justice, but also projects pro-jects the legislate function of the state into the domain of conscience, where it Is forbidden to go, and makes Insecure for Ihe future chat confidence tin republican institutions which is ut once the the glory aucl the safeguard of our counti v . and, "Whereas, your memorialist is Convinced Con-vinced thut It is for the Pest Interests of I'tah that the traditions of Ami -can freedom be not so ouslly forgotten, forgot-ten, so deliberately denied at:d th'rov i into disrepute, lhat this menace to freedom be not allowed to succeed under un-der its disguise; that this tyranny.: however un-se!f-consclous tyranny t. querading as progress or bencvo-: bencvo-: in.', be not pierraltted to gain a grasp ' upon the state of Utah; ' Now, therefore. Herman Baker, post No 'j of Utah, ol the American Legion, rcspct tfullv petitions thai senate sen-ate hill No. 12. commonly known a3 the nntlclguret bill, be rejected." (Signed) "HERMAN BAKER POST M . : of- ir.Il, OP THE MKi:i CAN LElOlON. 'By Knslgn Merrick coinuian.l.r; Lyrtn Lundberg, vice comniandei ' Hernard I e 'olo chaplain I I ii man of the committee to memorialise memor-ialise the legislature." |