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Show LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DELINQUENCY DE-LINQUENCY OF THE SAME. To Whom it May Concern: Ender authority of Section 27S of tho Complied Laws of Clah. 1307 and as directed di-rected by Section 1056 of th.. Revised Ordinances Or-dinances of Orcden City, Utah. 1315. The undersigned treasurer of Ogden City, Utah, hereby gives notice that u special tax for the purpose of paying the costs of paving tho street railway tracks of tho Utah Rapid Transit Company on Washington avenue, from tho intersection of Washington avenue und Otden ii r In said Ogdon City, to the north corporate corpo-rate limits of said Ogden City, In Paving District No. 128. sUld paving consisting of the laying of double and single track street railways, with fteel rails, ties, bonds. Joints, ballast, Including the necessary neces-sary frogs, switches nnd turnouts and the constructing of curbs on each Mdo ol said railway trades, and the constructing of culverts, drainage and irrigation systems. sys-tems. Including the Installation of overhead over-head structures for conducting electrical current, together with all other things necessary to do and to fully complete a of said work In Ogden City, Utah, has been levied and confirmed by on Ordinance Ordi-nance of the Board of Commissioners ol Ogden City. Utah, adopted and passed January 31. 1021, and published February 2. 1321 Said special tax Is levied upon all prop, erty abutting on tho following street to wit: All of the railway track. Including tl. s, Iron, rondbed rights of way. sidetracks and appurtenances. Including all buildings and renl estate belonging to said Utah Rapid Transit Company, and used by It for the purpose of Operating street nslb vu I'ue-o nnu 111 eniriii, 011 U1C u.ifinoad of a street railway company within the corporate limits of said Ogden City all as one property. which said property Is more particularly described, not however for the purpose of limiting tho foregoln; general description, as follows: First. All and singular tho property and equipment owned by the Utah Rapid Tnmslt Company. Including roadbed, rlrthta of way. real estate, stutlons. station sta-tion grounds, power house rolling stock, engine, boilers, electric generators und Other machinery, poles, lines, wires, etc., telephone and Other apparatus, togothl 1 with all ilcht... licenses, privileges and fianchisea ol every kind nnd dent rlptlon to the Utah Rapid Transit Company, be-longing be-longing and all Its property of every n imc .in, I nature wherever situated. Including: 1. The follow bur described streel and Uburban electric railway lines, lands mid other real and personal properly and rights und Interests' ot property owned by LEGAL NOTICES 1 he Company or to which It may bo en I n I' d, all or part of which was formerly , held In tho name of and owned by the Ogden. lognn & Idaho Railway Company, a Clah corporation, or the Utah-Idaho ''iilral Railroad Company, a Utah corpo-ration, corpo-ration, -ill of which last above named cor- I poratlons wero tho predecessors In Inter- . est of the Company. (a) Those certain lines of electric 1 1 street railway located in tho Cltv of o- j don. County of Weber. State of Clah more particularly described as follows to-w It: I (1) Commencing at tho Intersection of .Thirty sixth street nnd Washington avenue. ave-nue. In said Ogden City, extending th. rv e I In a northerly direction along Washing-i , ton av. nue and the- extension of snld us, j nue to the north limits of said Ogden City, a distance of four and seventy four 1 hundredths (4.74) miles. (NOTE). 3 7 miles of tho above do scribed line Is double track. 91 miles Is paved double track and .41 miles Is paved single track. (2). Commencing nt the Intersection of Thirty-third street and Vnll avenue. In 6nld Ogden City, extending thence north- erly alone Wall avenue to the Inters I Hon of Wall avenue and Twenty-fourth I street, thence easterly along snld Twenty-1 Twenty-1 fourth street to the intersection ot said , Twenty fourth street and Washington avenue, a distance of approximately 1.755 miles. (NOTE). 57 miles of nbove trackage Is paved double track. :5 miles of the aoovo i Is pave single track. I (3) Commencing- at the intersection of Wall avenue and Twenty fifth street. In I said Ogden City, and extending thence j easterly along Twenty-fifth street in ; said city, to the Intersection of said ; Twenty-fifth street nnd Polk avenue, a 1 distance of approximately I SO miles. (NOTE). .81 miles of the above- line. Is I paved double track. .7S miles Is paved sin , Sp track (4) Commencing at the Intersection of Jefferson avenue and Twenty. fifth street 1 I In :.alJ Ogden City, thence south along iftld Jeiforron avenue to the Intersection jof Jf f ferrjon uvcnuo and Twenly-s'-vcnth 'street, thence enst along Twenty -seventh I .Mreet to ihe Intersection of said Twenty-. Twenty-. -ntli i...t nnd Van P.urcn avnuc, 1 dl 1 nee of 1.00 n Hi ! ' NOTE). 137 mil. 3 of the above track- ' "X Is pned olnrrlc track. ; ("I Commencing tit the- intersection of Wa hlngton avenue and Twenty-third Ir.troot, in snld Ogden City, extending thence east on Twenty-third street to the '.nterset tlon of Twenty-third street and Harrison avenue thence south on Harrison Harri-son avenue to the intersection of Harrison Harri-son avenii" and Twenty fourth street In said Ogden City, a distance of approximately approxi-mately 1.297 miles. (NOTE) 16 1 miles of the above track- j age Is paved single trock. (6) Commencing at the Intersection of ! Washington avenue and Twenty-first Bin t. in said Ogden City, and extending-thence extending-thence cast on Twenty-first atreet to tho Intersection of Twenty-first street and Van Buren avenue, a distance of approximately approx-imately l.no miles. (NOTE). All single truck, no paving. I (7) Commencing at the Intersection of W.i hlngton avenue nnd Seventeenth tre '. In said Ogden City, extending west I on Seventeenth street a distance of ap proximately .4 miles, (5) Commencing at the Intersection of Washington avenue and Twenty-eighth street. In said Ogden City, and extending thence east on Twenty-eighth street to I UM Intersection of Twenty eighth street and Jefferson avenue, thence south on Jefferson avenue to the Intersection of Jefferson uvcnuo and Thirty-third street. ja distance of approximately one mile. (NOTE). All single track; one half mile of tho above trackage ia paved. (9) Commencing at the Intersection of Washington avenue. Second street and Harrlsville road and extending thence In a northwesterly direction on Harrlsville road for a distance of 61 miles. I (NOTE) All single track, no paving. (10) Commencing at the Intersection of Washington avenue and Canyon road In said Ogden City, and extending thence in an easterly direction to the cast city limits lim-its of said city, a distance of approxl-I approxl-I mutely 2 20 miles. (NOTE). No paving: 0.53 miles of the above tr." kage Is double track (b) Also all wires, cables, conduits transformers, pipes, meters, tools. Instruments, Instru-ments, equipment and appliances, materials mate-rials supplies, books, papers, records, accounts, ac-counts, franchises, licenses, agreements, contracts rights, casements, privileges, and Immunities, nnd all other property and property rights of whatsoever chor-actor chor-actor or nature and wherever situated, real personal or mixed, now owned, held, possessed or enjoyed by, or In any man ncr conferred upon the company; und tho reversion and remainders. revenues rents Issues and profits thereof; and olso all the estate, right, title, and Interest Inter-est property, possession, claims and demands de-mands whatsoever, as well In canity as at law, of the company, and any and part thereof, also all books, records, furniture and office supplies, and devices, appliances and equipment which tho company com-pany now owns. It being intended that all of tho property prop-erty of evorv kind now owned, possessed or "enjoyed by the company shall be ' as fully embraced within the foregoing do acrl'ptlon and subject to tho levy hereby made, as If all of such property wero specifically described. Said tax Is payable in ten Installments. The first Installment becomes delln-quent delln-quent on the 24th day of March. 1921. The second installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on tho 2nd day of February. 1922. Tho third Installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on tho 2nd day of February. 1923 The fourth Installment becomes delln quent on the 2nd day of February. 1324. The fifth Installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 2nd day of February, 1325. The sixth installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 2nd day of February. 1926. Th seventh lnstallmi-nt becomes delln quent on the 2nd day of February. 1927. The eighth installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on tho 2nd day of February. 1928. Th.- ninth installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 2nd day of February. 1929. The tenth Installment becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 2nd day of February. 1980. Each of said installments draws Interest In-terest at the rate of six per conf par annum from tho 2nd day of E cb-ruury cb-ruury 1931 until delinquent, and If snld tux or anv Installment thereof shall remain re-main unpaid after the delinquency of the same; Interest thenon thereafter will be at the rate of eight POT cent per annum until such assessments are fulTy paid. All special taxes are payable at the office of-fice of tho city treasurer Ir. tho city hall, at Ogden Cll. Utah. C. T. KOONS. City Treasurer. Published In The Ogden Standard Examiner. Ex-aminer. First publication February 10, 1921. I.ast publication February 14, 1921. |