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Show SjDaughte and His Son I P (;f aaf Married Life Story by 1PAH McGLONE GIBSON wNs SECRET SSsT,, ESSES Ajpderslandinc. Kn I fr"lC,he subject of love -IB.. fioecr the society I ?lh the descrlp- KitH"1-:, ,ur escapades Mfiyg. ."V-ver forgiven my M-nf lhLv had no right 15 these ''" an-l when Jen SW- ' Ln I love you. Kifjtf know, to 1 V'hh "requirement and fejrj iW un.l ir.a WE', Km 'im' Mjrn' Krr! . rsm, I,-. .rsV Tr' ur but H5 bu. Ann I Rav. sassi Si fellow. fellows I enough, if you would call it. to keep'thos. words sacred for the woman I love " I "hvI. ,am sorrv- Jerry, vary sorry Jerry hold up his hand. "Dob?t sav it Ann. Live me another cll4n I II "wall for you until I nm old and looilne-o u neoo.ary ' " I smikd. and oven Jerry grinned at his promise. I mean It," he said sluullv. ovo you and hut' "n 1 dollbl you' 3Try dar. at all, It can never be interrupted jPrrv I hi-. .hi. have known U the moment! saw ypu this afurnuon. Is there anvone rise a nn "You have no right to ask (hat. Jerry but I am golnr to answer vou Yes " "It Isn't Jim. is It! Surely. It 'isn't Jim. No it Isn't Jim." Bnid a jltt, wearily lerrv clasped both m hands ami rayed ray-ed lonK and searcliintcly jn mv "jf(. found the an.wer. f..i ii exclaimed! "Oh, Ann: Ann I know what a fool I hnv leen. I ut nr.t so ureal as he nn not so preat as he r have not been f.'Olisn en.-ucii to pick up the piece of class and let the jewel l hut 1 miRlu have had drop from mv hand." Stop. Jerry, stop. will not hae you Uy that. ou have no right to even guess who V "Yes. I have. Ann. I have the right of a man who lovea you." His words, goaded me into defending Ken. and I said ' Jerry, you have rrn reason for thinking that ih man knew and I have no reaeon for hoping that he Will ever know." Ann.' said Jerry "wliv should von and I be unhappy becauae another has made a ureat mistake?" "That's it. Jerry that's It. One of Hi. ?r-ai laasona of life Is thai not only do we have to pay for our own mistakes but often w. must dn that much harder hire pay tr. the fullest for ihe mis-tak.v- of other."." Tomorrow |