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Show ?S The. most convenient, efficient i sS razor outfit fl A safety razor and stropping device combined in one m ill I r ' 1 TTVERY man knows that a laj f T'7.- - ' 2 stropped razor blade gives a II ;' quicker, a cleaner, a more comfortable shave. ml ' Eecause of its unique, patented 1 design, the AutoStrop Razor can be Pl No skill necessary- stropped without removing the j Torev.thChnekecncdg. blade. Just slip the strop through 2 ?SSV!SZ the razor head' and give the razor a Suh thc .zor hcd dozen quick passes over the strop. I M forth you don-t have In 10 seconds you have a new, Um ttSSTigXtt: sharp shaving-edge! 500 cool 1 comfortable shaves are guaranteed II L from each dozen blades. Wj eMpSfex, Get an AutoStrop Razor today and en- edii f C jy tlie comfort and convenience of a 1 SW ' safety razor and stropping device com- ' ! bintd in one. Ask your dealer about the f AutoStrop Razor trial plan. lnB the leaf of a book f fM AuKrotrop Razor j !en, Bimplv rmse and I If ; -sharpens itsdj &Vl 5Sbreieesfrte SVES CONSTANT BLADE EXPENSE JfM b,ode Qdjuits it for close OnrMor3,ttfop8,blades,etc..hereaftermanufacTU. nil W "umkhavinp. ie- us we shill apply the trade mark Valet In 1 kit f addition to thc trade mark "AutoStrop as on 2 11 It 1 I sdditiona indication that they arc the genuine products of the AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Yeat s 3u C&fMeAi r OT iW i The farmer does not get enough money for the food he sells: but the consumer, who buys it, pays too much. It is high time that Uncle Sam constituted himself a policeman to protect both producer and consumer. f If he keeps the in-between boys from raiding the w I Public-Food melon patch, the producer will no longer 1 have to put up with so small a return and, what is just as important, the public will not have to pay ex- orbitant prices for food. I 1 v! The Farm Bureaus, expressing the Bureaus. Its vision is national: for J I minds cf the orginized farmers of in gathering the sound, hc'.pful mn- H America, are setting out to convit:ec tonal which mal.ee u" it" 52 big weekly Uncle Sam that he must acf. It is issues its editors and contributors j oniy by national mobihzation that travel the country over in search of the farmers can hope to secure action latest news and '-he best opinion. Its I on tiiis and other questions whose editorial policy can therefore be ac- I solution vitally affects the future of ccpted as fairly voicing the thcy.ght ' our fanning industry. Thc Farm of thc America n f:rr:cr. t-: Bur?au Movement descrcs the sup- Ycu wcnt and need thia national K port of each and every citizen. mirror of farm progrcsr. It cc.'ls I The Country GentleivIan, as only $1.00 for a year. Many farm- j y's the great national champion cf pro- em coy it's the best buy they ever $j f.rccs'.ve methods, is thoroughly in made. Send a dollar bill cr your accord with th"6 cims of thc Fari check iodcy. th?Copy 93?e COUNTRY GENTLEMAN th?yZ S H Circulation 800,000 Weekly The Curtis p''V:ishing Company, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania ! Also Publishers of Th SATURDAY EVENING POST and TllE LADIE5' HOME JOURNAL Get An Aluminum Sci $9.75 I You may have it for that price on a $25 purchase at oir store. It is worth $18.50 regular retail price. NO MORE OF OLD H. C. L. 10 Bars of Crystal White Soap 50c " Phone Independent Meat Co. i Phone j 390 2420 WASHINGTON AVE. I 391 1 - |