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Show GIRL SHEARS HER LOCKS. SELLS THEM FOR NATION LONDON. Jan 22. Correspond -- An Kngluh girl has Jiiat St an example of patriotism to he( -trs of this or other countries b lU-llnr lU-llnr orf and selling her hair and n 1 lUB the proceeds to the gos ernmwot to u lp relieve its financial situation. The flrl's name ha not been made public Her letter iinnouucir.ir hr itf i I received at a government offfes reads. "To help, even though in a sari Mi.oll way. the country In tbe preset,; nnaadal dfflculUe. I have had my mmlr cut off and hae sold it. With .the man; thus obtained 1 have bought' W Sf Aavinsa Oertlfu ate, wt.-ch I have1 lcttro-d The BKHiej Is thus a dir t Bt tp th country If it,;. ..,u.. OS t'oi.lished. perhaps many other Rlrls! a rt. as I hinr d.n. .111.1 thousands' oi peo(i,. f,i4;. os "nruumcH u. ii I up something that would benefit the! country financUII) J The letter was published, but euiule-i r of the writers VSampIS he rtOti c "-u h rd A reason may be found in " ' hi1" drr ' bslrdrtuera that j rV0,e1 loi-sa are nu longer fashion-' I |