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Show NO WALL FLOWERS OR STAGS AT DANCES LOGAN" Kcb. H. Chivalry blossomed blos-somed forth at the annual ball given I b the girls of the S:gmA Theta Phil sorority or the Utah Agricultural col-i lege In the Smart gymnasium. Every- 1 "np was struck by the absence of wjII-1 wjII-1 flowers, or extra ladles, or "stags. " ( 1 And Inasmuch as no wall flowers were I to be present no provisions were made j j for them, seat- being furnished fori patrons and patronesses only. Dcco- ' I rations in lat'ice work beautified the hall and replaced the chairs and no! I one could sit down unless he sat on lids lattice work which was very frail end unbabiforlabl. In other words, everj-'Jack had his Jill, or vice versa. . This was very easily accomplished.' Bach girl had an escort and he at-Icnderl at-Icnderl to all her wants The g!rls were not provided with prog runs as j , U9Pf IO be the case but ony the men, ; ind when they wished to dance with joine younf. lady her partner danced with his. in other words the boys j 1 exchanged dances" The girl never knew Wth u 1,0m she was going to! dance, but she was always sure of al Partner. This has been brought about I l"rou'b sorority and fraternity spirit, j I Each girl wants 10 see her sorority! 1 HL,er W,,n "" esrorl 111111 every boy. likes to se his fraternity brother with I a partner. .- they arrange e r t h:nt 1 satlsfactorilv to all . t no |