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Show BOY-ED'S MARRIAGE BALKED BY CENSORS BERLIN. Feb. 14 Captain Karl Boy-Ei. former uaviU attache of the German embays, si Washington, who was married at Hi mburg to Miss Virginia Vir-ginia MacKay-Smlth, now is In tho employ of tho North German Hahsal league, an organization devoted to furthoring German shipping, Indus-j trial and commercial Interests. The former naval attache would not' have left the United States In Decern-1 ber. 1915. unmarried. If the consors had not held up a German official dls-1 patch to the Washington embassy In I I Which the German foreign office gave jits consent to Captain Boy-Ed's rnar-1 jrlago In tho United States, j Permission previously bad been refused. re-fused. Th message was in cipher and for that reason was not delivered to the German embassy until after. I Boy-Ed had embarked. 00 |