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Show IDAHO TO RETAIN SCHOOL AT ALBION BOISE Ida., Feb 14 Refusal of I .the seunte of tn- present legislature to aboll-.h the state normal school located lo-cated at Albion In Cassia county, was voiced .Saturday, thereby settling a controier-y that arises biennially and upon which much pending legislation I- in-, . The act. it Is believed In legislative 1 circles here tonight clearly indicates that from now on no effort will bo made, to attack other state instutlons but fhnt they will be liberally taken care "i Instead. It Is said to mean that the flsht against the state board of edit, at.'on :o abolish the office of I commissioner of education will be mabthcrcd in the upper house. ' I ! It was the north that saved the A1- I bion normal. That is conceded, and 'th north is virtually interested in yt.nvn normal and in the state uni-vlerpay. uni-vlerpay. For ehen years the Albion fig).: has been an issue in the legls-lture legls-lture The effort to wipe out that iniitutlon tins session failed as miserably mis-erably ;us it has failed every other time the issue has come up. |