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Show uu GUILLEMOT SUFFERS FRACTURE IN FOOT NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Josof Guillemot, Guil-lemot, ih.. French Olympic runner, suffered H fracture of a bone of the right foot .luring the race against American Am-erican stars at Madison Square Garden Gar-den last Saturday, it was announced. The Frenchman, who will bo unable to walk without a cane for at least a month, wlil return to Frai . 1 A statement issued by J. S. Johnston, John-ston, chairman of the athletic committee commit-tee of the Guaranty club, which Invited In-vited Guillemot to compete, snid he I was in excellent shape when he arrived ar-rived but that training on a board track had aggravated an Old injury. Guillemot had been urged not to race If the foot pained him or ir mere was danger of permanent injury, Mr Johnston declared. "It Is apparent," he added, "that Guillemot ran the last half mile on his nerve and grit alone, as this fracture must have occurred along about the mlddlo of the ruce " oo |