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Show "Iedtime stories JBY HOWARD R. GARIS WCILV ftND THE CANDV nO ft , ' - s t3t dti i - ' :l2 in IBS l . M - ' 91101 ih window oi th i. n '-f- r i-'i-V" awl Kfe inin . I 5 J ; "Ilcr. is something I think FloppJ would like." spoke the little mousie girl holding up a I6na box "What Is In ll?" a skied the bono) gen lleman. " v imrprlse." answetd the little tnotisi. Bftrl. "Don't open it until : ou k' W Flop- pj 'S ),..M. ' "All right!" protnlsed I in li 'l;fiil So he paid the miii. moiule kin clerk and, taking the long package In his j-jv. aWa) he hopped, leanina heavily on his red white and hiue striped barber pole rheumatism crutch, The bunbj gontli roanV- rheumatics were hurtinc that da) i rii.n i know what I'd do without my cVutch," he said mJ I'd better be gel ting back to Nurse Jane and mj hollow stump bungaloa before ih. pain grows worse." NOW, while I'm If W iKKily was hip pltj bbpplng along with Floppy's mii-pnse no rn Hi,, ran. I. sti.n- I hi- hod old lev and Wolf . nniiik' ovci the hill. The) saw ihe imnny gentleman poIhk alone. "I know how we can cut eh Unc,)e Wig-. Wig-. i. " marled the Wolf. How?" barked the ' . "I'll run i i -mil taki fw.w his crutch," said tlx- Wolf "HI k'nih It. run awa) and lild'1 It. He ha Ihe iheumatism so badlj toda) thai he can't walh without !ii- i rut r. .n.i when I take it awaj be eiin'i ko any farther and you can run upl and Krab him, and nibble Ick ears. Uut ' jie senile nibbles lor mo." I v. iii." pnomuied the Fox. So the i "oi old Wolf got ready! nnd. when Cncle Wlggilv was wondering what Kurae Jane would have nice for his sup per. all of a sudden up behind him ) Jumped the U olf. grabbing awaj the bun i n crutch. ".Vow he can't Kft away, Mr Kox!, ; Etuah up nnd nibble his ears!" howled ill. I Won But It w as SO .dipp-ry thai he To : could not run up light away, and this gave Uncle Wlggily a chance to get hl I breath; also to think "Ob. how can I gt sway from thi i Fox and Wolf" the bunny gentleman usked himself. For the Wolf bad run un ahead to hide the crutch, and the Pox had not yet COme UP. "If I Onlj had a stick I I ..I i ethfng to lean on i inigKI limp to I no bungaloa before the PVw can k-m mo," thought the poor bunny. "Mut there isn't a stick In sight: What can I use for; a crutch?" Then he thought of the lontr thing ii- candy store mousie girl elerk had given him for Floppy. "I'll open It- end see what It xnld the bunnj And when I'ncle W1gg.lv opened the box in ii wai long, r-d end whlti sttiped peppermint . and eane" Think of that! oh, hurray!" cried L'nele W.lgglly. "A cajtdy cane! I can lean on that as well as j ..ii hiv crutch) Now i am saved!" Betore the i!i ioiiI.I run I..,.;., and before Ihe Kox ould come up. away hop ; ped the bunny, leaning on the Cand) cane He safely reached Floppy's house where; he Maveii until c poll-email "J".;.' went iiiul cot back the n'l. Whltt 'ind blue sniped iiii. li where the WoM had hidden it. "I'm gtad you brought mc a cand) cani." grunted Floppy. "Vary Kiad. On do Wlggily." "go am I." said the l.unn. . a. he hop ,,. ,i i., hi., bungalow. And if the ..ko of soap doesn't try to dress up like a rhon late cookie, and tool the puppy dop. I'll t.ll you next about Uncle WtBirily and 1 1., dinni i pau |