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Show MOTORISTS RUSH TO GET LICENSE PLATES With Match 1 only a few dayi away. Iwh n a campaign will bo begun by the 1 police and sheriff's department against I motorists who huve not obtained thell ill:' I automobile licenses, the county treasurer's office Is being subjected Uo Ihe greatest rush In Its history b motorists anxious to procure the plate and, avoid possible arrest. Festordas the license clerk accepted 125 applications ap-plications for the plati-s. the number smashing all previous records for one In V County Treasurer David W. Evan announced this morning that through J .1 new system, the license plates are I now being sent direct from the of- f ice of the1 secretary of state to the home of Uie applicant. Applications are accepted In the treasurer's office land within three days th. motorist will have his new plates delivered to his residence by nruvll. |