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Show oo I ACTION NOT TAKEN ! AGAINST MISS ROBISH J V Rockefeller and h F Tro-i I haugh, arrested In connection with' the discovery of a still at 1800. Twenty-fifth Street, ;ir,- at the city Jail, pending the arrival of the i'niiedl States Marshal from Salt 1-ake. Tin- marshal is expected 10 arrlvol in i.tRden this afternoon. Miss Kathryn Rohlsh. arrested In connection with Rockefeller and Tro-! haugh. will not face court action, po- ', lice report. LI having been ascertained that Miss Rpblsb was m rely a room' -at the house where the still was op-! crated. She will, however, appear as a wit-1 ness, it in said. Arraignment of Rockefeller and' Trobaugh will he before I nited States Gommisaluner K K J'nit, nnd ball will in fixed at that time. Th arraignment Is expected to iaK.- plate, this afternoon or tomorrow. Police woro given information regarding re-garding presence of the still bv a part.' who Inspected the houte with the view to purchasing It. It was learned today. |