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Show REDS THINK HARDING WILL REOPEN TRADE LONDON. Feb. 24. With thr. Installation Instal-lation of the Harding administration, .America's attitude toward soviet Rus-isla Rus-isla will be radically changed. Ludwtg C. A- K. Martens, former bolshevik represcnattlvo at Washington, declared declar-ed in a Moscow statement received here Wednesday. American business 'housen already are preparing to trade with Rus.nla, ho declared. Washington I. Vanderllp, who Is reported re-ported to have negotiated with the defacto Moscow government for trade concessions In Siberia, will return to Russia! Martens declared, but concrete results will be accomplished only when the I'nlted States kIvcs adequate roar-antees roar-antees of trade ex liunges. The Harding Hard-ing government would undoubttdly give these, he said Martens stated that his recent de- iportatlon from America was the work jof "the Wilson group." and did not 'reflect th trua sentiment of tho nation toward the soviet regime. "There are no grounds for anxiety lover future relations with America," Iho concluded. "American manufacturers manufac-turers will form a trade agreement with Russia beforo the other countries.' |