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Show mm to ride WITH HARDING ! MARCH FOURTH President to Follow Old Estab-I Estab-I lished Custom; Plans for Day Announced I WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 President Wilson will ride with President-elect Harding to tho capltol on March 4. it w:is announced today at tho White House. President Wilson will follow the long established custom of riding to the capltol with tho Incoming president presi-dent on March 4 under plans of the congressional Inaugural committee ap-' ap-' proved by tho president. It was announced an-nounced today at the White House. Whether Mr Wilson will attend the Inaugural ceremonies, has not yet heen made known. Should he do so, ho probably will ride with Mr. Harding Hard-ing to the Whits House, but if he does :not attend, he will go direct from the capltol to his new homo on S btreot-TR4 btreot-TR4 14 PS OP CAVALRY. Four troops of cavalry, numbering 1 360 officers and men. will escort the 'president and president-elect to the capltol and then will accompany Mr. 'Harding to tho White House. The plans of the congressional committee as thev became known today provide for the opening of the day's program with a visit of the committee to the president-elect and vice presidentelect. president-elect. Mr. Coolidge, at tho Now Wil-lard Wil-lard hotel. Aftor this visit, the entire en-tire party will enter automobiles and, ! accompanied by the cavalry, drive to the White House where It will be join-led join-led by tho president and Mrs. Wilson. Ti i nu . CAPITOL. ' From the Whits Houso the. procession proces-sion will move over Pennsylvania javenuo to the capltol. There the I president and probably Mr. Harding jwill enter the president's room where I Mr. Wilson Will sign the bills pasi-od ,111 the closing hours of congress. After the new vice president has ! taken the oath In the senate chamber and presented his Inaugural address, the guests will proceed to the steps St thu east front of the capitol. where i Mr- Harding will bo sworn ln. As soon us he finishes his inaugural address ad-dress the new president will depart for the White House M IRENES o DUT1 Five hundred marines ln full dress uniform Will be on duty at the capltol, capl-tol, augmenting the regular capltol I police, and will form a lane through which the guests will pass in ascend-, ascend-, Ing the capitol steps-Mr. steps-Mr. Harding will take the oath In a stanel thirty feet sejuare which has I been erected on the steps. This stand will accommodate only tho presidentelect. president-elect. Chief Justice White, the members mem-bers of the congressional committee, and a fow eithers. The other guests will stand during I tho ceremonies. Besleles the marines and cavalry-. 1 500 regulars from Camp Meade, Mary-land, Mary-land, will ho brought to Washington on tho morning of March 4 for guard duty along Pennsylvania avenuo. |