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Show - 1 HOUSE CALENDAR Wednesday. Feb. 23. Forty-fifth day. ACTION ON BILLS. 8 J. M. 4. Dern Favoring reduction reduc-tion of armaments. Signed l speaker. If B. 157. livestock committee Appropriating Ap-propriating $2T.00 from bounty fund for eradication of scabies epidemic. To, enrolling and engr.v-lns; committee. S. B. 54. Peters Changing time for fixing municipal tax levies. Received frm senate and referred to commit-to.0 commit-to.0 on revenue and taxation "if B. 50. Mi Shane Providing surety sure-ty bonds for state officials. House concurs In senate amendments and bill finally iassed and sent to enrolling enroll-ing and engrossing committee 3. B. 14. Jenkins Auto theft bill. Received from senate and referred to judiciary committee. H. B. 9. Howell Relating to special county taxes for publicity purposes. Conference committee report adopted. S. U 2, Peters Reapportionment bill. Placed at foot of calendar. H. B. 76. Pnvls Making state board of education trustees of state Indus- trial school. t'nfnvorably reported. I given second reading and placed on I calendar. II. B 171, Winder Regulating practice prac-tice of embalmlnK- Favorably reported report-ed with amendments . report adopted, bill given second reading and placed on calendar. H. B. SI. Davis Providing for establishment es-tablishment of special uchoots and c'.a.si'S for delinquents. Favorably retorted re-torted with amendments; report adopted, bill given second reading and placed on calendar. 11 B. 144. Lewis Relating to Investments In-vestments by insurance companies. Favorably reported Willi amendments report adopted, bill given second reading read-ing and placed on calendar H. B. 154. Rhees Relating to facilitation fa-cilitation for capture of criminals. Withdrawn by author. If B. 107. Flnllnson --Placing bounty boun-ty of 5 cents on rabbits. Withdrawn by author. H B. 113, Jorgensen Relating to expenditures of state road commission. commis-sion. Withdrawn bv author. H. B. 74. Howell Providing for fish and game fund. Unfavorably reported, report-ed, given second reading and placed on calendar. H. B. 191 Pay. substitute for H. B. 29 Creating board of chiropractic ex-I ex-I amlners. Unfavorably reported, irlv-en irlv-en Hucond reading and placed on calendar. cal-endar. II. B. 174. Calllster Relating to creation cre-ation of Industrial commission. Favorably Favor-ably reported with amendments: report re-port adopted, bill given second reading and placed on calendar. H. B. 90, Day Relating to salo In bulk of merchandise. Including store and restaurant cciutpment. Favorably reported with amendments: report adopted, bill given second reading and placed on calender. H B 129, i 'alllster Relating to bonds In prnbato matters Favorably reported with amendments: report adopted, bill given second reading and placed on calendar. H B. 135. Calllster Relating to pensions pen-sions for pollcemon Favorably reported re-ported with amendments; report ' adopted, bill clven second reading and ' placed on csjendar. II. IS. 209 llvestook committee Re-lailnr Re-lailnr to bounties on prcdatorj animals' ani-mals' ",iv en first and second read-' read-' Ings nnd placed on cab nd.ir H I! 72, Seegmiller Creating statu j road commission. Taken from head of calendar and made special order ofl liUMfSesi for Saturday, February 26. at to clock p m. H. B. 5C. Ivers Appropriating $543.75 to Salt Lake county, erroneously erron-eously paid Into state treasury Favorably Fa-vorably reported by judiciary committee, commit-tee, but recommitted to appropriations committee. H. B. 114. Douglas Providing for punishment for unlawful personations Paaaod : ayes 39: absent I. H R in?. Douglas Providing for compensation for attorneys appointed to defend impecunious rtSSSS. Passed ayes 38. nays 1, absent 8. S. B 33. committee on education Roktin' i.. organization of ountv-school ountv-school districts of first class Rejected; Re-jected; aves 17. nays 23. absent 7 Notice No-tice of motion for reconsideration riven. |