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Show oo WRITE THEMES ON GOOD CITIZENSHIP Themes Were written by students of the Ogden high school last week Cn "flood Cltlsenshlp." and were fea- tured during '"Civic Improvemeni Week." according to Principal A. U, Merrill. ne of the prise w inning therm- vii I ?n ' t 1 to tho . omioltte,- b) Blva King, .i second ear student at tiie high scbooh 'I believe thai oven good iitiren i.s a willing active member of a family, i helpful, grateful, responsible- "A good neighbor One ready to -'i- when asked, and one who anticipates an-ticipates the needs of others and of-, fen; service. "An Industrious pupil at school one who obeys the school laws and i I cooperates With the teacher. "A fire fellow one w ho plays fair. , who be lieves In team work, who plays I up to the game. 'A faithful attendant at divine worship wor-ship one who believing in Uod, Wish-OS Wish-OS to acknowledge Him and show, gratitude to Him. 1 "An upholder of the state one who i olxys the Jaws of J,is rlty and state i beCausi he knows the government ex-1 I ivt- for i'.n common good." |