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Show !r Grand Climax J UNPRECEDENTED 1 1 J All remaining articles that it have been on sale last I week will go, regardless i of cost, for '$2.00 i Ladies Waists, Suits, j j Coats, Dresses, Plumes, ! Skirts. Petticoats.. EV- ' ERYTHING will be sac I ' rificed for $2.00 the ar- I This sale has been a tre- mendous money-saving B ! sale. There are many good ! selections left. Come early j TOMORROW LAST ; No exchanges, no charges ! no refunds j! NATIONAL ' ! OUTFITTING 1 1 COMPANY I I Harry Reinshriber, Mgr. Ilj 9 2345 Washington Ave. It Get instant relief with j ' Tape's Cold. Compound" Don't stay stuf fed-up' Quit blowing and snuffting! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound,'- taken every two hours un-; un-; til three doses are taken usually break ( up a cold and ends all grippe "misery, j The very first dose opens your clog- I ged-up nostrils and the air passages n ojt your head; stops nose "running; re-: re-: Wevcs the headache, duljness, feverish-ij feverish-ij ness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quicket, surest relief known and costs enly a few cents at drug stores. It ; acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pape's. -Advertisement. ' Special children's matinee at the Ogden Theatre tomorrow, Jane and- Katherine Lee in' "Smiles." Doors open 12 m. 00- - Attorney General Mas "Case of Cold Feet". WASHINGTON'. Jan. 23. Charges that Attorney General Palmer had "a plain case of cold feet" when he failed: to appear yesterday before the house rules' committee to explain the need , for further anti-sedition legislation, were made before the committee today i by Representative Rodenberg, Republican, Repub-lican, Illinois. "I don't want to impugn the motives mo-tives of the attorney general," he said,' "but it looks like a plain case of cold feet."' "We're sparring for political advant-' agest," Representative Pou, Democrat,1 North Carolina. "As for 'cold feet' I see evidence of 'cold feet in this com-i miuee. The attorney general simply, decided to submit his views in writing." writ-ing." "Which was a veryd Iscreet tiling to do," Rodengcrg retorted. oo Last times today, "Teeth of the Tiger," Arlcraft 7-reel special, 10c and 20c. Florence Reed in "Woman's' Law," 7-reel special, Alhambral tomorrow, with 2-reel comedy, I 6c, 15c 20c. ! jtf --Zlr' ' ."''. ""JTgM'i "r""MI inaP III 1 I I Mil I IMIWym III! BIIBJigEXCtW J " " " " - -' - - mmm: . , " " ' " En,... i. . i hi ii 111 ii i linn ill mt-i-ti-i i ... i. . ,, . .... , 2461 Washington Avenue j I O EVERAL hundred pairs of our regular high grade shoes contracted for eight months ago, have just arrived. These II J shoes were contracted for at the market price then prevailing which was way below today's market price. This P j enables us to sell these shoes at retail at the present wholesale price. While these shoes were contracted for months ago jj ? SI they were only recently manufactured. Therefore, in style, design, shade of color, they are the very latest creations. I 1 i II They are guaranteed styles for fall of 1920. , I i ? & WE ARE GOING TO GIVE our customers the advantage of our early purchase. Shoes of this quality, this coming ' ? II season will have to retail at $18.00 to $22.50. We are offering these many styles of new complete lines of shoes as III JJ described below in all size 2 to 9 all widths AAA to D for ' I Ii Beaver brown kid lace Tan kid vamp brown suede quarter i 1 1 Bjl Bil Dark Brown kid lace Patent vamp beaver kid top lace j J IHK ) irjw Stone Grey kid lace Patent vamp mat kid top lace ii j J j pCfilM -fF U aCC Patent vamp mat kid top button JJ if JSBllllPal vte Bronze kid lace White washable kid lace l:j Short lines I our Heplar High Grade Slices 1 WOMEN MEN j j I High Grade Welt, and Turn Shoes, Patent and Black High Grade Welt Shoes, Patent Dress, Black Calf and 1 j Kid, Lace and Button $3.95, $4.95, $6.95 Kid, Tan calf of all size., $4.95, $6.95, $8.95 1 I Children's black kid and pat- n'lii c ., - r -ri A SPECIAL I S H . -j j i . Boy s black calf-buUon, sir -3 Growing sirl s shoes, patem T j. , , , , , fi it Ii ent, lace and button, sizes n , , i 1 1 i ir i i i Ladies black, tan and ?rey J? I i . q 2 to 6 lace and black calr, low heel , . , , r? i f 1 I I Lo o kid lace shoes, rrench heels iflra-i'Mi iw i-ii h in ip ii ii -------'fr LAST GALL! s The big pile of Quaker Tires and Tubes is fast disappearing. The sizes you use may I i i still be here and if so you will certainly lose money if you don't EUY NOW. ' I ' S Remember, we cannot buy these tires and tubes now from the factory as cheap as we I j are selling them, but our large stock of Mohawk Cord Tires and Tubes are on the way j j and we must close out these Quakers now. . ? I SIZES NOW IN STOCK AT SALE PRICE I ' THIS IS CERTAINLY A THRIFT WEEK SPECIAL SAVE NOW 8 TIRES RED TUBES : .'r.... Plain Non- Sale i; '''."?. . Tread skid Size Price I 31x4 $20:55 $23.85 .32x3 12.. $2.90 I 32x4 $20.85 $24.25 33x4 ..$3.90 B 33x4 $21.75 $25.25 34x4 . ..$4.00 j f 34x4 $22.05,,. $25.75 34x4 12. .$4.85 I 34x412 $33.00 35x4 12.. $4.90 35x4 12 $33.05 $34.33 36x4 12.. $4.95 .1 36x4 12 ' $34.70 35x5 ..$5.90 37x5 $37.25 , $41.05 37x5 ..$5.95 B GEO. 'A. LOWE CO. THE BIG HARDWARE STORE j ! |