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Show ! BMEURALGIA E f or Headache rt3 i E Rub the forehead t& Im and temples with" rfL VicR's4poru TYOUR. BODYGUARD" - 30?, 607150 f. Slade has moved to w;e i enty.rifth 8trcet Call ca J. J. Brumirntt al i 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty bonds. Phone, 59. no CHILOREl'S MATE AT TRE OGDEN SATURDAY I "Smiles," with Jane and Katherine Leo, the wonderful Fox kiddie stars in the principal roles, will be the special 'matinee attraction at the Ogden the-:atre the-:atre tomorrow from 12 noon to i p. m. The picture was recently pre-rev lowed by a committee and pronounced as a typical children's photoplay with a powerful lot of good scenes. I The success of the Lee sisters upon ! tho screen is known to nearly very boy and girl in Ogden, so that an ex-I ex-I tended introduction is" not necessary. I Beginning at 5 o'clock, "The Broken Melody," with Eugene O'Brien, will again be shown. Adv. lOMf S LAff "IS EFFECTIVE SATURDAY Every woman in Ogden will be talking talk-ing to her next-door neighbor about it. Every woman will profit by seeing it. Florence Reed's big ?200,000 production produc-tion will play just one day, Saturday, at the Alhambra, and the seven reels will tell a story long to bo remembered remem-bered and a governing influenco will travel in our midst long after the picture pic-ture fades from the screen. Something Some-thing entirely different. This celebrated cele-brated star was just moulded lo the picture. Don't miss seeing it. Adv. oo 1 1 Q ALWAYS GOOD PICTURES 0 j d " The Teeth of The Tiger " d ! 1 1 An Arsene Lupin Story j j A PRICES: 10c and 20c all day A j v FAT ARBUCKLE IN THE GARAGE y j Comes Sunday - See Him j i toojCaj WANTED TO EASE. I TO LEASE or rent for onu jcur a 5 or 10-ncro ranch with housa and Improvements Improve-ments on It. Good land nnd wlhn o miles of court hou.su. Address V. A, lnvronce, 3241 Grant Ave. Opden, UtnM. MM FOR RENT FURNISHED FOt?R looms furnished for housekeeping. housekeep-ing. Modern. -ll'J 22nd St Jtol SLEEPING ruoin, on boneh, clpoe in. ue miii and phone. GuntlQinan prerenal C--iU 9SI-J. 240 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, coiniilole. 4 rhulrs, 1 kitchen lahh l rocker, fruit Jura, ironing horml, 150 12-gaiif;i sholltf. 1 inncHlnnw, lzo 33, fruit Jar. 252 22nd HtrceL 2qii DUOP-1II5AD Slnuor Sewlnp Machine, room S. 320 1-2 25th St. 20o I IWIOlvUJi Imhy pualt qurti Kod as iw' 460 20th $trce,L .. , , . ZWZ l In a tender love tale with the fascinating star in a typical O'Brien role. fl "The Broken Melody" I i I Together wth a pippin' comedy with peachy girls. j ALSO FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY, "TOPICS OF THE DAY." Ogden Theatre I I I Special children's matinee tomorrow, Jane and Katherine Lee "SMILES" - I Doors open 12 m. A big- treat for the kiddies jj fi "Unequalled in Supremacy" " jH Florence Reed in "Woman's Law," 7-reel special, Alhambra ! tomorrow, with 2-reel comedy, !6c, 15c 20c. I 'r a H . Prices the Same I I Fresh beef prices have been going up lately. Our prices 5 will be unchanged for the remainder of this week. i", I Most everyone in Ogden knows now that our Meats j are of the very best quality. Our prices are 10c to 25c per I- pound. H 40c Pork Loins or Hams per pound , 28c I Adopt the "Cash and Carry" method of buying your meats I ' jj and save money. 1 ;i Sugar Higher 1 I I j Our stock of cheap sugar is now exhausted and we are I buying on the present market. Hundreds of people were i benefitted by our plan of selling what sugar we had at the jH ' ! old price of 8 pounds for $1.00. The new price is as fol- jH lows, and is less than some of the profiteers are charging , jH I for their cheap sugar : I 2 pounds Granulated Sugar 32c I I 5 pounds Granulated Sugar 78c 1 1 10 pounds Granulated Sugar $1.50 I I 100 pounds Granulated Sugar .$14.95 1 ' :i Karo Syrup ! H ' Since sugar is so high, many have turned to'syrup asa ' 1 partial substitute. Note our prices : 1 1 Gallon pail dark Karo $1.00; half gallon 55c Ik 1 1 Gallon pail white Karo $1.15, half gallon 60c I. 1 Gallon san Maple Syrup $2.59; half gallon . . $1.39 I . I Butter 60c 1 I Don't pay more. It is impossible to get better butter w 1 than that which bears the brand of Skaggs Cash Stores. I 1 1 pound Skaggs fresh churned Creamery Butter .... 60c I? jH 1 Local fresh Ranch Butter 55c J jH I I 40c Fresh Cocoanut Butter . 35c l" jH I Pure Lard Cheap i I II Our price on pure lard is less than you will pay for W- the cheapest of lard substitutes. It wont last long. I, jH J 10 lbs. net weight pail Pure White Lard . $2.95 1 jH ! 5 lbs. net weight pail Pure White Lard $1.55 I ,1 2 lbs, net weght pail Pure White Lard 69c I jH SKAGGS I |