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Show HUTU OKI PES i (Special Correspondence.) The canvass of the town in tho interest in-terest of the battalion monument fund has been quite thorough and responded respond-ed to fairly well, though somewhat bellow be-llow expectations because of the few jwho refused to contribute. i Joseph S. Storey, for some time con-! con-! fined to his room with an attack of pneumonia, is now reported Improving, and is expected soon to be out with his friends again. ' Mrs. Emma Plckford, who some time l ago lost her footing on a glare of ice ' and sustained a broken arm, Is now 'stopping with her daughter, Vera, In Ogdeu and is reported gradually regaining re-gaining the use of her arm. The subject of genealogoy was discussed dis-cussed in parents' class last Sunday under the direction of Edmund J. Marshall, Mar-shall, Sr., and the subject "The Sabbath Sab-bath Day," was announced fcr next Sunday's discussion. William Hill. Sr., has been returned to his homo from the Dee hospital where he underwent tin operation about Christmas for a case of rupture and his recovery Is thought to bo quite remarkable because of his ad vonced age. he long since having passed tho four score mark in life, i . Mrp. Louise Alvord. widow of the late Gideon "Y. Alvord, has also returned to her home from Ihe same institution wlicrc 'she was placed last November following an accident sustained in an automobile collision in Ogden. Miss Delia Roylance has been there since last October, when she was operated on for a very bad caso of appendicitis and it is expected that she will remain there for some time longer. Thomas P. Evans has returned from an extended visit wjth relatives and friends at Kemnierer, Wyo., and Is glad to get back' where he can reverse re-verse tho temperature from 10 below to 10 above. v Joseph E. Ward of Preston, Idaho, member of the high council of the Oneida stake was down last Sunday visiting with his father, James Ward, of this stake. Samuel C. Dye -of the presidency of the Ogden stake, and Nathan J. Harris Har-ris of the stake high- council, were present horejast Sunday and delivered deliver-ed addresses. Karl S. Storey and Raymond H. Ward, who left here January 7 for missions to tho eastern and southern states, respectively, have reached their destinations and have been given their special assignments, Karl to the j Brooklyn conference, and Raymond to the Virginia conference. Much interest is being developed in the forthcoming excursion to the Salt Lake temple next Thursday, and many have already signified their desire to participate in the pleasures of that day In connection with other wards of the Ogden stake. A spe.cinl car will leavo at 8 a. m. and go right through to the Bamberger station and leavo there at 9:30 for Salt Lako City. A time of much interest Is anticipated anticipat-ed in tho high priest's class of this ward next Sunday. A representative of the stake presidency of that organiza tion to attend to the matter of the reorganization of Iho class laid over for some time because of other business busi-ness taking the precedence. Joseph A. Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Shaw of this place has gone to Nounan, Idaho, and expects to make his home there. Leon F. Berrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. and Isabel Ford Berrett, has secured a position in office work in Pocatello, Idaho. ) John M. Bailey, having been .called' on a mission to Great Britain, has j , been released as head .of the dramatic dramat-ic work In North Ogden, after serving the people faithfully and well for so j many years and is to be succeeded by . James J". Cude. James Hyruni Blaylock, for nearly two years manager of the Logan branch of the Woolworth system of stores, has been transferred to Helena, Mont., to take charge of a store there with an advance in salary. .At the sacrament meeting next Sunday Sun-day evening John W. Gibson will be the speaker. Robert Greenwell will sing two solos and the ward choir will furnish two selections, |