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Show I 25 to 40 III Select your Patterns Early j Nov io the time to plan on ill renovating your house. i The appearance of youi j rooms, the furniture, the II curtains,, the pictures on the wall, the whole gen-I gen-I eral effect is right only if If I the wall-paper is pleasing I and harmonious. Griffin's Wallpaper J I comes at the very best I time and you can choose III 8 beautiful coverings for j your walls from an attrac-I attrac-I tive display of piain colors j I with dignified borders giv- i ; I ing a rich mellow effect I I and pretty flowered de- j 1 signs for bedroom and S boudoir or nursery. I , The great reductions from j 25 per cent to 40 per cent I are particularly welcome j in this time of rising costs. I Come early while the dis- play is complete. ; GRIFFIN PAINT CO. j J 2310 Wash. Ave. I J OGDEN, UTAH J II ill w 3-GRAIN CADOMENE TABLETS ABSOLUTELY RESTORE I! Vigor, Vitality, Strength to 111 Weak Men and Women. I I Sold by All Druggists. I t Advertisement. IjL oo 1 oo I To Help Mate' j, phffij&ftelWuscA ovcrthreeH H Jl'KiiixX mMion people annually, B B ' ll!!aUC& lt wi" increase theffl l clfvIn1SIEiyCK strcnWfa ol weak.ffl H i " ffl trf "nT mmtfrjri """""" , run -downs H ' !IC2iHl ,folks i two wccIcj'i HI ll ei !3!3b rae m many inJ 1 ' H tanc. Aik your n 1 D doctor or dnicKiHH H ' gllWIIIl W Ill, I B 1 See J. P. CORRY now about that g I LIFE INSURANCE. I H 1 502 Eccles Bldg. Phones 855 2454 1 ! ! Look at Tongue! Remove j Poisons From Stomach, I Liver and Bowels. i t i i.i j I ' I Accept "California" Syrup of Figs j only look for the name California on I the package., then you are sure your i child is having the best and most 'harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children Chil-dren love its delicious fruity taste. Pull directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without Tear. Mother! You must say "California." j Advertisement, i no Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dangers dan-gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clen, white ointment, oint-ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does net blister. Used enly externally, ar.d in no way can it affectstomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, lum-bago, all pain9 and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of tho chest (It often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size 52.5a ,IS8ttiii Advertisement. T ! f HOW SOME GIRLS j I DRESS SO WELL i j i ! I "Diamond Dyes" Make Faded. Old, Shabby Apparel Color- I ful and New uon i worry ;iuum pei'icn leuuno. Use "Dlnmond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new. rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, blou-ses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each package pack-age tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have druggist drug-gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Advertisement. oo Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation; Soothes and Heals. You can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. Advertisement. Adver-tisement. no oo BEPRETTYITURN GRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Favor-ite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, compound-ed, brings back the natural color and lustre .to the hair when faded, streaked or gr.ay. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mus3y and troublesome. trouble-some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Sul-phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved Im-proved by the addition of other ingredients, in-gredients, at a small cost. Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you- darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand nt a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application ap-plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive, - Advertisement. ACID STOMACH ; IS DANGEROUS Often Followed by Serious Gastric Ulcers. Causes Dys-J Dys-J pepsia and Indigestion, j Keep Stomach Sweet I With Magnesia. Acid stomach is a common and exceedingly ex-ceedingly dangerous condition which irritates and Inflames the delicate stomach lining, and often leads lo gastritis gas-tritis accompanied by dangerous gastric gas-tric ulcers. If you suffer after eating from sour stomach, heartburn, gas and painful I digestion the trouble probably comes ! from too much acid and you should by all means make it a practice to keep this dangerous acid neutralized and your stomach sweet nnd then your meals will digest In a normal way without pain. Mere artificial digestive pills won't do this. A better plan is to lay aside all digestive aids and instead neutralize neutral-ize and sweeten the acid in your stomach stom-ach with a little Bisuratcd Magnesia. 1 Get from any reliable druggist a fow ounces of Bisuratcd Magnesia (either powder or tablets), and after your meal take two tablets or a teaspoon-ful teaspoon-ful of the powder in a little water. You will get Instant relief. AU the harmful harm-ful acid In your stomach will be neutralized neu-tralized and your food will cease to sour and ferment. Foods which ordinarily ordi-narily cause you distress can be eaten without fear if you will take a little Bisuratcd Megnesla after meals. The treatment is harmless and not at all expensive. Advertisement. 1 oo oo ! POSLAM REAL i TREAT FOR SKIN j THAT ITCHES j Only those who have itched and i scratched and still ItcheC continually lean appreciate what it means when the aggravation is ended by the soothing, sooth-ing, penetrating, antiseptic influence of Poslani. And what relief to be rid 'i of any eruptional blemish which has 'entailed prolonged embarrassment! Turn lo Poslam first for the quick ! healing help which ailing skin must have. You do not have to wait In un- certainty for Indications of improvement. improve-ment. It soon SHOWS. I Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St.. New York City. Urge your skin lo become clearer, i healthier by the dailj use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam. Advertisement. Adver-tisement. ' on 4 KEEP URIC AOS OUT ONOIOTfi Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to Eat Less Meat and Take Salts. Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known authority. I We are advised to dress warmly; keep (the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good wator. Rheumatism is a direct result of eating too much meat and other rich j foods that produce uric acid which Is absorbed Into the blood. It Is the 'function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out in the urine; the pores of the skin are 'also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating circu-lating through the system, eventually settling in the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism l get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon-ful tablespoon-ful in a glass of water and drink before be-fore breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with, lithla and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthia-wator drink which helps overcome uric acid and is beneficial to jour kidneys as well Advertisement. J "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for j jj a Sour, Acid, Gassy Stomach Distress vanishes 1 j Stomach acidity causes indigestion1 tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stoni. 2Jh Food souring, gas, distress! Won- ach. A few tnblets of Pape's Diapep- 1M der what upset your stomach? Well, sin neutralize acidity and give relief fjj don't bother! The moment you eat a at once no waiting! Buy a box of tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay $1 the lumps of indigestion pain, sour- miserable! Try to regulate your atom- fM ness, heartburn and belching cf gases, ach so you can eat favorite foods with- duo to acidity, vanish truly wonder- out causing distress. The cost is so 5f I ful! " little. The benefits so great. You, $1 1 Millions of people know that it is too, will be a Diapepsin enthusiast 'Jm needless to be bothered with indiges- afterwards. Advertisement. 4H Perfect Health Is Yours ; ! If the Blood Is Kept Pure 1 1 Almost Evefy Human Ailment opening. A few bottles of S. S. S., Ia Directly Traceable to Im- bc Cr?. vegetable blood mcdi- xi 01 J cine, will revitalize your blood and purities m the Blood. ;vc ou ncw sclii and a i You should ray particular head healthy, vigorous vitality. Every- to any indication that your blood one needs it just now to keep th supply is becoming sluggish, or system in perfect condition. Go ' that there is a lessening in ;ts to your drug store and get a bottle ,: strong and vital force. to-day, and if you need any medi- $ By keeping your blood cleansed cal advice, you can obtain it with- your system more easily wards off out cost by writing to Medical Di- I disease that is ever present, wait- rector, Swift Specific Co., AG Swift j ing to attack wherever there is ah Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, jj j Advertisement. V A R. MclNTYRE DRUG CO. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. "Grippe" and Miss "Flu" are busily engaged again, but the minute V you reel a cold coming on. begin to have fever or chills, dull aches or con- j; sllpation, it may be the Flu or Grippe. Before retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup ot fv HOLLISTER'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA (warm) and go to bed for the J; night it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll feel great the next morning. ft Without fail trv this but do lt quick before the "Flu" or Grippe gets a start. Buy a package today, have it in the house and use it at the very first j-j warning then you're safe. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. ' rfi aiid discovered ' the Hcuit f ig&r' 'Z:fJtHi..iwMMKtSm Treatment, known as AD U 80 Paunda ISO Pounds LaUit Photo DILINE. Anyone with J- couRhs allowing tubercular lend :j.c.v or Tuberculosis may use It under plal.. directions. Send your name and address to g ADDILINE 185 Arcade Oulldlno - - - Columbus, Ohlc f Advertisement .( 'c : .... y. In the past thirteen years there has never been a time vhen our trade H could not get coal from us. So why not place your coal orders where S J you can get quick and efficient servlco at all times7 iH OGDEN SEWER PIPE AND CLAY COMPANY 4l Phone 141 W. D. PORTERFIELD, Manager II |