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Show HIII SERVICE, here, means devoting every energy to ac- I Hll I commodating you. Prompt delivery, extending credit, I H I never substituting, and other assistance. I The big thing is QUALITY, we offer you staple arti- I eles of nationally known and used brands the best ob- fl tainable. Our meats come to you fresh daily, Government S inspected, and cut by experts who know how to preserve all its savory goodness. Hill ECONOMY means something, here. Our policy of large 9 volume and small margins gives you the benefit of buy-ing buy-ing at little more than wholesale prices. H ' The logical place to trade where you get most in SER- VICE, QUALITY and ECONOMY in Ogden, is the Hf Modern Market. ' TRUCK DRiVER SUFFERS C0MP0U1 FRACTURE OF IE SILL J2ssc P, Allen, Injured yesterday at the 0. P. Skaggs' warehouse, when a broken wheel fell from the top or an elevator shaft and struck him on the head, is reported to be improving today. to-day. Allen is a truck driver for the Skaggs company. The accident happened hap-pened just before closing time yesterday yester-day and the injured man was removed to the Dee hospital in an unconscious condition. Attending physicians reported that he had suffered a compound fracture of the skull at the base of the brain, severe gashes ovor his left eyo and chin, and a lacerated left arm. An employe of the Skaggs firm who was near the place of the r.ccldent, said that the heavy pulley broke while Allen was descending in the elevator. The injured man is married and lives on Twenty-third street between Grant and Lincoln avenues. oo Coctcd Tongue, Biiiousncrs, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Dloutin, Gii, Comtipntion, or other rctult of Indigcs-ioK, Indigcs-ioK, ko KRicdyis more highly recommended recom-mended than EOLBY G&TiiARTEC TABLETS They erase no griping or nausea. Clcsaje the bowels, awcclcn tic ctom-r.z ctom-r.z and benefit the liver. ICcvcr dis-ppint. dis-ppint. M'. Elisabeth Sls:vn. 137 So. MaiD St., Se. rr!!i. Conn; "I can boDcitty ay Foley Ccjhnnc Tob'.eJi to wonderful." A. R. MclNTYRE DRU CO. I j Alhambra opens at 1 o'clock l tomorrow. See 'Woman's Law' 6c, 15c, 20c, Florence Reed's I '$200,000.00 special. I . nn . uu- Special children's matinee at the Ogden Theatre tomorrow, Jane and Katherine Lee in , "Smiles." Doors open 12 rn. oo Florence Reed in "Woman's Law," 7-reel special, Alhambra tomorrow, with 2-reel comedy, 6c, 15c 20c. . :,;Y1' yCf -"you want the best clothes j j ' ' f'SS your money will buy j tf . 1 most men are willing and able to pay the j j ' ' y price of good quality, even if they do itW V'.'" J. "kick" a little because the price is high. Jlj-j l r fS S',T ; when you do pay the price of quality j " f ' Want t0 e sure yu get n ' ' ( mi$-we appreciate how you .feel; ' fl Jffi we make it our business to see U ImWm ial everv dollar a man pays .- ;A W ....vtiil- i'iliw ''U -' :''yu have to take. somebody's judgment j t wWs Kil i"i,aDOut we ffer yu ours. we think wc ; 5-n' !'7;fM iJ ' il;v''; know; we believe it's good judgment; we . jj vVf ' ' W -Sw .nrj - f-;TrT'- know it's honest judgment. we tell you ) I i fl jwmii JUU? ' frankly that when you buy clothes, they'd j J k' fklw . ..fl; ' better be, for your sake, Hart Schaf frier' &- I : , ft'-; k- mm ' V? 1 Marxv .. -V.i:,-,- . r; - I fI " : "- I! fkss0tS ;- II' gSP'teggg! ' the home o Hart Scbaffner& Mars clothes H5 Copyright 1919, Plart Schaftncr & Marx j j J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hud-son Hud-son avenue, pays highest i prices for Liberty bonds. nr Mwr is Clogged Up Thai's Why You're Tired Oul 'oi Sorls Have Mo Appelife CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in E few days, and give na- . B?3 BTTTL.&S: ture a chance fgl g y gx: pa rect constipa- JJSSaRESSSSiia I Hon, biliousness, indigestion and sick headache. Siaall PHI Small Dose Small Price OR. tfAKTSa'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for AnemJn, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness, I PROMPT RELIEFl j for the acid-distressed stomach, Q I try two or three 1 after meals, dissolved on the f ! tongue keep your otomach 1 A sweet try Ki -molds tho new II aid to digestion. I i MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE H I MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION g -f oo Call on J. J. Brummitt st alh 2417 Hudson avenue, if you 8 I want to sell your Liberty bonds. Phone 59. 11 ? Ho Cooldajj nl A Nutritious Diet for All Ageo SI Quick Lunch at Home or Officb jjI Avoid Imitations nd Sobtitutet nl |