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Show UmqNgLABEL - WANTED Female Help I IMMEDIATELY Three trustworthy ladles to travel, $75 month and expenses, ex-penses, three to work Ogden and surroundings. sur-roundings. $2.50 day. Bee Mrs. Jones, room 206. Arlington Hotel. 1 19-lwk, DINING room girl. Virginia hotel. 1-17-lwk. H j w... y WANTED ; Male Help J EXPERIENCED male stenographer., John Scowcroft & Sons Co. 1-lSltf. TAKE practical engineering course, j Instruction Includes Gas, Automohllo, Electric Engineering, Gas Tractor, Mechanical Me-chanical Drawing, etc. Courses toi sun all mechanically inclined. Send for illustrated catalog, heaiue engineering engi-neering School, Seattle, Wash. 1-20 It. WANTED Situation I; t w wiwwmwwwi " mmmmm MAN with horse and buggy open fori position with reasonable salary. Box j L. G. 1-20-lt. HOUSEWORK, any kind, by hour or day; good cook; excellent assistance given with dinner and luncheon parties; par-ties; experienced. Phone 1935. l-20-2s. EXPERIENCED cook wants position. Call 2826 Adams. l-19-3t. PRACTICAL nurse, at 11S5 26th SL 1-9 1 mo LACE curtains laundered, work guaranteed. guar-anteed. 3138-M. 12 22-tf MUSICAL STEWART ARMSTRONG, instructor! of voice and piano; ear training 585 i 29th SL 110 if f FOR RENT 1 Board Room irrJ ; FOR gents, private, reasonable. 628 30th. 1-15-tf. STEAM-heated rooms, board. 2639 i Jeff. Ave. 12-27-tf I DRESSMAKING J AND IttulfcS' lailurmy. iira. Ryan, ISati Madison Phono 1932-M. 3-10-lyr PLAIN sewing or dressmaking Phone 1012-J. 7-19 28th St. 1-19-tf. Mrs. Charle6 C. Slater, Browning Apt No. 2. 270 Washington, phone 2941. 9-16-tf HEMSTITCHING 10c AND 15c a yard. We furnisn thread. , Mail orders filled. Madame Capiau's Gown Shop. Third floor Wrights' Store. ll-21-6mo HEMSTITCHING and plcot. 10 and 15 cents a yard. Thread lurnished. Mail orders filled. Address 418-26lh St. Apt, 23. Phone 379-W. 1-1-tf WANTED To Buy ! hju'i-M i.ririri'rnri-i- -ii g rr - - - -" V. ItWU. , U)lyC. , U.lfC i J.UrUJ'JJ. I Western Foundry & Maohlci i o. 2-8-tf TOR RENT Furnished 'L'titUXEi modern housekeeping rooms, tt newly furnished with bath. Rear 622 X 23rd St 1-20-lwk. HOUSEKEEPING room,. M.-nroi-. 1-20 lmo. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. housekeep-ing. Phune 1012-J. 749 28th SL 1-19-lwk. THREE modern housekeeping rooms, private bath. 2874 Adams. 1-18 tf. ONE furnished apartment The Pearl Apartments, 27th and Grant. Phone 2042-M. 1-18-tf. TWO-ROOM apartment, newly furnished, fur-nished, ground floor, gas range 449 26th St. 1-17-1 wk, FOX APARTMENTS, 21st and Washington. Wash-ington. 447 21st. SL 1-15-tf. THREE warm rooms, cellar, pantrv; cheap. Phone 1127-M. 1-17-lwk. FURNISHED room, hot and cold water, wat-er, sleeping porch. 2526 Adams. 1-13-tf. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms on the ground floor 2348 Jefferson. 1-15-lwk. THREE-ROOM house in splendid condition; con-dition; also good sleeping rooms; fine location. Phone 1287. 1-18-lwk. SLEEPING rooms. Phone 1880. I- 10-lmo THREE furnished housekeeping rooms with bath, 2338 Wall 1-10-tf THREE housekeeping rooms, 2220 Lincoln. Lin-coln. 1-8-tf. FURNISHED light housekeeping .ooms Rent reasonable. 2210 Wash. FURNISHED housekeeping apts., gas, bath; no children. 2203 Wash. 12-13-tf FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable. 2210' Wash. II- 27-1 wk SLEEPING room, hath. heat, light, phone 2029. 2731 Madison. 1-15-lwk TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath. 608 27th. 1-15-lwk. ONE or two furnished rooms for lUbt housekeeping. Colonial apartment. 262 Twenty-fourth street ; price reasonable. rea-sonable. 9-fc-tf KURN. and unfur. rms. tar housekeeping. house-keeping. Plicae moderate. 2a Wash. 3-4-tt HOUSES and flats. 234 Grant MMf SLEEPING rooms. Colonial Apts. 36! 24th Street 9-t-U foiTrent 1 FIVE-ROOM house, furnace, gas, laundry, laun-dry, garage. 2345 Monroe. Phone 473 R. 1-18-tf. FIVE-ROOM house. Inquire 2687 Lincoln avenue. Phone 2614-J. 1-16-lwk RICH flat, 2467 Jefferson avenue, after aft-er January 20. $35.00. Phone 609. 1-13-tf. BRICK cottage, modern, 4 rooms, bath room, hall and sleeping porch. 2721 Madison. Call 1220-R. 12-15-tf 12-15-tf A COSY four-room house on the bench Inquire Room 41)3, First National bank building. 12-14-tf. A GOOD modern five-room house; I Brummltt, under Utah Nat l Bank. 12-13 tf I ONE or more unfurnished rooms. Co-I Co-I lonlal Apts., 362 24th St. 9-3-tf WANTED To Rent j j FOUR or five-room lurnished, north of 25th and west of Wash. Address Box H. W., care Standard. 1-20-3L f FOR RENT Miscellaneous h.R UtSirablo ulilce, centrally located. lo-cated. Inquire J. A. Hogio & Co., 2409 Hudson. Phone 322. 8-11 tf NICE store. TOflune 2640 Washington 1 1-23-1 wk FOJrTsAli Miscellaneous BALED alfalfa hay for sale every winter. E. B. Robertson, Nampa, Ida. 12-23-SS ' PIANO, furniture, rugs and auto, new, cheap. Phone 2354-W. 1-19-lwk. i TWO horses, good condition, reasonable. reason-able. 2211 Jefferson. 1-16 lwk. CANARY birds, 2220 Lincoln. 1-8-tf. BJUR BROS. piano6, strictly first-class. first-class. I'autone, 29 th and Hudson. l-8-2wks. TOLEDO Computing Scale. Phone 2565-R. 1-4-lmo VlNC-it.STEK ril'le. 2535. Shells and belt Phone 1325. 12-lb-lwk bEED potatoes; get them now, prices j tight Ogdeu Fruit Co. Phone 20S. 12 b-tf FOR SALE Drum Ule lor sale. Inier-Uiouotaui Inier-Uiouotaui Concroto Co., 2Uth and Lincoln Lin-coln avenue. Phones 2068 and 487. tf 6 LARGS sacks of kindling wwd IL Uak wood lor fir places. J. It Wheelwright, 224$ Huuson. Phono E28. M1U f TOR SALeT" Real Estate jj DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY FIVE-ROOM modern press brick, basement, gas, practically now, close in, on bench; $2600 if taken at once. FIVE ROOM modern press brick on car line and bench for sale on easy I terms and immediate possession. 'FIVE-ROOM brick house on south I Washington, lot 70x330; will exchange 'for modern homo on bench. This propel prop-el ty was two frontages with room for four more houses. THREE ACRE suburban home; excellent excel-lent improvements; will exchange for j modern oome In the city. LOT on Harrison avenue, close to 25th St., 40x136 to alley; $600 j LOT on 27th St. car line, 40x132; sew-; sew-; er, sidewalk paid, for $550. LOT 100 ft. frontage, close in on bench, for $10u0 if taken this week. THREE AND ONE HALF-AvJRE suburban su-burban home with good four-room house; good barn, excellent land and water; $3000; good terms. SIX ROuM modern home on bench, 82x330 ft ; will trade for farm property. prop-erty. SIX-ROOM modern home In north part of city to exchange for modern home on bench; will pay cash difference if , suitable. SKEEN REALTY CO. I'nder Utah National Bank. Phone 913 or 3185-J. I 1-10-tf. NICE four-room brick, with half basement base-ment and brick garage, good sized lot, three blocks from Reeo Hotel; will sell for $145o, must be sold in a week. Terms. $200 cash, $20 per month. O. A. Kennedy Basement Utah National Bank. l-20-3t. IDAHO FARMS IRRIGATED farms, famous Minidoka project Sco me for bargains on farms around Rupert and Burley. Free fare. Ask for Falls at Smithsonian Smithson-ian College. 1-17-lwk. MAKE $750.00 profit. Think of It, a $2500 home for $1750; five-room mod-i mod-i ern cottage In splendid location; lot 1 50x140 feel, garage, fruit and shade I trees. This Is a genuine bargain, a non-resident owner forced to sacrl- j flee. E. W. CANNADY 2427 Hudson A cuue. 1-13-tf : 23-RouM apt. house with lease tor sale or trade. 2203 Wash. 11-21-tf A NEW five-room modern cement ' house, large sleeping porch full base-. base-. ment ; only $2600. NEW four-room modern cement, full basement, porch; only $2100. i ANYTHING from A to Z, loans, insur- ance. H. VAN BRAAK 3519 Adams. Phone 974-W. 1-13-lmo. FARM LANDS. OREGON &. CALIFORNIA RAILROAD RAIL-ROAD CO. Grant Lands Title to same revested in United States by act I of congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power site, timber and agricultural 1 lands. Containing some of the best land left in United States. Now is the opportune time. Large sectional map showing lands and description of soil, climate, ralnlall, elevations, etc. Postpaid, Post-paid, one Dollar. Grant Lands Locat- I ing Co., box 610 Portland, Oregon. l-ll-3mo NEW 5-rJbm brick, near Dee tosipltal, strictly modern, a bargain, $3750. NEW 4-room brick, south Washington, I $2250. Terms. GOOD 4 room frame, 23rd and Van Bure, $1100. Terms. 7-ROOM brick, 24th and Qulncy; $4000. 6-ROOM strictly modern brick. 26th and Van Buren; $3300. OGDEN HOME BUILDERS, 213 Eo cles bldg. Phone 917. 1-10-tf A GREAT snap on Wasnington avenue ave-nue at Fivo Points. This lot can be bought at one half of what it Is worth. Phono 69. 12-13-tf BETTER own a nice little homo than live In a rented mansion. Phone R. C. McBnde, 1427. 12-1-tf BUS1LNELL Realty ft Brokerage Co. now located in baaement Utah Natl Bank. Phone 913. 11-23-lyr B. P. HUNTER, Mortgage Loana, Real Lstato, Fire Insurance. Eutab-Uehed Eutab-Uehed 1889, 411-24tfe St.. Ogdon. Utah, S-U-lyr WANTED I Agents j AGENTS Best proposition over offered of-fered to live wiro men. Handle new policy covering every accident and sickness for $16 yearly; $5000 prlnci pal sum, $100 monthly benefit. One-half One-half policy $8 yearly. Big commissions. commis-sions. Great Western Casualty Co., Dept. 55, Newark N. J. l-13-2s. $6 38 PER DAY Is the averago made by 3030 men showing "Wear-Ever" aluminum fuel saving utensils last year. S. A Curry of Denver, Colo., writes "Last year I made a profit of $4574.22 with "Wear Ever." Give references The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., Dept. C, New Kensington, Pa. 1-20-lt REFERENCES Dun Llf' Of Bulfnlo Bill and story of wild west, written by himself; big book, well Illustrated; tells his whole life. Everybody wants it l iberally commissions. Credit if desired. Send 15c for sample book. Geo. G. Clows Co , Philadelphia, Pa. 1-20-lt. VVTED H j Salern en ; FIRST-CLASS salesman to sell to garages, gar-ages, factories, stores, etc. Steady, well paying position lor active man. I Milwaukee Tank Works, Milwaukee, Wl. 1-20-lt j PREFERmen with clothing, taiiorlng or retail experience, to take charge of an agency for new proposition to be placed in every county. No investment invest-ment required. If you can qualify It means at least $25 to $40 weekly. Profitable permanent business. McGregor Mc-Gregor Co , 509 So. Franklin, Chicago. 1-20-lt BUSINESS Mi OPPORTUNITIES iruuJLnjJj"U---LriLr-nj-u-u-ijii-ii.n.j rn i ' mih n i I BU V Amalgamated Oil, one cent a i share; loO per cent dividends in 90 days possible, production now coming in, ground floor stock, one cent a I share, doubles price shortly, $1 par I value, $10 buys 1000 shares. Write for full details. Amalgamated on Co., i 1175 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City, okla. 1-20-lt. i UNCALLEDFOR SUITS ! TAILOR-MADE, at a big reduction. I Gordon, Popular Tailor, 211 25th St. Phono 419. ll-25-3mo. For Sale Autos ; FORD delivery car, first-class condition. condi-tion. Inquiro 763 Wash. Phone 502. 12-14-tL 1115 Ford touring car with Gray and Davis lighting and starting system. Atwater-Kent ignition and gearlese dlfierenUai 3u0. 1813 Maxwell spe&tal five-passenger touring c4irt demountable rims JiuO. i-Blu UVWiaUO utntij, Uuuiioi uovljf ; electric iignis a.nu buarier ou0. MACvi-iuei( AUlo CO., Ttieptiuuo tu-i. 244 urani Ave. y-ai-U PtUMBING AND HEATING. L. .U L1L iX-l.lv. luU-OLU Sl Ph. .59. ll-:a-ouio GROCErtltS, WHOLESALE AND BRO. it to. 630 21st Phone 339. 11-26-Jiiio VACUUM FURNACES. J. STANLEY Dkjb,, 2454 Grant Ph. 506 ll-2h-3uiu - FOR SALE OR TRADE i'iti&ii milch cow, a years old; 3-4 Jersey. 1915 Grant. 1-20-lwk. CATTtE RANCH TO TRADE 275-acre cattle ranch, 125 good cattle, treo range, plenty of water, complete outiit. Will take good farm homo In trade. Price $16,000 complete. FEDERAL LAND CO. 416 24di Street ANYTHING A to 2 Nuf bed." P.33J 10-6-U P LOST PAIR Suiun eyegiat.ot-'d in red case, between be-tween Washington and Bamberger depot de-pot Leave at Mclntyro Drug. Reward. Re-ward. 1-19 3t TWO-YEAR-OLD mulio mouse-colored heifer. 530 12th St Phone 2881-M. Reward. 1-20-lwk. j PERSONAL j! MARRY if lonely; for results, try' me; beet and most successful, hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; con-fidential; most reliable; years of experience; expe-rience; descriptions free. "The Suc-i Suc-i cessful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, I Oakland, Cal. 1-20-lt ;j BEAUTY PARLORS Boston Hair & Beauty Parlors for up-to-date hair dressing, shampooing, manicuring, chiropody. Open evenings and Sundays by appointment Doll hospital in connection. 421-25th Bt Reed Hotel Bldg. Phone 311 4-J. 10-6 tt . TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS for sale, for rent. .Vaehlncs repaired. Expert repair man at this office. Remington Typewriter Co., 2454 Grant. Phone 506. 1-C-lmo Read the Classified Ads Read the Classified Ads fraternal societies United Spanish War Veterans, Harry A. Young, Camp No. 2, moots tlrst and third Thursday each month at the U- S. Navy Recruiting Office. 2408 Washington Ave, R Morris. Commander. K. H. W'eath-crby. W'eath-crby. adjutant Queen City Rebekah Lodge. No. 4, L O. O. P., meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. VlslUng members Invited. Emma. Buchjost. N. Q., Lulu Cloudman, Recording Secretary. 2516 Van Luren. Brothorhood of American Yeomen, Og-den Og-den Homestead No. 1506 moots on every Tuesday evening In W. O. W. hall. Fra ternity building. Washington avenue. Visiting Archers are cordUlly Invited to meet with us. E. it Roid. foreman- J A Junk, correspondent, 2203 S astington avenue. Knights of Maccabees. Siver Tent No 1, meets every first and third Thursday In L O. O. F. hall. Fraternity block. 1:320 Wash Ave. Visiting Knlphts cordially Invited to attend. Harry t. Peterson. Command, r. J. D. Harris, Record Keeper, Keep-er, 2476 Hudson Ave. Ogden Lodi?e No 1314 Loyal Order of Moose meets overy Friday night, 8 o'clock, Knights of Pythias hull, 2351 Grant avenue. av-enue. A T. Hestmark. Dictator; J. H Knauss, Secretary, 201 Colonel Hudson Lldg. Fraternal Order of Eagles. Ogden Acrlo No. 118, P. O. E. meets every Wednesday Wednes-day evening at Eagles' hall. Hudson avenue, ave-nue, at S o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are invited to attend the Aorlo meotlngs. Club rooms open at 11 u. m- C- B. CarlUe, W, President; c. A. Hens-ley, Hens-ley, Secretary; Dr. H. B. Forboa, Aerie Physician. The Royal Highlanders, OKden Castlo 625, meets In the Eagles hall on Hudson avenue every 6Ceond and fourth Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders Highland-ers cordially Invited Wm. F. Muller, 111 Pro , P F. Planz. 2535 Lincoln, secretary-treasurer. Thr. Wamill'l rir-nAflt A fisrtr In t Inn rf tho Alacctbees Silver Review, No L meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock In tho Woodman hall, Fratomlty block, 2320 Washington avenuo Visiting members cordially Invited to attend. Emma Had-lock, Had-lock, L. C; Jennie Prout. R. K., 2465 Van Buren avenuo. American Masonic Federation (universal (univer-sal facottlsh Rite) Meets every Munday. 8 p. m at 2414 Vi Washington Ave. Visiting Visit-ing brothers always welcome. W H Toller. Tol-ler. R. W. M . 2834 Adams Ave.. G. A. Muller. Secretary. 2636 Washington Ave. Royal Neighbors of America meets ! every stond and fourth Monday nights of each month ut 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall. Fraternity building VIsltlii'T neighbors invited Mary Crawford, Craw-ford, Oracle. 2676 Lafayette, Nettie Tur- Daily Standard Information Department j I A QUICK, HANDY REFERENCE FOR BUSY READERS For Rates and Space in This Column Call Information Department, Phone 56 I Abstracts of Title F. B. Dcvuiu. ... !MlrW Accordion and Box Pleating In all lengths. 26d Colo's Court, rear 210 26th St 11S0-M Accident Insurance Aeiiia Acoid mm oc J-iablllty Co, Auto and liability Insurance. H. A Purdy, 2377 Hudsun 4Si ! Auto Accessories Oura'-, Kepaii3, atudebaker Agency. Mack-Robln- Buii Co., Uiv Grant Avenue 604 Auto Agency CaUlilu., uaKiand. U. B. Tires. Cadillac Co. of Og- Ucu. 4jJ am bt Ml Auto Agency HltuoPi Miicbell, Maxwell. Service Trucks, Uuiii-lduaiu Motor Company. 23W Hud son Avenue S91 Automobile Repairs buick CarB a bpiciaiiy. Jost Bros.. Cor. 21st and uBUlrijftou Ave 6ilA-W Auto Tire Vulcanizing Modern Tire Brvloc -hop. 23S1 Hudson Ave 346 billposters L.uud Si i ice Licensed Distributing Co., W. Lee, Manager. All work done thoroughly by hustiing BSmplpytBi OUlce. 24th SL Banking Og'len Btato Bank Commorcla' end Savings Dopta. Reed Hotel Building 63 carpet Cleaning K. Van Kaiupen Ijr upholstering, carpets cleaned. allured ui'U laid. Ku-makiug of uiattrossea .SSJ Chili and Tamales Chicken Tamaio and Chili Con Carne at the Bit-mark. Bit-mark. Viz Hth bireet 2&!) City Scavengers HcCarty A: cj , 2TXJ (Jrant Ave ...2018-W Counselor-at-Law Laver u Connolly, over Commercial Nat'l Bank U Electric Carpet Cleaners Electric Service Co. Bturtcvant and Santo Carpet Cleaners, 1 and up per day, 425 24th Street W rord Agency Garage Buifui-vi-iviuiball MuLur Co . 212-14 Wash. Ave ftlt furniture Repairing UmodellnSa Reflnluhlng C. H. 8tratford, 375 23rd Groceries Meats lndeotudent Meal Co . 2420 Washington Ave SS0-1 Hotel The Only Fireproof Hotel tn Ogden. Rates 75o and up Tho New Brigham. Wall Ave., and 24th Street 243t Insurance Real Estate Loans. Notary B. H. Goddard. 420 24th Street. Res. 430-J 600-W Job Printing "Let Me Estimate," B F. Thomas, Printer, 2470 Wash. Ave 147. j nor. Recorder, 2643 Van Buren. Masonic Queen Esther Chapter No. 4, if 0 B s , rrcuhtr meetings held at Maon- Y ic hall on Washington Ave., between 25th and 26th Sts., tho first and third Frldaye f of each month. Sojourning members cor- t dlally Invited to attend. Cora B. Heath. S' W. M.; Linda L. Irwin. Secrotaty. f. Woodmen of the World Weber Camp fe No. 74, meets In tho W. O W. hall, Fra- f ternlty block, 2Z2t Washington uvenue, I' every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Vis- Itlng Woodmen cordially Invited to at- f tend. LeRoy Farley. C. O.j W. M. Pig- b gott. Clerk P O Box 488. I Womeji of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 581. meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 I o'clock, new Woodman hall lsltlng 11 Neighbors ln-lted. Dues will bo collected on the 6th of each month at Mlsch Drug Storu. Nina L Watklns. Q. N . 153 Poplar Ae. Mario Crltes. Clerk, 2731 Monroe 1 Ave. Phono 1913-R. Order of Owls, Ogden Nest, No. 121. Order of Owls, meets every Friday evening even-ing In their own hull (the old Elk Club rooms) at S o'clock. Visiting Brother 1 Owls aro invited to attend the Nest I meotlngs J W. Smalloy, President, C. A Knowlden. Secretary. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen of America, meets every Wednesday night In tho I O O F hall. Fraternity block. Out of town mcml r ..fit .illy Invited to meet with us. Fred E. Wtl- Hams, consul, J. R. Hinchcllff. Clerk. Ogden Lodge No 6 Independent Order of I Odd Follows, meets In I. O. O. F. hall j every Tuesday evening Visiting brothers cordially Invited to be present. J. W. Randall, N. Q.; Henry Klssell, Secretary. j Th( Order of Railway Employes, Ogdon I Division No. 41, mcots every first and 'third Fridays of each month at tho Eages' hall, at 8.15 p. m. Visiting brothers broth-ers cordially Invited. Adrian Schlppor. Secretary. II Ogden Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias f rmr ta c-vvTj Mend '. evrnlng at 8 o'clock If In Castlo Hall oi the Pythian building, I I 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights wel- I .come. D. J. Thurmon, Jr., C. C : f George B. Hart, M. R. S. , H. E. Palmer. 1263 Washington, M, F. H unk and Hides Western Hide & Junk Co., 2223 Washington Ave SSI I Junk j Ogden Junk House, 2053 Wash. Ave. Phone 210 aundry, Steam j Troy Laundry. 2538 Wall Avenue 2074-fi 1 C 1 Ci.Ll I uivery ana reeta oiaoie Red Front, 2547 Grant Avenue ejj I coose Leal Sheets and Covers j Bookbinding, Ruling and Mfg. Stationer. J. Wilson. Z4t,5 Washington Ave gj I ivleats and Groceries independent Meat Co , 6420 Washington Avo 335-1 iViotorcycles Hurley-Duviduun. Bicycles. Repairing. "Hote." the fH Hurley Alan. 253 Grant Avenue 80S-J LVlultigiaph Letters Mailing. ndflHWrtnffi Mimeogr.iph and circular work. Public BtenocrapheTa ConuneroleJ Servloe Co. M 209 Col. Huubou Bldg. Phone 331 Wew and Second Hand Goods New and Sccond-Ha,nd t urnlture and Clothing, otc. bought ana tuia, tuu -u.; cIicai.' 4l-4J J5ih St.. 1321 Optometrist Optician J. T. Ruihmur, 2464 Washington Avenue 1993-W printing For quick service Ogden Printing Co. 2134 Washington. Washing-ton. Phone j(3 fH fiano i eacner Ragtime Popular muMC and rugume pluylng taught In 12 lee-eons lee-eons Note or ear ilatiteid. 4Ui Col. Huauo Bldg. w inysician and Surgeon Dr A Fernlund. Office hours 11 to 4 p tn. New Peer) lilUg. Hudson Ave. Ke Phuuo tXj 1S0O-W Si nitary Work Skinliary Garbage o., all kinds of rubbish hauled, ash pits Cleaned. Prices reasonable JJJ i ypewriters l or rent, 4 model typewriters. Rent to apply on sole. L. C. Smith. 413 25th SL Phono 664 $ i 5 Tailors $ 1 5 Original J1j iuilyrs. Oundoe Woolen Mills, 2131 liuUhou Ave. I heaters Oracle Open li.'ni IJ 11 lo 11 P M Universal Program. 2476 W'uslihigtun A.uiuo 1 ypewriters Sold. Reniird. Repaired. Ogden Typewriter House. 2422 Hudson Avenue Upholstery The best and cheapest place to get furniture re- I paired and mattresses renovated. Second Hand furniture for sale. 137 26th St. TeL 746-J Welding Brazing (Qxy-Acetylane). G C. Klmea. Cor Hudson and 23rd Street 142J-J Wines Liquors Wholesale, Retail. Family and Mall Order Trade. Thomas C. Folej Co., 241J Washington Ave 301 |