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Show FARMERS' ROUND-UP AND THE POULTRY SHOW, JAN. 22-27 j I A. L. TURNER Breeder of HIGH-CLASS Single Comb RHODE ISLAND REDS HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE IN SEASON 552 Canyon Road, Ogden. f(W PLYMOUTH ROCKS MPLA WIN E RIBBONS WM. W. SHAW See my bird at Poultry Show. m&&& 476 Canyon Road. Phone 2373-M. set&i. . ... 13 ALWAYS GOOD fff; 'yf.'M ALWAYS PURE g ill Perce's iSSffiBfi SSSMi FOOD PRODUCTS MADE 11 FRPRODAHTSARM PIERCE S TOMATOES PIERCE'S HOMINY PIERCE'S CATSUP PIERCE'S PORK AND BEANS PIERCE'S SAUERKRAUT PIERCE'S TOMATO SOUP PIERCE'S TABLE SYRUP AND OTHERS, ALL PACKED AND BACKED BY UTAH CANNING COMPANY "THE DADDY OF 'EM ALL" OGDEN. SINCE 1888 I M SUGAR BEET GROWING H AND ITS BENEFITS Entering upon its twentieth year. The 1 Amalgamated Sugar Company is planning If the purchase of 600,000 tons of sugar E beets in Utah and Idaho during one season, I. representing a total distribution to farmers I of $4,200,000 for this crop. The sugar I beet is a cash crop, the farmer does not " take a risk in its marketing. It Besides, the sugar beet is acknowledged to j be the most profitable root crop in the in- l termountain country and root crops f must be rotated with cereals and other crops in order to bring the best yields and I to maintain soil fertility. The sugar beet f used in rotation brings this renewal of the I soil. I These are only two of several prime bene- 1 fits of sugar beet culture. j . . Ik L MMSWaBSMBBSSSSPJ it 1 Stock Ranch 1 1 One of the best Stock Ranches in Southern H H Idaho. Consisting of Three Hundred and Twenty Jg Acres with National public range and Forest Re- H I serve Privileges. ' Two Hundred and Eighty Acres of this land H I is rich alluvial soil, plenty of water for Two Hundred Hun-dred Acres. Good six-room dwelling, plenty of barns and 1 H corrals, all fenced and cross-fenced. j Twenty-five head of good horses. j One hundred head of grade cattle of the beef H typ- This property is located within one mile of the 9 school house, four miles cf a railroad town. j This property belongs to an Estate and must be sold, and will be sold at a great sacrifice. Terms can be made to the right party at a reasonable rate of interest. This is a great bargain. j J. J. Briimmitt I I Phone 59 Under Utah National Bank. CHICKEN I RANCH I For Sale I I One of the nicest locations in the city lor a chicken ranch. I I About ONE ACRE of land, PLENTY I II OF WATER I One hundred and fifty FRUIT and other TREES, near street car line and one of the best PUBLIC SCHOOLS in the city, for ONLY $1500.00. Terms to suit. J. J. BRUM MITT, I Under Utah National Bank, Phone 59. I efiBsBBBHBSiHOnEHHHB |