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Show Society FOURTH WARD W. C. T. U The Fourth ward W. C T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Ed. Goodale, 2131 Adams avenue, next Wednesday at 2 p. m. HOSTESS TA 500 CLUB. Mrs. Nellie Wilson Rasmusson entertained enter-tained members of her 500 club yes terday afternoon at her home, 2211 Quincy avenue. The rooms were very attractive with vases of pink roses Card games were enjoyed and the lucky players were Mrs. Jed Ballan-tyne Ballan-tyne and Mrs. Iva Edson A pleasant feature was the luncheon served by the hostess. Plates were laid for twelve guests. MOYES-GEIGER Thursday afternoon in Salt Lake ( it v. Miss Elizabeth Moves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G Moyes. 2648 Adams avenue and Julian E. Geiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geiger. 450 Twenty-ninth street, were married by Rev George Davis, pastor of the First Tresis Tres-is nan church of Salt Lake Miss Winifred Gieger and Harold Bfoyee accompanied the bride and groom. In the evening at the home of Mrs Qardj in Salt Lake a reception and dinner ;(? tendered the happy pair The bride for some time has been at the exchange desk in Wrights' store and has a large circle of friend throughout the city Mr Geiger is manager of the Wright private garage and also has many friends in Ogd n. W RETURN FROM COAST. Mr and Mrs Jesse C. Carver have returned from an extended trip through California while there they spent most of their time in Los Angeles An-geles and San Francisco. HOME CULTURE CLUB. Thursday afternoon the Home Cnl-ture Cnl-ture club met at the home of Mrs J. F Hobbs. 22t"9 Adams avenue Si teen members were present. The following fol-lowing procram was given: The "Big Brother" and "Big Sister" movement, Miss Title "Women's Work in Muncipalitles." Beard. Mrs Gebhardt. oo UTOPIA CLUB Mrs II C Cwilliams will t-ntertaln the members of the Ctopla club Wed-j Wed-j nesday, Januarv 24, at her home, 2810 j Van Buren avenue, oo ENTERTAINED ON THURSDAY Mrs. Billy Ferree entertained Thurs-I Thurs-I day afternoon at her apartments. 426. Twenty-Sixth street A delightful all ernoon was sper. in needlework and ' fi usir. Instrumental music vrna ren dered by Mrs. Maude Lloyd ami Miss Lida Boyle, and several folos were sung by Mrs. H. H. Synuer. A delicious luncheon was .-Ted at J 5 o'clock aasistel "Jy Miss Llba Boyle and Mis;. Ruth ".Vterson i over vas laid for: Miss Ruth Peterson. Pet-erson. Mrs. Maud Lloyd, Mrs. Joseph BoOWCroft, Mrs. Louis Perr , Miss Lida Boyle. Mr.-. Rd Garcia, Mrs. Ed Brcwn, Mr .e..ifc. Cawley. .V-s II II. Synder, Mrs. John Bp) le, Mr... Lorin Loyle. TO INSTALL OFFICERS The Royal Neighbors of America will hold their annual installation of j oincers. Monday, January 22. in the Odd Fellows hall at 8:30 p m. SEWING SOCIETY. St. Joseph s Sewing society will meet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Martha Fisher, 471 Twenty-seventh street at 2 p m. oo TEA. Mrs. Guy Johnson, assisted by sev-era! sev-era! ladies of the Presbyterian church entertained members of the Aid ROCity ftmi congregation of the church al an afternoon tea last Tuesday oo |