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Show oo BROTHER BURIED INjtT LAKE County Commissioner Martin p Brown of Roy returned today from! Salt Lake, where he attended Wednesday Wed-nesday the funeral of his brother. Frank A Brown of Magna, and the builal yesterday at Draper. The decedent, wno was fifty-four years old. passed away January 11 at Ashland, Kentucky, his family's old ancestral home. The body arrived at Salt Lake last Tuesday. lie had gone-to gone-to Chicago to sell some cattle and a cold, resulting from exposure on the Journey, developed into pneumonia while he was visiting the old home on his return trip. The attack was quickly fatal. The decedent Is survived by his wife and two children; three broth ers. Martin P. Brown of Roy, Joseph Brown and Henry T. Brown of Pleas-ant Pleas-ant Groen, and four sisters; Airs Ella Peterson and Mrs. W. J. Stephens, Jr. of Riverton, Mr3. Emma Maw of Salt Lake and Mra. Rhoda Hardy of Roy. The bereaved family and kindred have the sympathy of the people of W. ber, Salt Lake and Utah counties where Mr. Brown had hosts of friends oo |