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Show uu MRS. S. S. OhTH LAID TO REST IN HUIMTSVILLE CEMETERY I The funeral of Mrs Sarah S. Orth, I wife of Phillip L Orth. was held yesterday yes-terday in the Huntsville ward meeting ! house, with Bishop Francis Bingham I presiding. Several hundred friends of i the decedent attended the service, filling fill-ing the chapel to its capacity, the as 1 sembly including the members of the i general board of the Weber county or-I or-I ganization, Daughters of the Pioneers from Ogden. The Ogden people, near- ly fifty in number, went to Huntsville i in a special car over tho interurban electric line yesterday morning and returned after the funeral was concluded con-cluded In addition to the great tribute trib-ute paid to the memory of Mrs. Orth, j by the attendance, there were nuruer-I nuruer-I ous floral offerings placed upon and I near her bier. Special music was furnished as fol-ilows: fol-ilows: Hymns "Sister. Thou Wast ' Mild and Lovely," and "Through Deepening Deep-ening Trials," Huntsville ward choir; solo, "My Father Know s." Phyllis Ber lin; solo, "Face to Face," Myrtle Col-vin, Col-vin, and "Consolation," Mrs. Ernest T Spencer. Eulogies that impressed upon up-on the members of the congregation the loss they had suffered in the death of Mrs Orth and the blessing they had 'enjoyed through her association asso-ciation with them in life were spoken by President Thomas B Evans of the Ogden 6take. Apostle David O. McKay, Bishop Bingham, Mrs Amelia Flvgare and Mrs. Polly Jost. Mrs. Flygare represented the Daughters of the Pioneers, Pio-neers, of which organization Mrs. Orth was a company captain, and Mrs. Jost, the stake Relief Society board Two beautiful tributes in verse, to the deceased, de-ceased, written by Mrs Jennette M. Morrell and Mrs. William Burrows were read. Interment was in the Huntsville cemetery, the grave being dedicated by Patriarch David McKay oo |