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Show HOW LANGUAGE HAS I GROWNBYBLUNDERS When the Gipsies first appear- ed in England in the fifteenth cen- H tury, the name Gipsy was giyen H to them by the English people, H who belicvod them to have come H from Egypt. The French by 'a H similar mistake, called them Bo- H hemians. But a careful study of H this race, and especially of their H language, shows that they came H originally from India. Tho Gipsy H language is derived from the San- H sen as are the other Aryan lang- H uages of India. A similar error H was made by the English when H they called a distinctively Ameri- H can bird a turkey, under the im- H pressivo that it was an importation H from the Ottoman Empire, and by H the French when they called the H same bird coq d'Inde. believing H that it came from India.-The H Christion Herald. H |