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Show 1 1 Get the Habit-Use Standard Want Ads ' If! (Everybody reads the Want Ad page it's the medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Exchange, Room! and Houses for Rent, Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1 1 1 FAYb Payable in advance. One cent per word DAILY fJrXZ rff S per insertion. No first insertion less than 25 ? ??? ! I TlTillAZlT:JX CentS T - " but tho return wllf .urprlse I f Btoclc real estate, etc. "fr Jn Evyftforf ! 1 If WTED FEMALE HELP i GIUL for general housework. Must I go home nights. 798-26th St. 1-3-lwk f "WANTED MALE HELP I WANTED Callers out; neat appear- ? ance: ladles or gents; good remun- eration. Noggle Studio, 416-24th St I EXPERIENCED hog raiser and farm-f farm-f or excellent ranch proposition. Ad-, Ad-, gress Box "O" Standard. 1-4-lwk I YOUNG man with bicycle. I. L. I Clark & Sons' Co. I--" I WANTED Boy with horse to carry I paper route. Inquire at The Stand- ard office. 12 16 tf I TrruATioNS wanted I CAPABLE young woman wants work mornings. 2651 Adams avenu4.lwk WANTED , MISCELLANEOUS A MILLION BICYCLES to repair; reasonable prices. Covey Cycle Co. 2676 Wash. Ave. i'5'1" K MCE clean whno rags at the Stand-aid Stand-aid Office. BICYCLE FRAMES AT ONCE HIG11 PRICES. COVEY CYCLE CO. 2576 WASjUNGKjNj BOARD AND ROOM INQUIRE 2074 Adams. 1-4-lmo PERSONAL. f MADAM NIXON now located at 2651 I , Adams, will be glad to see her for-. for-. . mer friends and patronB. 1-4-1 wk ! ; BUSINESS V OPPORTUNITIES I IF YOU are a business man and want I a well established general mcrchan- dise business now is your chance. I Sales average between $3000 and U $4000 a month. There is no better I 1 paying business in Weber Co. Will ! i-- sell on stock basis and give ten or SV more years lease. Call and see. Og- II den Home Builders Co., 213 Eccles J t Bldg. Phone 917. ll FOR RENT I 1 Furnished Houses, Rooms and I 1 Apartments. & ' : NICELY fur. up-to-date 3-rm Apt.; jj f ideal location; no children. 2341 Ad- " ams. lj I ' ONE or two modern housekeeping A l rooms. 523-22d St. Phone 1386-J. I 1-1-lwk I NICELY furnished housekeeping I rooms. 336-21st St. 12-31-lwk L LARGE front room with uBe of piano. ' 2303 Lincoln. Phone 2353-W. 12-3u-lwk 1 LARGE nicely furnished front room, t furnace heat. Phone 1099-J. 443 Her- rick ave. lJ-U 3 MOD. Furnished housekeeping rms. I 2071 Wall. 12-23-lf. I HKPG. rms., gas, bath. 427-24th. a 12-23-1 mo. S ROOMS for housekeeping. 2220 Lincoln. Lin-coln. 12-20-ti MODERN housekeeping apartments; steam heat. 330 23ra. J-2'10"11 If HOUSEKEEPING Apts.; gas, bath, no V children. 2203 Wash. 12-7-lmo " . . . i i FURNISHED Apts.; n0 children; 1-2 i i block east of Washington. 447 21st St. : FURNISHED, clean, comfortable housekeeping roomB, $2 week up. o30 J. Cist Si. ONE or two furnlshea rooms for light " housekeeping. Colonial apartments, T 2G2 Twenty-iourth street; prices rea- I Bonable. 9-3-tf I FURNISHED apartments. 2b34 Gran;. 9-18-lyr BLEEPING rooms, Colonial Apts. 362 24th St. 9-3-tf HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cingle or In Eultes, furnished or unfurnished, in any number prices moderate; must be rented. W. B. Wedell, 2468 Waah. 4-30-U FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses, Rooms and Apartments. FlVE-room brick house; carpets flown in 4 rooms; close in; 17 a mo. Get key at Dundee Woolen Mills, 2431 Hudson Ave. 1-5-lwk 4-HOOM house, 2111 Grant. Phone 1152. 1-3-lwk l 4-ROOM house, cheap; close in, 2019 I wnah. Inquire 33G-21st St. 1-3-lwk I 5 ROOM brick, modem, close in, $15. Cor 21st and Grant. 12-29-tf. I I T1' Pantry, clothes cloBet, kitchen, "Bht and water. 341 18th St. 1-1-lwk I i ?"?M' huse, garage, gas. 732 24tb St. Wu inone 473-R. Call 2345 Monroe. Vg 11-3 0-tf B t1 ROOM modern, 2644-Lafayette, ?1S. H ear Jackson. Bichscl. Phone. 1932-W. Ht' 12-17-tI NICE five room house, modern, $13.00 per month, 2726 Madison. Ph. 1415-M. 12-27-1 wk. A COZY 4-room house on the Bench. Inquire Room 403, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' 11-2-tf FOUR-room modern' cottage, 729 22d St Phone 102. ' 12-30-lwk EIGHT-room Mod., $15. Phone 2222. 12 3 lmo 4 ROOM modern house, 2122 Jeff. Ave. Call 280 33d. 12-30-lwk A GOOD lour room house in -railroad district. $12 per month. J. J. Brum-mitt. Brum-mitt. Phone 59. HELMS apartments, 2248 Jefferson; call forenoon. 11-16-tf. A 6-ROOM modern house with full basement. Situated in the .south part of town, $16 per mo. Phone 612. 11-3-tf APT., mod., 3 rms., bath and kitchenette; kitchen-ette; 531 24th. Tel. 1895 10-14-tf HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant. 9-18-tf DNE or more unfurnished rooms. Colonial Co-lonial Apts. 362 24th St 9-3-tf farSTfoiTr 120 ACRES near Blackfoot; rent cheap to right party. Federal Land Co., Phone 540. Eccles Building. l-4-3t ALWW ON 10PW1TH RE5UU3 ley org of our Want Ads' and Vtch tteIte5ulbiRyourway Result Producm& Want Ais FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE 3 6 ROOMS hot and cold water, $500, If taken before 25th of Jan. 330-24th. 1-5-tf GOOD Oak top counter, 24 ft. long, cheap. I. L. Clark & Sons Co. 1-5-lwk OGDEN Vacuum Cleaner Exchange. Wo handle the grand prize winning cleaner, The Eureka. Rent it at $1.00 per day. 420-25th St. Ph. 915. l-4-21t SNAP Steger piano, part cash, bal. easy payments. 3322 Wash. 12-31-lwk GOOD horse weight 1200. Grand Union Un-ion Tea Co., 2436 Wash. 12-30-tf BRAND new 25-year Guaranteed 88-uote 88-uote Player Piano lor $375. Without interest. We meet and beat any competition. com-petition. Pantono. 29th and Hudson. 12-7-lmo LOST IN November necklace and lavelllere set with pearls; grape design. Return Re-turn to 559-23d St. Phone 1921-M. Reward. Re-ward. 1-5-lwk NEAR Berthana Hall, a scarf, rose pink color, silk knitted. Will pay full value for return to Police Station. 1-3-lwk IRON-gray mare; 4 years old; foretop cut; part of mane cut near shoulder; one white hind foot; marks on front legs; reward. Return Joe Chadwick, Slaterville, Utah. 12-31-lwk MONEY TO LOAN ON R. E. only. Blchsel, 215 Eccles Bldg. 11-19-tI SHORT time chattle mortgage loans. Kelly & Horrick. 10-2-tf MORTGAGE loans on farm and city property. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah National Bank Building. 9-ltf DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, guns, etc Thomas Loan office, Grant & 25th 5-18-tf MONEY to loan on real estate security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummitt. 4-27-tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR. DIX, 218 Col. Hudson Building. Salaried people can get it without security. Others on Furniture, Pianos, Pia-nos, etc. Can bo repaid in small weekly or monthly payments. tf t JBf Ad? fhatRing tpWJihJimifisf. Evory-thiW Jbr Everybody. Porit i onr -Gorra w - Ton ants-StovQS- Bargain y - Lo rsons-Petff- Invgitmonty- -3 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE City Real. Estate For Sale Y GOOD plant suitable for pickle fac tory, or any kind of manufacturing plant, consisting of concrete building 40 x 90 feet, with seven lots; only $1500; $500 down; balance on 10 years time at Seven per cent interost. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. SIX-room brick house and lot. Easy terms. Win. Becraft, 648-23d St. 12-31-lwk A MODERN five room house, close in, hardwood floors,, everything new, neat and up-to-date, for only $2000; $1000 cash, balance on time. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah Nat Bank. LOT 75x140 ft. on 24th St Nob Hill Annex, between Taylor and Fillmore Ave. Price $550. Inquire M. Oswald, Rock Port Mo. R. 3. 11-19-lwk ONE of the best paying restaurants in the city, well located, doing excellent excel-lent business, owner is in hospital, must be sold. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah Nat Bank. County Real Estate For Sale HOG or cattle ranch, 10 years to pay. Lucern and grain land. Box O, caro Standard. 1-4-lwk 16 ACRES close In; good homo, barn, etc. A bargain for $6000. IS ACRES close in; good home close to car line. Will take house in town of suited. Only $9000. Federal Land Co., Phone 540, Eccles Building. l-4-3t 20 ACRES land; 10 acres in farm land; water; 10 acres pasturo; 4-room 4-room house; barn, flowing well; out buildings; 3 1-2 miles west of Ogden; fine for dairy. Phono 34-R-5. 1-3-lwk STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the annual an-nual meeting of the Stockholders of the Ogden Bench Canal and Water Company will be held In the court house, on Monday, January 10, 1916, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of hearing the tinanclal report of the secretary and treasurer for the year 1915, the election of seven directors (o serve for the ensuing two years, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the meeting. meet-ing. A. T. WRIGHT, President. A. D. CHAMBERS, Secretary. Dated, Ogdon, Utah, Dec. 27, 1913. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The regular annual meeting of che shareholders of the Ogden Savings Bank will be held at their Banking Room in Ogden, on Tuesday, January 11th, 1916, at 11:30 a. in., for the pur pose of electing Directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly prop-erly come before the meeting. CHAS. H BARTON, Cashier. Dated, Ogden, Utah, December 27th 1915. PojntSwiddetiir PO(M-T0DETMWfflKEB3 REM) THE HELPWiTED AND SITUATION WANTED COlUMMSyor RESULTS V&EtlteMritlki BreratinzeAWheE it Gomes toRcailb m Want Ais.Try one to-Day. 0ien Business Directory ACCORDION PLEATING. Done in all lengths. 2568 Cole's Court, rear 240 26th St. Tel. 1180-M. ARCHITECTS. F. S. PEERY, 410 25th St 10-2-tf CURTAINS, Curtains done up. Phono L'696-M. 8-23-tf CITY SCAVENGER. City Scavenger, McCarty & Co., 2733 Grant Bell phone 2018-W. CARPET CLEANING. K. Van Kampen Phone S83 for auto trimming, upholstering, mattress making, restrotchlng of bed springs. CHIROPRACTOR. F. J. Frcenor, D. C. Graduato Chiropractor. Chiro-practor. No drugs, surgery or osteopathy; osteopa-thy; try chiropractic. Rooms 212-213-214 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phone 311. CHILI CON CARNE. Chill Con Carne, Chicken Tamales, Clam Chowder, Olympia Oysters, at the Bismarck Chili Shop, phone 919-W. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Lawyer O'Connolly over Commercial National Bank Bldg., 369 24th Street. Phone 11. FURRIER AND TAXIDERMIST Furs cleaned and remodeled in the latest style. Furs skinned and tanned. T. Gajewsky, 2474 Wash. Phone 433. 11-2-tf HOTELS. When in Los Angeles, stop at Van Winkle; rates reasonable, 349 South Olive. 12-22-lmo FLORISTS. Mrs. J. J. Van Der Schuit, Van Hoist Floral Co Funeral designs, Greenhouses, 740 2th St. Phone 906. 7-9-lyr. MODERN PLUMBING. Wolshans Plumbing & Heating Co., 2325 Hudson. First-class work guaranteed. guaran-teed. Phones 869 and 2032. NEW & SECOND HAND GOODS New and second-hand furniture, clothing and shoes bought, sold or exchanged; ex-changed; also trunks and suitcases cheap. A. Slner. Phone 1321. 17a 1-2 Twenty-fifth St. 6-13-lyr ANYTHING A to Z, new or second, bo't, sold or exchanged. Phone 333-W. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fernlund, Physician and Surgeon. Sur-geon. Office hours 11 to 4 p. m. New Peery Bldg., Hudson Ave. Phone 1900-W. Residence phone 2129-W. 646 Washington Ave. PRACTICAL NURSE. Mrs. Greenwood, Phone 255S-M. 11-12-lmo PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Park Private Hospital, 778 21st Maternity work a specialty. 12-16-tf SANITARY WORK. Your Garbage hauled regular. Sanitary Sani-tary can furnished free. Sanitary Garbage Gar-bage Co. Phone 620. STORAGE BATTERIES. Recharged, repaired, stored; satisfaction satis-faction guaranteed. Electric Service Co, 425 24th St 2-22-tf STORAGE. THE W. D. BROWN CO., 2255 Wrall ave. 12-29-6 mos. TRUNK FACTORY. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases and Handbags Hand-bags repaired at 350 24th St 10-26-tf .Read tho Classified Ad. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES i J The Woman's Benoflt Association of the Maccabees, Silver Review No. 1 meets every flrBt and third Friday evenings at 8 o'clock, and every eo ond and fourth Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock In the Woodmen Hall. Fraternity block, 2320 Washington' avenue. av-enue. Visiting members cordially Invited In-vited to attend. Anna Hold en, L. C.; L. Jennie Prout R. K.. 2455 Van Bib ren avenue. Brotherhood of American Yeomen Ogaen Homestead No. lou5 meets on every Tuesday evening In W. O. W. hail, Fraternity building. Washington avenue. Visiting Arcners are cordially cordial-ly invited to meet with us. E. M. Held, foreman. J. A. Junk, correspondent, corre-spondent, 3202 Washington avenue. Queen City Kebekah Lodge No. 4, f. u O. !, meets second, and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members invited. Minnie Min-nie Child, N. Q.; Annine Carlson, Recording Re-cording Secretary. The American Masonic Federation Ogdeu Lodge No. 81, 2414 1-2 Washington Wash-ington aenue, wiil meet every Monday Mon-day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothels broth-els cordially invited to attend. W. K. Toller, H. V. M., A. E. Lansing, secretary, 436 Thirtieth street. Royal Highlanders Ogden Castle No. 625 meets in the new 1. O. O. F. hail; Fraternity block, 2320 Waaning ton Ave., every 2nd and 4tb Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Hign-landers Hign-landers cordially invited. Alford Burgi, 11L 1'ro.j William Muller, Sec-Treas. Sec-Treas. Royal Neighbors of America meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall. Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors invited. E1L. Mitchell, O. R., 24? 21st street. Lilliau Newton, Recorder 27th and QQuincy. , MASONICJ Queen Esther chapter No. 4 u. jl!.. S., regular meetings held at Masonic hall on Washington Ave., between 25th and 26th Sts,, the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially Invited to attend. Iola Blackman, W. M.; Linda L. Irwin, Secretary-Treasurer. Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 6&1, meets every Wednesday night at 7:3u o'clock, now Woodman Hall, Fraternity Bldg., Washington Ave., visiting Neighbors invited. Dues will be collected on the 6th of each month at Misch Drug Store. Addie A. Follows, Fol-lows, G. N., 3wib" Poplar avenue, phone 1286-R. Mane Crites, Clerk, 2731 Monroe Ave. uhono 1U13-R. Ogden Lodge No. 2, KnigMs of Pythias, Py-thias, moets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Castle Hall of Cio I'ythlan building, 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights welcome. S. D. Rldeout, C. C; George B. Hart, K. R. S.; Edgar A. Ford, M. P., 2340 Grant Ave. Ogden Lodge No. 5, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meeU in L O. O. F. hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting Vis-iting brothers cordially invited to be ' present., Ben. MoloiI.vN. G.; Henry KlBsel, Secretary. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Wood-men Wood-men of America, meets every Wednea day night in the 1. O. O. F. hall. Fraternity Fra-ternity block. Out of town members cordially invited to meet with us. H. J. CopoSk, Consul; J. R. Hlnchclifi, Clerk. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogden Aerie No. 113, F. O. E., meets every Wednesday evening at Eagles' hall, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Go. F. Roach, W. President; Presi-dent; E. R. Geiger, Secretary; Drs. H. B Forbes and I'aui lngebretsen, Aerie Physicians. Woodmen of the World. Weber Camp No. 74 meets in the W. O. W. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washing ton avenue, every Thursday evening Ht 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cor-riially cor-riially Invited to attend. J. L. Kelli her, C, C; W. M. Plggott, Clerk, P. O. Box 488. Order of Owls, Ogden West, No.. 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening In their own hall (the cJc1 Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brother Owls are invited to attend the Nest meetings. W. D. Watson, President, C. A. Knowlden, Secretary. on it ana h?lp you i Fisd wfadt ipuhanre Ldsj. J Read tho Classified Ads. M Read th Classified Adfl. jH |