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Show I "The Rack" I ) Last Time l TONIGHT ALHAMBRA ' - Wp9h IHHBHHSUSEmIkHESEsIIHIIBHhHi Come early Tonight. Don't ; miss this forceful sermon A Picture that makes you Think, a Story so True to i i Life. A in . i gaBaBgaaa i THEATRE 1 1 Last time today. Ill THE TIDES OF I ; RETRIBUTION lj Showing the vengeance of a girl l j betrayed. It I To-morrow li SAINTS ANP SINNERS II - In Three Parts HF "AN ENEMY OF MANKIND" litt First episode of the noted Austral- In ian bandit series. 15 "STINGAREE" My Each episode complete In itself. oo GREAT PHAGES SMTOHl TOMORROW Alexander Pantages Is sending seven sev-en vaudeville acts to Ogden this week for Orpheum patrons on the new bill opening tomorrow afternoon. The bill is headlined by Gen. Plsano, the famous fa-mous Italian Sharp Shooter in his sensational sen-sational act, "The Bombarding of Tripoli Tri-poli by the Italian Fleet." He exhibits the feats in. which he works, showing a picture of the Bay of Tripoli, when it was being bombarded by the Italian fleet. The effect is most thrilling and shows that his countrymen are not far behind the marines of any nation as marksmen. He does a great deal of remarkable and sensational shooting, shoot-ing, one of the feats ibelug the shooting shoot-ing of a Rosin Ball held between the two assistants' foreheads. Lighting matches on blylng ibullets from theatre thea-tre balcony, snuffing them and other feats that require absolute accuracy, nerve and skill. Gen. Pisano offers $1000 to any person who proves that he does not hit all the objects shot at with real bullets. Six other acts on the bill are all above the average In entertaining and will make up an exceptionally good show this week. Advertisement. oo uw TOMORROW "Denman Thompson's Old Homestead" Home-stead" can be seen afternoons only, commencing tomorrow with the Hippodrome Hip-podrome matinees. This picture will start at 2 and 4:30 o'clock. Don't miss it, It precedes and follows the vaudeville. vaude-ville. Advertisement. ALICE BRADY The beautiful Alice Brady playing the leading roll in "The Rack," presents pre-sents an innocent young wife, though indiscreet, suffers from false accusations. accusa-tions. Her sacrifice to restore happiness happi-ness to others brings to her mind the persecution of her sex in olden times. Don't miss this powerful lesson, the last appearance at the Alhambra tonight to-night Advertisement nn uu NOTICE The next regular session of the Utah State Board Examiners of Barbers Bar-bers will be held at the Lone Star Barber shop, 318 Twenty-fifth street, Ogden, January 13, 1916, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. for the examination of all applicants of Ogden and vicinity. By order of the board, E. H. HAYES. President. Advertisement. oo oo NOTICE, w. aw. Members of Weber camp No. 74, W. O. W., will meet at the 12th ward meeting house Thursday, Jan. 6th, at 2 o'clock p. m., to attend the funeral services for our late esteemed neighbor, neigh-bor, W. R. Landes. Bring badges and white gloves. Advertisement. on Knights of Pythias' Dance Tonight. 50c per couple, extra ex-tra lady 25c. 00 Read the Classified Ads.- Kead tho Classlilea Attn. s "A Clean-Up" Jingle 1 I J Evidently a good many people understand the J H 1 meaning of this "Clean-Up" Sale Here's another Jj B jingle, submitted by a customer whose name is with- ;1 H S held by request. (We'll pay a dollar each for accept- f H c able jingles write one and mail it.) H f When a fellow's purse is quite flat j H i Right after Xm as do you get that? i H J It's mighty good to get this thrill: H I 'Goods left over are cheaper still" H r Half-hearted methods don't go here- ? H Xhe odd lots have a quick-go price I H So every penny will count about H i twice. f H This "Clean-Up" Sale is to be of short duration. j Better stock up while prices are down. 4 B Wrights' Clean-Up Sale I DENVER Colorado Springs H PUEBLO and H Return H $22.50 H UNION PACIFIC Account National Western Stock M Show. Tickets on sale Jan. 14 and M 15, with return limit Jan. 31. CITY H TICKET OFFICE, Orpheum Block. M Phone 2500. H I Big Pantages Bill Tomorrow I I Seven Vaudeville Acts at the Orpheum This Week 1 SEE GEN. 1 H fhsa.. Pisano 1 1 ijiK PSSa The snoot,n9 Star and c I lr "BOMBARDING I H ' WHS i TRIPOLI" 1 jBSjL By "The Italian Fleet" I H Bi5 The biggest novelty act In 1 jH mjBP 5,X OTsGREAT I U 4m Seven Acts for 10, 20, 1 B MATINEE 10c, 20c. I M GEN. PISANO. MAlingn v H |