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Show 1 8jfiLIIIJLLMASiLll0 IN BIB MEETING H Coast League Men Adjourn H After Discussing Sunday H Closing Law. H ' "" " I San Francisco, Cal?, Jan. 4. Coast league schedule makers proved them- selves unafraid today, when most of Hj the afternoon and all of the evening H was spent In the arranging of base-H base-H ball dates for the coming season, de- H spite the report from Portland of a H federal court decision declaring the H validity of certain obsolete Sunday H closing laws that would affect all B ' manner of business and might even Hi tend to stop Sunday ball games. H Tt was the consensus of opinion on H J the part of the California magnates, H backed up by a telegram received H from Judge McCredle, that the fed-Hj fed-Hj oral verdict will not interfere with IHI baseball. At all events, the coasters are willing to take a chance with nublic sentiment, and if necessary when Salt Lake opens the spring season sea-son in Portland a test case will be made. Failure of President Frank 3Iurphy of Salt Lake to arrive in the afternoon, after-noon, due to washouts that held back his train, rather tended to delay mat- h Luru, uia .uurpny was on nanci in time Hl for tho 8 o'clock meeting and con- j tinucd through to the close with Wal- H ter McCredie representing Portland, H' since the judge was unable to be pres- H cut on account of poor health. Frank H Leavitt and Jack Cook of Oakland, H Henry Berry of San Francisco and H. President Baum made up the balance i of the gathering. H A wiro was rushed to Judge Mo H ! Credic asking for his opinion on the H'j Sunday closing law. He stated in his H ' wire that he didn't believe the au- H ! thorities would attempt to stop the j national pastime and if they did the H ; fine of $50 per offense could be met H i each week rather than abandon the H best drawing day of the week. The H, Coast league, at all events, is disre- ' garding the possibility of any such proceeding, and will go through with j its plans on the basis of Sunday j games all around the circuit. U Unable to fix up on a schedule that Hi would be satisfactory to all hands, B the meeting adjourned at 12 o'clock R tonight to meet again at 10 o'clock in the morning for the purpose of H threshing out the subject. Because of H the location of the cities in the or- v ganization it is difficult to plot the B games properly to provide for the 'j best railroad transportation scheme as well as to avoid leaving a club too h long in any one city. |