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Show I Juicy, Sweet Delicious H 1 TQtxdev I I - Healthful. ( I 1 Seedless j I ISimkisiH 1 I OrangesciSsSiB I 1 1 1 mitt at erery met, I $3 HI ft I c.AUcfi"it:c1? demler w have a plentiful amply. 1 ft H 1 CALIFORNIA ERUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE 1 11 H Li, -.,,., 139 Nt C"fcSfret. Qilera oo SAYSACiDSTDWlACH CAUSES IIICEST1 Excess of hydrochloric acid sours the food and forms gases. Undigested food delayed in the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left in the open nir, says a noted authority He also tells us that Indigestion is caused by Hyper-acidity, meaning, there is an excess ex-cess of hydro-chloric acid in the stomach stom-ach which prevents complete digestion diges-tion and starts food fermentation Thus everything eaten sours in the stomach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids and gabes which inflate tho stomach like a toy balloon. Then wo feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heartburn, heart-burn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. nau-sea. He tolls us to lay aside all digestive acids and instead, get fioin any phar-macj' phar-macj' four ounces of .lad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while it is effervescing and furthermore, further-more, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose, it is important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start tho liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive di-gestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with llthia and sodium pLosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. re-sults. Advertisement. oo- If Too Fat Get More Fresh Air TAKE OIL OF KOREIN TO KEEP WEIGHT DOWN, OR TO REDUCE RE-DUCE SUPERFLUOUS FAT. People who are confined within doors and who are deprived of fresh, Invigorating air and exercise must take precaution to guard against over-stoutness, over-stoutness, as fat acquired by Indoor life is unhealthy and a danger to the vital organs of the body. Lack of exercise ex-ercise in the fresh air weakens the oxygen-carrying power of the blood, so that it is unable to produce strong muscles and vitality and the Information Informa-tion of unsightly and unhealthy fat is the result. If you are 15 or 20 .pounds above normal weight you are daily drawing on your reserve strength and are constantly con-stantly lowering your vitality by carrying car-rying this excess burden. Any person who Is satisfied In their own mind that they are too stout should go to a good druggist and get a box of oil of korein capsules, and take ono after each meal and one just before retiring at night ?vm Even a few days' treatment should show a noticeable reduction in weight, digestion should improve, energy return, re-turn, footsteps ibecome lighter, and the skin less flabby in appearance. Oil of korein is inexpensive, cannot can-not injure, helps the digestion and is designed to increase the oxygen-carrying power of the blood. Any person who wants to reduce their weight 15 or 20 pounds should give this treatment treat-ment a trial. There is nothing better. A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. can supply you. Advertisement, pIT PAYS TOTHOFBEFORfl 1 Tomorrow evening this store will be closed at seven o'clock, i l and will continue to close each Saturday evening at that hour j (until further notice. 5 I By closing at this hour we are able to materially cut down? 1 the expenses for the day, and therefore able to offer better val-) j I lues in merchandise. The Seven 0'Clock closing also gives bet-) j I ter service to our customers, for a full force of sales people are 1 h here during the entire day and particularly that part of the i day when the trade is heaviest. The store opens at eight-thirty : tomorrow morning and closes at seven o'clock tomorrow even- i Sin(T ? ; as CROWDS ATTEND "CLEAN-UP" SALES i j I The crowds in attendance at these "Clean-Up" Sales, every j I day during the present week, have been the talk of the town.? f The store has had the appearance of the week before Christ-? j i mas, as far as the attendance has been concerned. 3 1 1 I There are remnants and odds and ends and broken lots of all) ' i i kinds of stock which must be disposed of before the arrival oh : i spring and summer stocks. In every department the counters: -1 are filled with these "close-outs," clearly pointed out witlu jjg Clean-Up" Sales Cards-no matter what your wants are, there's a saving during the progress of this event. WRIGHTS' CLE, AN-UP SALE, S I oo SMS UN IE CM ABOUT IT Using gasoline to dry clean everything and save $5 in an hour. Dry cleaning at home is all the rage here, says a well-known downtown druggist. Any woman can do five dollars' worth of dry cleaning at home at very little cost "by dissolving two ounces of soMte in two gallons of gasoline; then Immerse tho articles arti-cles to be cleaned . rub a little and in a few moments tne gasoline evaporates evapor-ates and the articles cleaned look as ungnt ana rresn as new. Dry clean j'our own silk waists, dresses, ribbons, 'belts, kid gloves, satin shoes, evening slippers, fine laces, net work, woolens, dresses, children's chil-dren's coats, furs, veils, neckties, shawls, gentlemen's garments, fancy vests, lace curtains, rugB, in fact, everything that would be ruined by washing with soap and water. Nothing Noth-ing will fade, shrink or wrinkle, making mak-ing pressing unnecessary. Dry cleaning at home is inexpensive and effects a tremendous saving In the household and Is really just as easy as laundering. Any druggist will sell two ounces of solvlte which is simply a gasoline soap and your grocer or a garage will supply the gasoline. gas-oline. Then a wash boiler or dlshpan completes the outfit, "As gasoline Is very Inflammable, be sure to do your dry cleaning out of doors or in a room away from fire or flame, with the windows left open " Advertisement P j Start Tomorrow I S and Keep It Up ft Every Morning f tl k fiRGI Get In the habit of drinking a I g"? glaaa of hot water before ? SiJ breakfast. I 1? ;ilOD 8L ou7S? not heie lons' so let's maiie I L our stay agreeable Let us livo wpII eat well d,geSt well, workVe 1? s' ee p 8 0 condltton 0tV;elL W" a Slorloui 5 S to attain, and yet, how very r easy It is If one will only adopt the 2 -0DER morning inside bath P 5 m h dun! h aTe, accustomed to feel j) ife J5Sftn?,,2.e lntemal "lso K i77 ' PhosphI0hia 'fsPoonful of limestone fltasj sweetentaS TJ n2: thus cleansing, MM. on n; ? and limestone phosphate m?' flUln iaWgSraTgVS Is Sly fermenUUoSns CasS8 Ut.aU 60Ur H---Ity and gives 'oK?' Y8'8 and acId 1 1 for reakTasrile6 apPlt0 II ing your break) V J, you are enJ'" ? Phate is SieUv .wMter and hos- few volume or wati ?CfinSi?L Iai's K Setting ready for F tbe blood anU ! "fl"?"1 flUShiDS I 'bothered w?hS ?L OIle wb e l &ton, spells, stomach Station. lbiUous g fej-: have sallow akh,,Slble: others wh0 Kn sickly completions od d,sord and Jjin 4 a Quarter pounV o set 6 KW ai Phate from the dn?icmeSt0ne lhos' ' fA cost very little S,tore' ThIs wUI 55; make anion J , i ' Ia su"lcient to t, KiI 1 the subject of in.n0 crank on 5fl breatSer115 ife 0 ' oo -L jtgA. In( Readjheoaasine,! Ada igSSj tin aaWeTid. W 73 II |