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Show WORLD'S MiHKElS New York, Jan. 7. Although opening open-ing prices today were mainly higher, the market's undertone reflected a continuance of its recent feverish condition. con-dition. United States Steel was again the feature with initial sales of 1000 to over 2000 shares at 86 1-4 to S6 3-S, a slight gain over yesterday's close. Some of the specialties recently re-cently under pressure, including fertilizer fer-tilizer issues, showed the effects of further liquidation, Agricultural Chemical common and preferred yielding yield-ing over four points. Oil shares moved erratically, Mexican Petroleum rising while California Petroleum declined. de-clined. Rails were firm and coppers slightly higher. General Motors declined de-clined 15 to 425. L Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Nebi, Jan. 7, Hogs Receipts Re-ceipts (13,500; higher. Heavy, $6.70 C.85; light, $G.G06.80; pigs, S5.25 G.40; bulk: of sales, SG.70(gG.80. Cattle-Receipts 12,000; steady. Native Na-tive steers, $6.0039.00; cows and helfers;$5.00(g)7.00; western steers, '$6.006.75; Texas steers, $5.7oG.75; stockers and feeders, $5.25 7.50. Sheep Receipts 8000;" steady. Yearlings, Year-lings, $7.25S.25; wethers, $6.25 7.25; lambs, $9.5010.05. Sugar. New York, Jan. 7. Raw sugar, easy; centrifugal, 4.334.52c: molasses, molas-ses, 3.563.75c. Refined quiet. Sugar futures opened quiet today and at noon prices were about unchanged. |