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Show MAN! THOUSANDS NEEDING SUCCOR Narrow Strip of Belgian Territory Ter-ritory Crowded With Residents, Resi-dents, Refugees and invalided in-valided Soldiers. MILK SUPPLY GONE Many Babies and Mothers Suffer Suf-fer Potatoes High and Scarce Grain Supply Insufficient. New York, Jan 7. In that portion of Belgium, which remains free from German occupation, and which appears ap-pears so small upon the maps, there aro 100,000 regular residents and about as many more refugees from the rest of that country. All the refugees ref-ugees are dependent upon charity, says Aloys ' Van le Vy vere., Belgian minister of finance, who is in this country to inspect contracts ghen by Belgian. Before leaving "for Washington, the Chevalier Van De Yyere said. "In addition to these residents and refugees, we have In our small bit of unoccupied territory, many, invalided invalid-ed soldiers. Our improvised hospitals are so over-crowded with civilians, for in such a place, with the awful ruin from burning and shooting, we have man j' epidemics. There has been typhoid to an alarming extent and will be more when spring comes." Milk Supply Exhausted. The Belgian minister said that he received yesterday a cable dispatch saying that the supply of condensed milk in Belgian is now exhausted "We do not easily what you Americans Ameri-cans call 'snuear but this means dis aster for the babies and nursing mothers," moth-ers," he said. "Six months ago the commission for relief in Belgium sent all the condensed milk It could spare. We have grouped our children as much as possible and sent them off toward France to avoid danger from shells and from contamination of camp life conditions which arc virtually everywhere every-where Jn the little strip of our own country that is left to us. "I hear that things grow worse also in the rest of Belgium. Potatoes which were our staple diet, have become be-come very scarce and very high in price. When the great quantities of grain sent regularly by the commission commis-sion for relief in Belgium aro beginning begin-ning to be insufficient." |