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Show THOMAS E. BROlli TAKES HE OF POLICE Thomas E. Browning, chief of police po-lice of Ogden up to four years ago, again assumed tho office this morning, morn-ing, succeeding W. I. Norton. Without With-out ceremony of any nature Chief Bi owning took charge of the department depart-ment at 7:30 o'clock. The entire forenoon fore-noon was spent by the new chief In consultation with prospective new officers of-ficers and some of those who will be retained on tho force. Later In tho afternoon a list of the officers was filed by Chief Browning with the city recorder. Chief Browning was relieved as special spe-cial agent for the State Board of Medical Med-ical Examiners, Pharmacy and Dental Examiners at a dinner at the Hotel Utah, Thursday at noon. The dinner was served In the largo private dining room and was attended by the officers offi-cers and members of three" boards as well as Colson C. Smith, of Salt Lake who succeeds to Chief Browning's position. po-sition. Speeches were made by Dr. D. C Budge of Logan, president of the Medical Board; Dr. Franklin, president of the Pharmacy board and Dr. Tripp of the Dental board also by the three secretaries. Dr Budge presided as toastmaster and introduced intro-duced a resolution praising Chief Browning for his work. In part the resolution was as follows: fol-lows: "Resolved by the State Boards of Medical Examiners, Dental Examiners and Pharmacy, in joint session, that a vote of thanks bo expressed to Thomas E. Browning, who, for tlv) past three years, has acted as special spe-cial agent for the abovo named boards, In the most efficient manner. In handling the affairs, he has accomplished accom-plished more in the way of regulation and enforcement of the law pertaining pertain-ing to our boards than has been accomplished ac-complished in tho historv of the state." The resolution closed with stating the regret of the board to lose the valuable officer, but expressed the wish for the future and welfare of Mr. Browning In his new position. President Franklin, as well as the other members, paid special praise to Chief Browning for the work accomplished accom-plished in exterminating the bootlegging bootleg-ging drug stores n the "dry" territorv of the state In tills, the speaker said, the greatest good has come to the siato. Other members praised tho retiring re-tiring officer oh his fight against the "drug fiend" and other violators ol the law respecting practices and usages of "dope." New Detectives on Force. Alexander Fife and Grant Svphers assumed their duties this morning as detectives. They will replace George Wardlaw, resigned, and one of the other officers removed. The line up for the department will not be completed com-pleted until the return of -Mayor Heywood, Hey-wood, who accompanied the excursion to Provo. 1 |