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Show MONTENEGRO IS BEING CRUSHED Vienna, Jan. 11. It Is officially an nounced that Mount Locver, the Mont-euegrin Mont-euegrin stronghold overlooking Cat-taro Cat-taro bay, has been captured by the Austrians. London, Jan. 11. Montenegro is being treated to a steam roller attack similar to that which crumpled up its friend and neighbor, Serbia. The Austrian Aus-trian onslaught which has been a long time in preparation, Is now being prosecuted pros-ecuted with great violence, menacing several Important positions on the Adriatic coast. The great Montenegrin stronghold. Mount Lovcen, has fallen, according to tonight's official communication. The attack here has been largely assisted as-sisted by Austrian warships and the guns of the Cattaro forts. In addition, addi-tion, the Montenegrins say, the Aus-trians Aus-trians made abundant use of asphyxiating asphyxi-ating gas. A battle is raging on the whole of the northern and eastern frontiers of Montenegro On the east the Montenegrins have been compelled compell-ed to evacuate Berane Anxiety In England. For the British public the latest statements regarding the situation in Mesopotamia will not entirely relieve the anxiety. General Aylmer's column which is advancing to the relief of Kut-el-Amara has met and repulsed a strong Turkish force, but its present position Is by no means satisfactory, for it finds in front of It a Turkish army greatly superior in numbers. Therefore it is evident that a successful success-ful Juncture of the two British forces, although they are only twenty miles apart, may prove a very difficult matter. mat-ter. There have been no fresh developments develop-ments on the Russian front, where the cold weather again has set In, the thermometer at some points touching twenty degrees below zero Although for the moment the Russians have ceased their attack upon the Austro-German Austro-German lines, from the Pripet river to the Bessarablan frontier, information informa-tion from German sources Is that they have not given up the venture, but are merely reorganizing their forces tor another formidable assault. Russian Fortify. The Russians are reported as fortifying forti-fying the positions recently won by them, and in this way their front has been gradually extended until they occupy oc-cupy about thirty-four miles of the east bank of the middle reaches of me siripa river, a position which It is deemed here Is secure against recapture recap-ture by the Austro-GermanB. So far as the western front Is concerned, con-cerned, the center of Interest is still the Champagne region. According to French accounts, there was clearly nothing casual or ordinary about the big German attack which the French claimed they successfully stopped. The French lines here make a tempting tempt-ing salient, but the position evidently has been made correspondingly strong. Paris claims that the French by vigorous vig-orous counter-attacks expelled the Germans from all except a small section sec-tion of the trenches which they had won in Champagne The domestic crisis over the government's gov-ernment's compulsion bill has become much less tense, and it Is now freely predicted that the government and the labor, party may again be placed on friendly terms and that the expected ex-pected break in the coalition ministry may be prevented. John Redmond announced an-nounced in parliament today that the nationalists would not further oppose the military service bill. Res'gnatlons Not Accepted. The resignations- of Arthur Henderson, Hender-son, president of the board of education, educa-tion, and his two labor colleagues from the ministerial councils, have not yet been accepted, and at the conference con-ference 'nhlch the representatives of labor will hold with Premier Asquith tomorrow some agreement may be reached by which they will be retained retain-ed In the government. y oo |