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Show SOCIETY FOR BRIDE-TO-BE. IIrs C. Tj. Wysong gavo a very pretty pret-ty party at her home, 12G0 Jefferson avonuo, on Monday evening, in honor of Miss Elsie Mann, whose engagement engage-ment to Mr. E. K Trousdale, of Reno, Nevada, was announced. Tho guests who were present were members of tho "Beam" club. After a pleasant hour was spent at fancy work, the guests retired to the dining loom, where dainty refreshments were served. Tho secret of their engagement en-gagement was disclosed by an arrangement ar-rangement of place cards in the characters char-acters of various colored birds, holding hold-ing in their tiny bills miniature announcement an-nouncement cards. The following members of the club wore present: Mesdames A. J. Crase, Harry Hales, H. T. Goddard, C. Craso, R. Ashment, C. L. Wysong, and tho Misses Nellie McWhltney, Irene Wallace Wal-lace and Elsie Mann. BEGINS AT 8 O'CLOCK. The Daughters of Pioneers annual ball to bo given in the Borthana this evening will begin promptly at S o'clock. Tho event will be one of the nicest affairs of the season. LUCKY THIRTEEN. Mrs. Jacob H. Rhine will entertain the Lucky Thirteen club at her home on Fowler avenue Friday afternoon. RETURN FROM EAST. Mrs. F. Neesley, at 2823 Lincoln avenue, has just rotumed from a threo months' visit with frionds and relatives rela-tives in the east. LEAP YEAR PARTY. Tho Weber Academy Sophomores entertained at Leap Year Pnrty last evening in the Academy auditorium, only members of the class being present. pres-ent. The young ladies acted as escorts. es-corts. The affair began with a basketball game between the Sophomore team and officers of the class, the team members being victorious. From S:30 to 10:30 dancing was enjoyed followed follow-ed by a delicious luncheon served by the girls. During the luncheon a farewell fare-well speech was made by Douglas Lelshman who Is to go to Logan next a H week to establish a branch of tho M Golden Rule Stores. M The event was one of the most en- H joyable parties given at the school tM this season and the-toys of the class M proclaim the girl sophomores delight- M ful hostesses. M |