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Show HP'S MARKETS Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Neb.. Jan. 12. Hogs Receipts Re-ceipts 13,600; market higher. Heavy, $6.80(9)6.90; light, $6.706.85; pigs, $&.50iS6 70; bulk of sales, $6.S06.85. Cattle Receipts 4200; market stronger. Native steers, $G.509.00; cows and heifers. $5.257.00; western west-ern steers, $6.007.25; Texas steers, ?5.707.70; stockers and feeders, $5.357.60. Sheep Receipts 6000; market higher. high-er. Yearlings, $7.70S.50; wethers, ?G.007.00; lambs, $9.75(9)10.60. Chicago Grain Chicago, Jan. 12 Prospects of a. severe cold wave had a bullish effect today on wheat. Prices here, after opening 1-4 to 1 l-2c up, with May at $1.26 3-4 to 1 28 and July at $1.19 5-8 to 1 20, scored a slight further advance. ad-vance. Corn touched the topmost price yet this season. Morning figures, which ranged from a shado to 5-8c higher, werp followed by a little fur-thei fur-thei advance and then a moderate reaction. re-action. Oats rose with other grain. Higher prices on hogs lifted provisions. provi-sions. New York, Jan. 12. Further liquidation of specialties attended today's to-day's early dealings with especial heaviness in Crucible Steel, Stude-baker Stude-baker and allied issues. Latest developments de-velopments in Mexico were reflected In tho selling of such stocks as Mexican Mexi-can Petroleum and American Smelting, Smelt-ing, the latter declining a point, with sympathetic losses in other metals. oo |