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Show ; LOCAL AND OTHER NEWS. iOrorge ilJ went up lo the l'ark Tuesday lo work Mrt. II. B Chandler and family te I yliitlriir. In Coalville. Fevon children werebaptlred lulu Ihe J I). H. church last Hunday. , Itori'l lorget lo ktlvntl the meeting at 1 Ilia Tlrnclo Hunday night j T. I,. (leech will leave on November Ctli (or million lo Or tit llrluln ! Mif.Johlt M. Calderwood spent the past week In Ogden vlslllag frlnd. H ( Ilisliopr. II. VYrlht came down from lM lils ranch Tnesday night U put up hay. St J 1 Mitchell cmr up Iroui Center- m ' vllle S.lntiUr on a short business trip We received it clrculnr tlil week of t ' lh Wcler Make .tcadtmy for the years 1W0 1P0I. i' A newfenceliaelAciibulltarouiidtho Co cp pump this week and several oilier good Improvements mads. ! Mrs. John (leorge Itagnall ml clll,Ji ten went up lo Turk City Tuesday ir.il will mako that lllr home. (Irorje IlulT nil litefmnlly Hroeoilowu U lo Ball Lake Tueeday and ( snl the f week there dolnir Temple work. ir ' IJ, A. Nock, rliht-ol wy agent ol the ft, (!. W. Itallroad, wi In town Monday f" ' looking oyer the counlyrecorda '$'. I Carl Alllion and wild spent last week jtfij. , '' , ' ., In 8ll Lake doing Temp'o work Carl HBtl ' v , returned home Turtday and his wife KliSSif Wednesday. WJBiMffifiJ&-L-- (Irani llullock has iurchaied the old BaBSBtlEaSttliaMil! J.lce.honeci from the Co-op and moved It Hw 38PBsfflsrap?F '"'our l6"iils faiicli. Ho will molt lor a B1toj. nnM" WgSf 3ffc v , Hijulre Coop ol Ogdtn waa In town HPy V r . Tueeday and arrauicd lor a grand con- Ky ;V) cert lo be livid on Monday, Kept lOlli. BJ(t ;' ' , Bee parllculara In another column. JH, t W. l HUhardi was down from Oakley Si;, Monday on builnr-M While here he fo called ami planknl down the price ol a S, ' subacilptloniur una year. j flrnrxe Farnsworlli liaa itcelveil a 1 call lo take the miaalonarv coureo at the f h, 1). H. College and will lease lulho near future tiitakntiphlssludlea. ' " Kitrriue hot wraihrr lnaKicntUitip- f ,;'r onthedlgrillve poerot bahlra, when ' L " puny and liehle thoy ahould he kIvkii ty r loi, of Will It'S GICUAM VKIIMI , rU(ii. l'rlcoS&canta. John Itoyilen A. - ' Poll, ., ' Horn, Sunday iiiumlnx. In Dr. and Mr. O. W.rreuch, a girl Ml doing well. The doctor felt omcwliutdliap. pointed heraui It wanrn' my, hut he . thluka glrtt are not to lad after all K rf' The aubjeel ol illicciii. at the New !, Weit arhool Sunday evening will be f "Sly Ooipal." 8rvlce will begin at ' 7t45. A coidlal Inrliallon la k en to rVf attend. K? ". The Waaiilch Ware la urging the clll- B p. , zenaol Ilelur to have that town Incor- Rm j ' pnnttrdlntoarlly. Thla la uiuoteln J k- the right direction, and c hope the i'i v .J Wave will keep the matter Itforelhe ; ' people, and that they will Incorporate. A tramp who had walkid from Turk ; ' ' , City down here .Monday afternoon creal- l rd a little amusement fur the boy a who , vcroonlheitrecti that night, lie hid ' vtj enough money on lnni when he reached 'ii'i - Iieretobuy aglaiaor twoolboer, which . i , made him "daad drunk." Then he got .;""- cnt In front of llaU'a aaloon and told all , '' ,,, lioever knew and aoire that he didn't ,'f ' know, lie howled around until about I, . ji Jl o'clock whan M.r.linlWllklna locked him up In the elly Jail, aad the next morning atarted htm out of town County Clerk Tack and family went up lo Kunaa Saturday far a short Tltit, ralurnlng home Tuesday Monday being a legal holiday, the county comroliilonera will not aneet on that day but the one following Tuee-ljr. Tuee-ljr. Dorn, Tueaday, to the wife ol Jake Huffman, a girl. Mother and babe doing do-ing well Jake la now cultivating a ruuetathe an aa to loek more like a atern parent I'ark Itetord. 1'rof J. J. Ibjnee hae realgned a organlat for !! church and It la ex peeled that I'rof. J J. McClellan will aueerrd turn, t'rof. Diyuta liaa been the church organlat fr over Ihlrly yeart. What molt people want It aornethlng mild and gentle, when In needcfphyald Chamberlain'! Stomach and UtcrTab-iMe UtcrTab-iMe till the bill to a dot. They are eaty to lake and pleasant 111 effect. For Sale by John Ilordcn A Pont. f!.e New Weal Free tchcol will open Monday, Sept. lOIti, in charge el Mr. Warner and Mlit Ktla M. fcheiherd. High Mhool work under oiperlenced Instruction In-struction will be given to any desiring It. Tuition free. - at" J. K 1'etlll, wife and children came In from llauna, Wjo., Iat wtck tovialt retallvaa for a thorl time and force thalr nephew, J. !. Itarbct, before he left for hit inltelon. They relumed home U tdnetday Neil Monday It Lahur Day, but lhare hat been no regram arranged for Dili laer Tlje bate ball Uiya, linwevsr, will have an excuralon to the l'ark (in Ihotllar. and no doubt ulte acrowd w III go up from litre. TheCoilvllle boys will play a retain game with l'ark City. I'lle are not only In, and ol Ihemaelvca very painful and annoying, bat often greatly nggravate and even cauae other grave and painful anVcllnna, and ahouhl, lliviefurenotbv neglected. TAllI.UIt'B IltlCKCYU I'II,H OI.vr.MK.NT la a great boon to auffcrcra aa it will cure them, I'rlce, McentalnbottlM. TuUa 74 centa John I'ojden A ?ou. W.J Miller, ol the circulating department de-partment of the Ball l.ako Trlbuna, and J II. Cahoou, foreman of the prati room, paired through Coalville Monday morning on their way lo Hear river, where they go to spend two weeks Hilling Hill-ing and hunting. Thty made us a pleasant pleas-ant call. j:t.leraUvl W. lllcharde, J. M. Tanner, Tan-ner, I John Nutlall and Hugh J. Cannon, Can-non, niitmbtri of the Oetcrat Buaday Reboot Union Heard, came out to Coalville Coal-ville Haturday night and on Sunday vlailud Sabbath achools in different parts ol the Etake. Kliler John Calderwood hat been appointed ap-pointed president of the Y M.M.I A. (or thla aeaaor, and there is undoubt but that the meetings will be a success under hit management, The ynung men will meet conjointly with the young ladiea In the Acadcuiv building on Tuva-day Tuva-day otculnga. .laiuca Salmon thla week brought ua Ineninoapccliiiesol applea ralaed on his irrrs In the eaal cud of low n, which wire beauties. The crab variety were excellent, excel-lent, aud It shoo plaluly that thla Irult can be railed here II properly worked with. The applet raised In thla part have aa good a flavor as Iheonaa ralaed In the lower valleys. The meddlrtomo man alwaya flndi plenty of chancit tu ttlck hit beak In, Ho knuat aliatmut school ilcttioueaml how they should be conducted He knows how party politic! are running in all parts, having attliated with all of them Ho kuowt thetlnauclal standing ol everr man in the community. In fact he knows emythlug exieptlhat the people apeak ol him as an Ignorant, meddlesome n with more gall than braiiie Kx. Taere wat a good crowd utthtdanrti In the Opera liouaa latt cridaj night The party wat given In honor of Ciders V, 11, Carrulh ami J I). lUiLcr. Much prnlao ia duo the inembera of thu Young Ijtdlca association for tlio way tlicy worked to make the iirviugof retrtah luenta a tucreia, They had all the nee-eaaary nee-eaaary artlrlea donated and all that was taken In was clear profit. In all they cleared $17.M, which was turned over lo tho mlailoiiariea, Alioutt25werettken In at the dance, and the boys had plenty to pay their fares to thrir field nf I ibor, A dance waa given up 0'a Monday night and a netlt eoin irallanl from the tame, a good crowd being preterit. l'lutiip cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health, and a pore complexion make all women beautiful. IIKUIIINK Imparts strength and vitality lo the system, sys-tem, and tho roay hue of Uallh tu the checks. Prlce.M) cents. John Hoyden A Son, James llowm.wlio liaaiiinlllled himself him-self with Almy since the infant days of coal mining In that onro famous carap, hat resigned his poalllon sisupsnnlan-dant sisupsnnlan-dant of mines at Pioneer lloKow, whither he was transferred a few months since, and leaves (or Pleasant Valley, Utah, lo accept a similar poalllon. He will be sneceeded by Pivo Thomas of Itock Springs, formerly mine liipctor for Wyoming. Kvatiaton NawaOteglalar. "My baby watttrrlbloatrk with iliar-rheoa,"aaysJ. iliar-rheoa,"aaysJ. II. iKiak, jl WlllUmr, Oregon. "We were unablt to euro him with the doctors aiilitiinct, and at a last rceort wo tried ChamorrUln'sColir, Cholora and Dlarrhocr Itcmnl). I am happy to tay It gave iiutncdialti relief and acompletoenre " ifr baloby John Hoyden hoii, J James ltyan, who waa aero some time ago, living on the :it) , taa run over I y a train at Tucker lilt Tturvday evening and killed He all ateatlng n ride, lo.t his hold ana Ml Unettli tho wheels, whkhcuthisbwlyln two. When here lie was examined by Dr. French and given a certificate lotheeffrsthhat he was suffering suf-fering from a fractured ankle. TtYJ city and count) officers got,hlui a tlcketto Ofdcn and lit led. Allow days afterward after-ward he landed In jail at l'rovo, and finally met death, J Yea, ruy son, Hurt Is n marked differ ence betxeen liars. The lawyer lleibc-ciuae lleibc-ciuae It It the clilef virtue of his piofes-Ion piofes-Ion TheUr lira IccaHfO lieihna to keep the patlcntdoao The editor lies bo wiiae hla l.uilntu would uo to the bow-wom bow-wom if he didn't The politician lies because he Is t liar by nature, by aa sovlallonsaiidty goth. Tho aaleeman Ilea became his conpetltor lies. There are lota of other ilars, all w Ilia good ' d aulllcienl leases! for aticking so closely toil, but then enumerated will be ample to Hart ywf caaay, Kx. A Colorado taper has mnch to say concerning Hit leeplng of boys oft the strtets and training them lo be eelf-sup-porting Hers is an Ids along that line A man hid Ave puppln, water spaniels, all Una: and all looking Just alike. I our eftuein grew uptolejust common dogt. Onowas taken by a dog trainer and sjucelcd. The four pupa whlih grew op weio never worth more than ,5 each, (J as much as that, be-cause be-cause they did not' know auythlng and could do cotklrg except wag their talli and hark at the moon. The .up which j waa carefully mined by the dog fancier became wvrtli 1,(K.KI mid that auin waa J refused (or hi in because he knew tome-j tome-j thing ami could do something. Ut us call the five pnr five li), and how 'does the proposition look to jou' Ills I easier to train a liny than In train a dog II you have boy a study this probltm over. Ex. lieorte cuaterund Mias Edith Illch-Inr, Illch-Inr, both ol Hen-'er, came np to Coalville Coal-ville Tuesday, procured a marriage license, and wero married by Justice of tho Peace W II. Smith nt his residence. The couple will niako their hems in Hencfer. The bridegroom Is the youngest young-est eon of J. E. Foster and the bride the eldest daughter o( William Itlchlnsof Henrfer, Thev have many friends who will with them a happy Journey through life. |