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Show lilaliw Nearly lluMbUs I wttUllon la Ten Census flguris show that tho puln-tlouol puln-tlouol Idaho Is llii.ooo, nearly duiihlu what ll waa leu yrara ago, when the ruiaus showed H 1,000 rorllsslir, Ada county, with about 13,000, haa I ho largcslpopulatlon 'lhe bauner counties, lrre.pei.tlro of site, huweter, are ,Sel l'iriw and Latah, eai.li of whh.li hua a little oter 13,000 'lhe most remarkable growth la shown lu l'reuiout tounly, which haa a population ot 11,000 "" -"" "- llulse la the largeal city In the atate, the population uf tho capital being 8,000. l'oiatelln comes second lu point of population, with 4,000) Moaiow third, with 3,3DO, nnd Lcwlston fourth, with 3,100. Idaho Tails haa about 1,300 aud Welsrraboul 1,330. Tho uldrsl luhabltanta am two ln dlana, mau and wife, uu Nes l'erue rrairtallou Tlieyareoter 100 yrara old and were married aarenty-elayiars ago. |