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Show u . i. i . Price on Iter HeatL. ft U tbe opinion of a great many Tha Greea Club of Turtle Ot New W leans has offered a reward of 91,000 rope that the average farm flog la . for the bead of thia young woman. not worth h:s board and does aot get pi w Her name Is Lillian Clayton Jewett, Jl at home. He Is a creature of w breed and disconsolate apand she is n resident Qf Bo ton. Miss 5 pearance; has few joys but many scr, Jewett is the president of afi v ews and Uvea apparently with th society which la largely mad eae purpose of worrying tramps And ot i;f up colored people, although she herthe man who attempts to keep sheep. 1 self white. been has She holding Now it may be considered a good serRecover Stolen Child c-- A dmiral Pottier. in ever Boston Indignation meetings Keno. ha W'U . t as been cheated Vice Admiral Edouard Pottier, th since the recent lynching In New Or- vice to scare tramps away from in - out of a kidnaping mystery by tta commanderFrench leans. Sh has long posed as the friend homertead, but there are many who Matte Brvlj appointed ilea Pedal. In Thine asters, U an alert. (pin k re overy of tie Hazel Patte A Chicago man Is responsible for of the colored race and has received think that Mr. DuNaught la apt to gel tha It aeems that even for the lack of hospitality shows . sou, aged e e i u years of robust man of slxty-on- e aa invention which, If generally adppt-ed- . i at tha hotne him and we must confess that hay fion so was a Klrl sluen besides his long Admiral Pot tier, Is destined to turn the boulevards stacks are very commonly troubled err Ice has had ninth diplomatic ex- tnt eji'o-- i of hr grandmother. Mrs. into temples of music. The Chicago to make a cimpla'nt h l'4f(eroti rcu-'- S with, Freni combustion. As to the lommanded spontaneous He man calls his deperience a of the crime the killing of a few sheep once in s roiitlngent during the outbreak In fuajn-- l!"e Jierpilia'oi. time birice a musical which nt, uiid ini11 ahlie, why every owner of a dog wtU piiidi Orete, .and at one time In his rapacity cycle. It consists h gU, c o m p i Is tell you that It was done by the other Is p'oae- ri.un ng of an err-"attachment r fellow's hound, for we have yet to t he gi i 'id not i ut ion i to an ' ordinary hear of tbe owner of a dog who I ,e , wheel by means of X.orra'4 Croton Prince. Will billing to confess that he is a sheep Prince Kul Wba. second son of tbs which as a bicycle kiler. if he is a very large dog hi n i'iit of to rider Korea, and heir apparent king pedals along '1 he keep Is a some hat serious matter lapture the throne, has Just come to this cteo-tr- y his wheel throw. and as his appetite la rarely appeased e ah II ti. s fur the purpose of mastering the out a succession ol by what he gets ut home u U Ltti t tie hi. W.t i English language. Eul Wha will pro- musical sirs. Tbe wonder that he goes out foraging and made ii '1 r i tie bably attend the University of Cajlhr-nl- s frame of tbe musit K tl the iim instructing the rising canine generaor Inland Stanford, Instead of cal attachment !s tion m the mysteries of successful m Ot ra t' it mr was Intern-Thas so his first east, made that It fits sheep i lined In hcio h worrying The amount of food MISS JEAVETT. prince Is of small stature and vry exactly into that of cuusuuieU by an average farm i oui iv After tu dog letters many Its from aa tbe the In threatening dark, resembling Japanese ordinary bicycle, would doubtless feed one pig and it Is i Milil h nl If n 1 southern whom she has reviled people genrral characters. He is In the are stretched piano wire which are struck if the dog pays for th k n (mm lln ar tu cf Sin Ca Too. second secretary ot He by small hammers located on the for their treatment of the negroes The questionable food a eats, while on the contfary of (he mother b. Is reward cross-piecas a actuThese hammer are properly regarded hug he pig pays for his by Will. sin and Mar) Patterson and placallowing the ated by a small cylinder, which In turn Joke feeder to eat him In return. The litIoed in a hi.j g south drove they its power from tbe crank shaft. gets 'y tle, fussy, conce.ted dog of "boxef-yellow- " wan! (he stale line When the alarm Crailt of the Drove. By changing tbs small cylinder any VICE ADMIRAL POTHER. hue may be a proficient ratt? was given the abductors hsd t ras to Peter MacQueen number of different tunes may be sends to Leellss (sometimes) but Is Insufferable M senior flag officer, commanded the make good their escape They toll a ns a played, and tbe time can be made fast Weekly from the burgher camp of wlf asserting boss of the whole combined naval forces of the four p liveryman they were going to or slow as the rider drive hie wheel Wakkerstroom, In the Transvaal, a and it Is questionable If a powers. Harbor This gave the police s Perhaps the most Important part of picture of the Boer army In the ninth cat or two' would not do more and betband clew wbii h was followed 0 htr tbe entire Invention U a device by month of the war, which must recomter work among the rata than that Hill on Chinese. of rltlrens were rent out la various which the music can be entirely shut mend that devoted body of patriots to Spitzy little terrier whose other work James J. Hill, the railroad magnate, directions off If desired. the esteem of freemen the world over. is to snap and Jump at pissing teams Chief of IHrl Ice O'Hare soon found who Is pretty wll acquainted with Night and morning in the laagers, he and all night long sing unto the moon China commercially, says: "I think traces of (he fugitives At one time says, there Is heard the chorus of that old. old song of Tbe Armor Plate Conlraelt. and the result of the trouble will be the the offli er was within hailing distancs We personally adver-The has t psalms and hymns. One night he heard interrogatory barks Just navy department of the parly, tv ho refused to stop at establishment of a safe and stable govsed again fur bids on tbe entire 2,000 voices sacred songs give the cat the benefit of the doubt singing ernment there. That Is all that we command for she buries the rat which Is amount over tons 36.000 armor of the of amorg kopjes. coun-IrTh imc for the child continued for could do We can not parcel the more than the terrier does thougn U new for tbe and have no idea plate of battleships They reprisals up as some people think will or ten nid- i- and it looked at any time cruisers authorized by tbe last two against their English foes or of cruelty huge mounds he sometimes makes in hould be done. Suppose Chius were as If the pilr of abdui tors and their sessions of Congress. It has acted to the prisoners and wounded these the fields would suggest the contrary, to say, take us, what would we do arslstnnts wool be laptured. The po-i- e and one it often fain to wish that he wisely In so doing Hitherto two Arms stern, determined but conscientious stopped and lost valuable time In bout It There are many poor peowould bury himself and be done with have armor the a monopolized plate for fighters and Again principle It, for the gophe- - and the ground hog ple over there to feed and look after. altemptlmi to telephone the chief of bids but recent have the businets, w again, says this r iter, T have seen are not worse What Is wanted over In China la a police at VVaukegtn but ho could not than he in tearing up coma Midvale brought out third, the them carefully attending the English the in the meadow. government auch aa will guarantee be reiiihed and the race continued. stcneiy of pany Philadelphia. on wounded the battle field and chatSome say they keep tbe dog for th safety for life and property, and If we The horse of the abductors gave out PRINCE EUI WHA. in frienyy tones with their pristing could make up our mlnda to let China on reaching Waukegan, and both were Korean legation at Washington, who purpose of driving in the cows, but if, Governor of Massachusetts, is oners. Crane os It often does, that service consists Ions for awhile I think It would be arrested. Is acting as Interpreter for thtf royal w much of a reader that he never The Boer soldier Impresses Mr. In also snapping at their heels, swingwell. They have religious system Oriental. goes about without several small as a man built on a broad and ing on their tails and eh Lady "Paget. centuries old, and we do not want to biting their books In bis pockets Talking on al- generoua plan. He la religious. He Is noses acts lmdy Arthur Puget, who has reare which conducneither Forbidden. most Proftit change tt unless we can take care of will he any topic He Is pure and brave of ive to full measures of milk or safa cently come Into her title through the humane In considering a bill granting the of that. Ive Just been say Apropoi their bodies aa well aa their souls." And reading of Oenersl her husband. promotion heart He indulges in no bravado after maternity we conclude that the of Rochdale authority to HI dive Into a English pocket and bring out a Arthur Paget, to tho rank ot Knight build andCity tramdog is a nuisance and no imvictory, he does not whine after a operate municipal J hoio Print Wather. a Is find not the volume book, that it Commander ot the Order ot St. on the small boy with tha "the defeat not has world comheard provement the Police and the and ways, Sanitary he Is In search of and go for another In washing photographic pistes Michael and St. George for his seras a farmer, a soldier big club and unerring, stonethrowing of tbe Boer last mittee ot the House of Lords, acting pocket, and so on until be means to Is It provldt necessary gets the prints vices in the Doer war, Is the daughter precision, We have nothing to say and a patriot oa Us own motion, recently added an book he by which tbs water happens to have In mind. In and properly gainst the amendment the applicaforbidding can circulate freely every pocket, however, there seems to trained sheep dog kept on a sheep tion of any profits from the undertak- be t book of some sort on all aides, to . Anew the Ptanett farm for dally work with the shepherd ing to the general expense ot the city, Professor James E. Keeler, the eml-cejrtnas horoughly who could not get along without his or to any purpose other than the tha charateals astronomer, for the last two help hut these dogs are not to be acJTforxiqfien of Hortet. needs of service and reduction the the of Lick the away, yet tha print Observatory, counted as belonging to the class of AiVrlter in the London Times says years director Of was This without farce. not action Mount Hamilton, died last week In w have been speaking ot and nrystJML be JbJimwA one or two legislative precedents tnd that the great blot on tha conduct San Francisco. Professor Keeler, who animals j by contact with any re ot fee war likewise the was British by the preferable In' every way to that accords with the prevailing practice of vaa a native Illinoisan, was filling his the fat, rough surface. In homes were systematically starved. family pet that mumost 'other British and Glasgow Observthseul Is shown s have no specific life work and are too They lacked food and died for that secondi term of service at Lick asnicipalities in their municipal trad- lade because new washing dewas He first the practical atory. lazy to do more than eat the food that the department had ing" enterprises. to take hold of it, having would keep a vice,' which haa a 'proper pig. through Inexcusable Ignorance of tronomer number of featurea their duties" not made preparations gone there as astronomical observer Without saying anything of hydroM to recommend Its CricKet't Wane in England. tor giving the horses sufficient food to phobia as the result of tbe bite of a Cricket Is said to be losing Its popuuse. It consists of Rotary Print-Was- h mad dog, or many other grievances them alive. keep larity In England. In several ot the a spherical bowl Ing Device. that could be set fofth, we conclude British is discussed this newspapers provided with Inlet and outlet a perthat the country Is overrun with usein as an established fart, and it Is said to Chinau Latuyert less curs which are a positive exjures, and having a perfectly smooth There are said to be no lawyers in be due to somewhat the same reasons (Inner surface. In washing prints tha pense and nuisance to th very farmFu China, yet who led was havs that to the Hong decadence of Ling, Inlet is connected with the faucet by LADY ARTHUR PAGET. ers who keep them and we think that killed baseball in the United States recently during the fighting at Just i a rubber tube, and when the water la Of the late Mrs Psrsn Stevens of New jur readeis who give the matter a litas here professionalism has ruined the Hentain was a very close imitation tle thought wLl come to tbe same con'Circulating freely the prints may be York. Hugh Alraerlc Paget, a brother of one. Fu so national the same evil seems Hong Ling gained a wide game, dropped la loosely. As tha Incoming of Sir Arthur Paget. Is married to a clusion ami decide that the beat (arm current flows directly across the out- daughter of W. C. Whitney. fortheT to have arisen In England. It seems reputation among the foreigners at dog Is a dead dog. let It serves to drive the prints sway Secretary of the Navy. Sir Arthur that the best cricket clubs are made up the Chinese city and was chosen to their Interests In the courts from the opening Instead of allowing and latdy Paget are great tavorltes of of professionals and alleged amateurs represent fMtorlhf Cowgi who are really professionals and do Whenever occasion required. He them to rlog the stream. When It la the Prince of Wales the Review: I have a To Farmers' himself else little than froved capable and faithful play the game and reap desired to wash a plats It may be laid Jne pasture of about sixty acres. It financial benefit thereby more or less tnd hi death cast a gloom over the oa tha bottom of the bowl, the shape borders on a small lake containing K.ing Milan a Loafer. foreign colony. surreptitiously. of the latter allowing a free circulag Milan, who tried to enter good, pure water and having a sandy Fu Although Hung Ling was called tion of water on both eurfacea. A pal-sServls secretly In order to Incite a ihore. Thirty acres is In timothy, was he not one. Want lawyer, Princett for t really Divorce. on the wither has been granted to his son rest Is low m.irsb land which prothe military rebellion against there Marie no Meckleuberg-Strelitof are, strictly speaking, who lawyers Henry Burke and David Jones, of was collared by ttie duces good pasture in dry time, such sues for s divorce, and the Royal LsJy lg the vast domain of the kjngdom Chicago, 111. is we have had during May and June. police of King Alexof tha sun. are There who was match-make- r, licensed notaPROFESSOR KEELER, many kings, ander the moment For After harvest the cows are turned into queens and other royal persons are ries, who pay toe mandarin s ceitaia under the Lick trustees In 1886. fluids, where they feed until he etepped over the Engaged Again. for the privilege of drawing two years, or until the transfer of the he grain D unhappy the gmount Miss Wilson Is s member of the frontier and contall. 1 alwajs yard my cows at night. carhe and the statements to np the complaints of observatory university, married relatloa, Wilson family at Tranby Croft, where ducted I think It is better than turning into back but for reasons of the people who may have business In ried on the time service and made all he pasture. J. H. Stauffer. tha Prince of Wales played baccarat Vienna, whence Kamliyohi state must bear the the court over which the mandarin possible use ot the equipment. She la a famous English beauty, reached Marls three Miunesota County, extract They heavy feee unpleasant yoke preside whose engagement to sundry peers days ago. Princess Marie of The Latyyert "Right to Weep. The milk Inspection law in the difand nobles has been announced at Tbe has The supreme court of Tennessee has ferent states are gi actually getting Into Mecklenberg . Str. since been very lit Is no exception. decided that a lawyer has the rlghj to tctlve operation. It Is time. The condrunl She and her husshed tears to influence the verdict of a ditions in the large cities where there about bis favorite haunts. band. Count Jury, and. In fact, says that If he can have been no inspection laws are very The Fretuh government has warned do not flBf bring tears to his eyes at will he Is bad. Even In New Yotk tbe enforceMilan that unices he is more decorous derelict If he neglects to do so. Th married life out ment of the laws has been so slack that In his behavior he will have to leave case was one in which the defendant the milkmen had fallen into the habit long, sweet song, French territory. so she is suing for bad appealed oa the ground that the of thinking they could do as they a separation. She and her husband, weeping of the attorney for the plainpleased. But men fly the inspectors Sanitation of Havana. who Is the eon of a wevlthy Paris pattiff had unduly influenced the jury. renewed their activity and a good itianlh there were thirty deaths ent medicine manufacturer, plighted many milkmen were caught with badly from yellow fiver In Havana. There their troth under the in College t. adulterated milk. It Is encouraging, of "Religion sponsorship were eleven deaths during th first the Infanta Eulalle of the Baptist weekly, however, to note that the major. ty had Standard, who The Spain, was ten dry of this rttouth. This morthat many milk that came up to the standard rethe of the city of Chicago during combats the prejudie While con- the guest tality Is not surprising. World's Fair In 1893 sectarians have against the quired by the city laws. One morning strict siderable sanUnrv work has been done, state universities, and quote figure eight inspectors rounded up all the much more remains to be done. Th these Institutions sre not milk that caiue in over tbe Erie Railthat to show Modern Immigration. streets are kept clean and alleys and student road. Some of the dealers godless. For Instance, In the evidently courts reasonably so, but no new ays on During the fiscal year which ended of knew their milk to be th University 2.925 t 30 last 341,711 foreigners of HONG FU LING, June body adulterated, aa tem of sewers has been built and no this country through the port of from those whom they serve and ue Michigan there were 2,535 church Urey tried to drive away before the provision has been made for tha New York. embers or adherent last year. Probably the total fmnu. their Influence with the mandarin By inspectors could stop them. But they cleansing of the harbor. Until these gration for the ran into the arms of policemen that -MISS WIL80N. wilt not year the on of the fall govconcession to part hr attended there short of 530 000 a matters have been to Co War. had been stationed near by for that Tha various times only to he denied on will be Wouldn't Catholic have a priests noteworthy tad ernment the yellow fever at Havana every not L 1 b, In every case where th altogether The purpose. difference beto them agreeable Francis subsequent occasions which right gives and even the rank summer, though, sanitary tween the Immigration of 1900 sag men tried to drive away their milk was General of a mandarin. son It before has ease the a bontlnus street cleaning departments plead of that of found to be adulterated, which Is proof Horrort of Peace. as eflhiert as they are now. Whether most of irty year ago is that now Men said that this right was abused Herman Lieb, the newcomers rAn reaway that they knew what kind of stuff they the are that xteat Mr. T. E. Gatehouse, editor ot the fro people Is Chicago, w a Cuban :il under government (bey southern and eastern Europe, whfl were handling. It la reported that as did man for home ' Electrical Review,' shows that peace questionable. tt from anything volted. soon as the mllkmea wot news of the they used to be from western U which h could be held. sslda writer week rather than - assy he as destructive to life is actual northern Europe. 8. inspection thqg stopped considerable warfare. For Instance, during 1891, on the subject, he would go to a Join the U. Huntingtont Fortune. Lleb quantities of milk, that had not drees citizens of the United Kingdom to the Catholic missionin' od be converted. rlnes. Young Collls Potter Huntington, as oas ot under brought across from Jersey City, as Municipal Steamboat. axteat of 1,340 lost their lives on rail-wa- the foremost of the money kings ot In return the missionary would plead disappeared Th c 1 efforts of monwaa outside of the Jurisdiction of the his and London Influence that myetertoun using Coun5 alone, and a further 19.155 were America, was known the world ova.r, Council ClW) Hla towards establishing a pan. y with the New York inspectors. It la ben th mandarin and the criminal enmstances. Hta rise HI the' commercial world Injured by like means, tasking 30.49 ey senger steamboat service on th would to freo. lieved that tbe adulterations in New By that mean th father la of th ' In sIT. '" The deaths dut to tbe present in a country town store In tha Thames the haa York bava been worse since tbe beginfollowing converts grown rapidly at opinion that soma collapse a number war, tip to May 30th, numbered 2,957, Bmpite state, He passed rapidly private enterprise tn Chines th friend of . respect to ning of tbe present drouth, the milkand the natural hatred of the Inten- of son tha Injured numbered 11,343, mak- through th stages ot miser, business him. but men be hla concealing bran may baa from th pMei foreigner trying to offset short supplies by the ,tsn toward ing 14,300 In alt In other words, 1,195 man. organizer of th first transcontlthaoiwUcal discussion to nothing has been discovered that adding water. The inspection may sified. mors people actually suffered Injury nentsl rl.imed and finally became tha ed etudy. The Rivers that of would bear out that theory. Friends therefor beexpected to be committee. very close In Great Britain last yaar, whlla fol- head ot one ot the wealthiest-- railway the council haa J to who have known th young man Inti- from bow oe, and elso New York has succumbed William a prepared deflatt. city Emperor lowing their ordinary avocsttons than aystems tn the. country. Hie fortune cheme. which Is being considered much mately speak fa highest term of his will find Itself decidedly short in its th motor craze, and thipends had nt tha date gives' been placed hors is estimated at between 1 49.000,004 the basil for application to excelhla of man a and runof character ai art milk supply. parRao 8 ilme trylaf to mjrter and 150.000 00 t fie combat by the war. for Iks requisite powers. lence as a singer. on ning P & Current Topics rt uon-4e?ri- pt V anti-lynchi- at , -- in-iht- j ! j 'Jr 5V l 3 I I 1 p-I- e i 1 Iff A'J. e. -- Wtn-thro- semi-how- i ls y I Mac-Que- cow-drivi- ng - full-blood- nt d, pos-alb- ly 7L. Ex-Kin- z. It 1 ) t k .1 ijii i V ' J ' 9 I 1 . lt r-- V be-ga- ( - . f . i awawre-sneroa- i |