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Show ithNKrifit , lUsiriK, Utah, ng. S0rtlWO. CniTOKTiMU. ", Mil. I,. Hell returned to Almy$.'Wyo today, having made an extended vltlt In llenefer, George llnnlt ilartedforFoiallTWyo,, durlnit the week t look after lift thtcp lntrettt there. blonr, the banker and itoA buyer ol of Uramton, waa doing tome butlnett her tlile week'. A pleasant tirprlie waa given Mirlow Hoiid on the evening of tho I8lh, and an enjoyable time waa had. The religion clauea are now meeting regularl) every week and quite an Interest In-terest ia being taken in tho same. Tbomai (ilen of Salt l.ako City and Win. Knight of Croyden delivered In teretllcg dlscourtea hero on Sunday I'rof, I'aul, accompanied by tomeijirb-fettlonal tomeijirb-fettlonal lady alngera of fcalt Ijike, la ex-peeled ex-peeled to lecture here on Situdy evening, even-ing, fcept. lit. , ' W At the Itcpubllcan raucul heldfbere on MonOay nlghV John ratkatraml W H; Ilannett were elected delegaiea to fetpPcaii4-oa,voiit'aia'UT |