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Show 1 LETTERS FROM 1 CORRESPONDENTS. B Around the County in Seven HI Days. I Ibe HipitsDlBtsot the rest Vfeek I Told In Detail bj Efficient 1 Correspondents. K YTAftWIIir 1 WAxsntr, Uuh, Aur, 20, 1WX) ):i'ri(.HTij(i , , I Wo ire ttlll located on the banks of II tlie Weber where Ellver Creckenter It. II II u. Margaret Y. Taylor ol bait Lake j has been spending a week bete visiting M with relatives. Andrew 1'ettrton li expected home from Denmark this week, where helm I been laboring; a a missionary for two M Jean past. 1 Meedarnee?ictT, Fisher and Capson, , ol Salt Ixko are again making their an- 6 nual visit to our town. They are ttop- I ping with Mr. auil Mrt. J. XI. Hlxiou. I I'rof. J. II. Fan will hold a mooting here Thursday night, He will bo nc I rompanlcd by tin. Llul Thomas- I Tdward, the soprano vocalist, with Mist I Thomas as accompanist. ,'. J. M. Tanner, one ol the General t Hoard ol the Sunday School Unloo, k. visited our Sabbath ichool lait Sunday. fi! Ho waf also the speaker at the worship jnfi. meeting In the afternoon, and delivered Iffy moit excellent discourse. |