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Show iiiiatii or (ii:iuji: in.i:s Ron or I'rof, Mllra Urnuncil In shiugliiU llUllomr Paris, Idaho, Augusts -SperiaHor raspoodenre. The taost sorrowing if enei attending any funeral held in l'arlt weie witnessed here yeetirdavat I the olxequlea ol i.eorgc Milet ih- teen teen year old son of I'rof John 11 Milet The clrcumitincei attending his sudden death aru very aad. On Friday alter- I noon, in company with hit brother rlhur,and two lortol Joseph Wixom, of Liberty, be went hunting dmkion the I'arit bottoms, near the Church ranch They kit home about 4 o'clock In tho afternoon, happy and light-hearted, light-hearted, and reaching their place ol ten. deivoot the) camped for the night with fond anticipation of tho morrow. At break of day, the loya were astir, and It wat decldid to leave Ueorga eook break fast, while his brother Arthur, two yean younger, and the Wiioui vj,, went along tho slough to see what they could kill. They aciuratcd, and t.eorge itarted hl lire goli g. put on some water and make all preparations lur.qkin tho morning meal. He then tlrollnl to the tlough, and saw a brace of fine ducks nil the water ljultlly and quirlly he went to the camp for his gun, and shot them both. The tlough wat quite deep 10 be brldlid it horse and rode in to se cure thu results of hit marksmanship, leaving his bat and gun on the bank. Seon alter the boyi returned, and not finding George at camp, icarcbed for him, They found the horse with the bridle on, corned with water and mud, and at onco nad their suspicions aroused. Walking hastily to the tlough they found hit hat and gun, bet no ilgnt of the boy. That hewas drowned, there wna no quettlou. Arthur Jumped on tho horse and flew like the wind' buck to the home, teven miles awar whore but a few hoars ago they had if left with happy hearts. ' Wher? father;'' asked the boj. llrolber Jllij watln the ranyon getting wood. S went (he boy. On reaching the puvt where hit father was, J10 told In a ft? w6;dt all that -bad happened. list! waaeooa. secured, and about to'lin after the bojr baddrowned,'Lla bodnW met-, and In what manner he iiitinli death after riding Into tho tloudi to get tho ducks will never be knlwn Ttic body waa brought to l'arit.ud taken to the borne ol Grandma Hia bhepherd. Yesterday tho tervicee tele hold In the Second ward meeting hoao. Tho tlnglug wat most beautiful and impropriate. im-propriate. "GoJ inovet In a myiterius way," "Wanted 011 tho other aid," "Sweet rtit in heaven." and "Ho:e, tweet home," being the selections ra-dered. ra-dered. lllihop Uobert 1'rice uuds a few opening and comforting reiuarlr1, alter which Apostle John Henry Sinlh preached an eloquent sermon nnee resurrection, full of consolation to Bt grief stricken parent!. TretldenlWo, Itudge then made a fow doting e-markt, e-markt, full of tytnpathy or the eorros-ing eorros-ing family. Omrgovrai seventeen yean old list J March, and was a very Intelligent Uy, I an I a great favorite with hit fcllott. IIo wat good to hit parents, andhutlko Sunday before ho died wat ln his rltse latthe Sabbath aeliool answering the questions atked tho ilast by one of tie Make officers. Dcieret Newt. The many friend! In thlt countyof I'rof. .Milet will be pained to team oltbo lid death of lilt boy, and will lyuiiwthlre with him and his family In their lost. Thuboywnt here last wlater with hit fathtr, brother and litter, attending tU Academy and while here made many frlendt. |