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Show 43K" fYVj N VTmTTj :i-G f ' Basses! Tn Mr.rll at an tlnnlha. Tnung raacal wllh oi.r Mind aurprlte) utr rorrtisntr,!, Inrty brow, Ttie look uf inarvel In )ur eye. As asking. "What la ruining nowf I krmw hot If oute he ih- ptw -Yuur etothea say nniisht Nn ttmilit It'a (rue They called mi -If Pleat- sprak to me tMae anmlroua trmllar are jouf Tlier rlahn that you are lr It t faith. I tit- portrait (warn ntlnt (A 'set that I wilt not ilrnt) Tha ntst tilllkm hi It tvat And t was running ' euta and sweet T" And tii, I Men! "sun-Boo.' "afxi-wanT Anil klek my lixitelea-liow Imii feelt And IhrMI lth p-kle my fnnJ inaiumaT Irep-netlr1 tn your waynutd brain Imi thoiiihu werv Mil si none tnlihl know? Or were your ImjuihIs the muntrrpaiiv A liihber tins n iiew-fmin I toe? DM phnnluma ot another life You just hail left still dwell allhlnt Or were those motainenls. rneanlns-fflfe. Aroused by poma obtlllelte InT IM you Impnllenl. lonx for day hen ymi would te as nhl as rlshtt Anil In )mir nhl raptldoiia way The very name ot baby halet Ah Inhe the lly la thai htm loll till imi slay mntrnt. I e; llut onanrtl led from year to )ear, llehold I lie thing ymi grew lo twt The llaa Vhn H..1 the tote. From tondun Tlt-lllla Tho following follow-ing la nn unreported Incident before unn of the commissioner uppulutid In Inquire Inln a certain election petitions peti-tions "What la your name!" "ttcurge Jmiea." "Well, what do you know of thtlT" "On thn ilny of thn ,-lrctlun I went to Uie Kpotted Dog" "What did you Ihirol" "I ten'd n man." "Well, what did he dot" "Ho san mo S shillings, nnd aald aa how I was to vole for ." "Well, did )ou oU for Mr. 1" "No, sir." "What did you do then?" "Wmt to the Pig and Whittle," "Well-there?' "There I teo'd another man " "What did ho do?" "Ho s,avn ipn 0 ahlllliiKM nnd antd 1 was lo olo for " "And did you voto?" "No. sir." "What did ymi do then?" "1 went to the lied I,lon." "And there?" "There I ten'd a man, loo." "And did ha give you f shillings and tell you to volo for Mr. ?" "Undid so." "Andjlld you?" "Why here, tin your own admission, you have obtained IS shillings lo vote for onn of tho candidates; did you vota at all?" "No, air." "Why not?" "Ilrcauso t Ain't got no vnln; It's my father, (leorge Jonea, who'a an elector." elec-tor." ITeallh ami lJtij ItUlns, "Do you think that early rising helps a man get rich?" "I don't knun," answered thn man who makes careful distinctions. "I ahould lay It drptndml on whether he'a thn one whu stints thn flrat street car or tho Ice-man " Wathlngton Btar. An I (ruse. "She hit been divorced three times," said thn Iloardwalk Koatlp. "llut," tomunatraliil the Chicago lady who had not taught Iho drift ot lha conversation, "pcrhnpn alio did not marry until lata In life" Philadelphia Philadel-phia North A mi. r lean. Oteritulnc It. "Some folks," said Uncle i:ben, "seems ao akytiht foil fear dcy won't gib de debbls hla due dat dey senma liable to fohglt about whiit'a cumin' to do yothuh peoplo " Washington War. ItooiiilalHtut Information. The llinpccked Husband "la my wlfo going out, Mary?" "Vet, air." "Do you know If I am going with herr I-oudon Titbits COMMON CAUSE POII WAf). " wjS(V WSeS-l He There am tbo Bmltbs over there She 8h hi We don't speak now, Ws have changed uervanU 17-llanil I'resrrlutlnn. "I've a dreadful cold, doctor." "I set you have. Lot me feel yonr pulse. H'm. Yti You'd better take a hot bath, and under 110 clrcura-Btancea clrcura-Btancea get your feet wet" tendon TltblU. ITrlptna the Movement Atonsi jsBBBBf "Your order prohibiting tbo amok' x)aS Ing of coin 11 mills In your omen was nH bated, 1 presume, on Iho Injurious cN jH fret of the habit upon young men, wad jH It not?" R "Yea, nnd wo felt, besides, llko doing (yH something In a practical way for tho tH henrnt of the fresh air fund." Chicago H Tribune H WHY HE WASN'T WHIPPED. H "Say, Tammy, mi ?er ma lick yer! H "Nnw, aho wanted to, but the waa H 'frnld I'd holler to loud I'd waka tho1 M baby." H llouhle tlUllllril, rerhan. t "The t-dltor of Life has decided that TH Peoria la thn mnantat clly In tha na- H "Proiln Is Ihu great distilling town. H Isn t It?" "Then I suppotu Us meanness moat H bn nt Urn distilled klii'l" Clovnltnd M Plain Dealer H Tn Ha J peeled Tliem, H St. Peter shook hla head doubtfully.) H "Thlt record," he h.iM, "thows that H you havn been In Iho habit ot utlngj H profsno lanxuago. H "llut only on tho golf links," urged 1 H Iho spplloant far ndmlselon. Chicago' H Post. I H IV.ul.l Kot Help IU J B Ilcnnvulint Peraon (tn old tramp). jB You ought In ba ash lined ot yourself l to be begging nl your ago. H Tramp (Indlgnnntly) How on earth! H can I beg at liny other ago now, l'dl D like to know (llvn mn n penny. Loa- H don Titbits. M Tha lalmra Clau, M lird Bayvan-Do l.lVrus Ahl but H your leisure clawsa In this country! H hnvn nn titles. jH ,ritirt'ftheTwaanil.What.lha. . B mailer wllh "hobo," "Wnary Willis,"' "-- "Dusty lloads," and so onn? Phlladol- H phla Press. -,H What Ha tint. H "Pardon me," said tho suitor as bet H picked himself up at tho bottom of th H front slops, ' but there eems to have H been n mlauuderBlandlng aomewbero. H I asked for yuur daughter's hand, andl H I havn rnrnlvnl your fuoL" Chicago jH PosL M Ills atenllniM. H "Papa Ihlnka,' aim said, nhyly, "thatl H It Is about limn you were declaring; IH your Intentions." H "Tell thn old goullenian," hn replied, IH "that I lovo you ton muc'i to innrry H you," phlladelpbln North American. Aot a Ileal One. M "Is the what uu would call a sum-, M mer girl?" ' M "Oh, dear, no Why, sho hasnl M learnud how tn Ho In n hammock; M gratefully yet, and you know that's H thn first rtqulnlte." Chicago Pott, j H lliml Ailllea lo Isaora. H "How does II htppen that you ara sen LH aiicctasful In pollllrnt" M "I act oinctly contrary to the ad- jH vlco given mo by my political oppo-r M nenls. and then I know I can't make M mistake "Chicago 1'n.iL M I ' Not Nnperatltlons. I H H Wicks "Poor fallow! He's In a bad? H way, the doctor nays his vnlco Is gone. completely." M Wacks "I nupposn ho'll havo to ut H tho deaf and dumb langungs when ha M wants tn talk In anybody." M H llaklns It All ItlstiL H Mrs. Young Wife. You aro sura M there are S pounds ot sugar In this ,H package? It Bcrmn very light H Oroccr. That, mndain, Is because l HBaaT Is entirely frco from sand. Iloatoq Mat Transcript ' fSaff ii m ' Tha lletllog O.M. BRW "Do you think McKlnley will bo. jO elected? ' asked tbo short man. SSifii "Do I?" cried tho enthusiast "I'll rwWt bet an ounco of gold lo 18 ounces ol VtM silver that ho lal" Philadelphia North SJHjp American. iiikfi M TO Always In Heaaon. tfjftj "Oysters aro out uf nounon, I be. H llevol" said tho puffy parly. jpfi "Yes," replied tho head wnllcr.Rlauo. KM Ing across at tho iludci whu was dining MSt n ewbroHn, ' thla Is thn lobstor neaa !W Bon " Philadelphia North Amniisan. HM Vaeatlon May ll Cot RtHa-t, saaaaK "our wlfo has gono away for thq H summer, I understand?" H "Well, sho thinks sho baa, but 1 8H nhe could see my bank lulanco onco) M possibly aho would know belter.-. H Chicago Post j M |