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Show Nix Boat ha Helping the Movent Aleag "Youi older piohibiUDg Ui Amok"4 our bViiuFurprl; t ioft) brow. ing of coffin nr Us In your office vat The look of marvel In our I presume, on the Injurious eT based, A ootnii g nowT" ankirtK, "Whit feet of the habit upon young meu I know not If ou re he oi he -Your clothe uv twilight doubt Ui It not? true "Yes, and we felt, besides, like doing m 'it to Tho tailed Ih i something in a practical way for the me benefit of the fresh air fund, Chicago Vhoe unnihouM irliKV are oyt at To rutl Your orrugatFtl. T.iunf The Moon-Bab- y Theres a beautiful golden credlft That rocks in the rose-iebky; I have seen it there In the evening air. d Where the (nts and beetle f.y: With little white clouds for curtain. And pillows of fleecy wool. And a dear little bod for the Moon-Baby- 's head. So tiny and beautiful. There are tender young stare around tt That wait for their hath of dew In the purple tints that the suns warns prints Have left on the mountain bine; There are good little gentle planets. That want to be nursed and kissed. And laid to sleep in the ocean deep," Under silvery folds of mist But the Moon-Bab- y first most slumber. For he U their proud young king; Bo, hand In hand, round hts bed they stand, And'lullabie8 low they sing. And the beautiful golden cradle Is rocked by the winds that stray. With pinion soft, from the halls aloft. lives today. When the Moon-Bab- y Pall Mall Gazette JipatMt Legend. a time there was a King Once upon In Dragonland who had a beautiful 111. wife, and this beautiful wife fell All the eminent doctors In the kingdom were called in turn to the palace, but not one of them could think of anything to maae the Queen well and atrong. But one night she had a dream, and when she awoke she sent for the King and Raid; The remedy that will restore me to - F the-Kin- kite-flyin- and desi-er- l spoon, and the carved de-bl- he.ivy and curious are tjpical of worldly prosperity, the laurel wreath of fame, the torch of Hymen or Fiircefs in love, with climax of a happy marriage, palms for victory and the crown, of ettrc&l life, word done, heaven won!" Horns-of-pknt- y COAT AND CAPE. Pale beige bilk coat, with mnoh work to ahow the point d'esprtt lining of white, mounted on a pal Hue foundation; the coat Is braided 4 fit With narrow silk braid, about the cuttings; the Napoleon collar Is faced Flaw for Ifarr t panne of this same color; the rev- Throughout the empire of Morocco end in Tunis there are villages where vs are decorated by full puffed motifs the elder members of the adult popu- ef Cluny lace, embroidered with gold; lation follow professionally the pursuit 'about the edges are double ruffle of et fattening young ladies tor ths matrimonial market of Barbary. The Moors, like the Turks and most other Orientals, give a decided preference to moon faced wives over lean onea and are more solicitous as to the number of pounds which tbelr brides weigh than about the stock of accomplishments they possess. A girl is put under the process of fattening when sh is about 12 years of age. Her hands are tied behind her, and she Is seated on a carpet during so many hours every day, twhile her papa stands over her with a matraque, or big stick, and her mother at times pops into her mouth a ball of couscoussou, or stiff maize porridge, kneaded up with A City Built 1a Two Dayi grease, and just large enough to bs There never was such another counswallowed without the patient choking, try as this In the celerity with which says the Brooklyn Eagle. plans are made and carried into effuei. If the unfortunate girl declines to Think of a city built In two days! he stuffed, the Is compelled, so that That la what happened In 1867 on the ere long the poor girl resigns herself line of the Union Pacific railroad In to the torture and gulps down ths Wyoming. In that year the company boluses lest she should be beaten. Ia estabdecided to move its shops and Brasil corpulence la also considered lish a new town. The site chosen was essential point of female beauty, the on the plains, where there was neither and the greatest compliment that caa tree . nor stone. Every other lot In be to a Brasilian lady la to tell the town was to be given free tq tbs her paid that (he grows fatter and fatter mousselln de The a who would build house. person sole, edged with niching. everyday. day after the offer was made, the, railBeige hat, with roses. 2 Cape of white cloth, with beige way had difficulty In moving all toe Late rad stitched and applied design; long people who wanted one of those lota. silk, Long black gloves, elbow length an boa ends, and. ruffling of accordion Free trains were run from as tar oast as Chicago, and In 48 hours 2,009 peo- ama of tb smart fad of to. pnt, . with Vruchd Jedgefc ple were on the ground scrambling for they are worn with costumes (bare Folded beige toque, with black velvet a place to construct a home. As faat there Is a note of black. flowers. A novel hair ornament conslis of as a location was secured, the building Light FarnUhlag. of a home began. A good many of the two full blown roses attached to each The erne for the blue nnd white ol other by a slender wire, which I Inhouses were of the knock down style of architecture. They could be visible when arranged on the kalr. Delft ware has penetrated to every defolded up and hauled In a wagon, and The roses are worn gelshnwlae, on at partment of furnishing and the fursome of the settlers had brought these each aide of the head, and as ths pitala nisher who is afraid of her own taata houses with them. For a year the are showered with brilliants they lash in selection is safe In adopting draprailroad company continued to give and sparkle vHth every movenent, eries nnd china of this design.. Blu nnd white tiling looks well in almost away lots. There were no paved says the Pittsburg Dispatch. la the any room and a couch with blue drapThe latest silver novelty streets nor sidewalks. A man who had a home on a roadway where the prophecy," or "good wish" spoona In- eries and pillows is n pretty cornel sod bad been scraped up In a ridge in tended aa a birthday or wedding ptt. furnishing for nay of the lightly furt the center regarded himself as an aris- In else tt Is between the ordinary ten Dished rooms. tocrat The city la standing but it Is larger and more substantial, and the knock down houses have given place to something finer. It now heaps the name of Cheyenne. 1fed W. tinman,' to-da- y, e! y, lx - coming a subject of the Chinese Empire for Just one day. This time is the ninth day of the ninth month, according to the Chinese calendar. On this day a g festival is held Then every Chinaman who has any regard for 'hts spiritual and physical welfare and can afford a kite and there are few. Indeed, who cannot afford such an inexpensive trifle goes to a hill and files his kite the whole day long. This custom prevails more generally, of course, In the rural districts, for were the Inhabitants of a great city like Canton or Pekin each to send up a kite the strings would become entangled and the very heavens would be darkened with such a collection of paper and string as never waa seen. This custom was originated by a man who bad a strangely realistic dream, In which It was revealed to him that some calamity would befall hla house on a certain day. Wishing to avoid this unknown but Inevitable disaster, he took bis family to a neighboring hill top and amused the children by flying a kite. When he returned home that night he found that hla house had literally fallen to the ground, thus killing all the dogs and pigs that had been left at home to keep house. That set the fashion, and since then whenever the anniversary of that day comes ronnd other families, remembering ths providential escape of thdr countrymen, fly their kites from the hills In the belief that as the paper toys ascend they will carry ofT the evil spirits that might otherwise demolish their own houses and bury them In the ruins should they stay at home. .health has been revealed to me, and It la this: 1 must have the liver of a young monkey to eat "But, my dear, salt! the King, "there la not a monkey ou this side of the world, and how are we to send away across the water to the other side and bring One here? 1 am sure I dont know. But the Queen walled and cried until a big round fish with a great bony back beard her, and was so moved with pity that he got out of the water, and Sopped all the way to the palace g, to have an audience with This ended in the King's starting the big fish to swim across the ocean to Idonkeyland, where he arrived in due course of time. On the strand he met the object of his search. Good morning, Mr. Monkey," said the fish politely. Good morning. Mp. Fish, answered the monkey, making a profound bow, Is there anything I can do for you? "Well, yes, said the fish, there la a great favor that you can do me. My mlstrees, the Queen of Dragonland, has dreamed that she cannot live unless one of your tribe is willing to cross the sea and pay her tribute. But you wont regret the trip; It is a beautiful country, Tull of palms and eocoanut trees and oranges and figs. Why, a monkey would not have to climb for fruit; It would JuBt fall down upon him In showers as thick as plum-blu- e What Birds flay. suui petals!" The call of the yellow hammer la "And how Is one to get to this beau"Pee! and hla answer, Zee-xeThe tiful land? said the monkey. Why," said the fish, all you would field lark calls Plppee! and replies, The have to do would be to sit astride my Preeoo, preoo, pee preeroo! b&doo-laback and I would take you there In a wood lark aaya, Badoo-laand replies, The Jiffy. So the monkey agreed, and off they tomtit says, Tltign, titigu!" and reThe redSteetee, steetee! went plies, There waa silence for a while and breast saya, Weep, weep! and replies Teeree, teereetee, teereeteeree! Th then the monkey spoke again: and answers .Mr, Fish. said he, do you know. wren "Zool, xool! The black capped warbler I have left my liver hanging to the "Zalp! top of a tree. You should have told saya rToc!" The wh1te?throated warme at first what the Queen wanted bler says "Bshee, behee!" They both with me. Livers are rather disagreeMany birds have only reply "Clap! able things to always carry around one cry for calling and answering. The with a body, and I generally take mine wagtail say. "Teetrwe, teetroo!" the out and leave It airing when I am white tall, Farfar!" the sparrow, the going sway to dinner. I was just on bullfinch. Twbee, twhee!" my way to dine with a friend when The cuckoo repeats Its own name, yen Invited me to go with you to the "Cuskeor eeskoo!" The quail; a bird Dragon Kingdom. Now, my dear fel- of good council, says Pay thy debts, low, there Is nothing to be done but pay thy debts! The owl, when evenifur you and me to go back and get ng- esmes, saddens the woods with his that Uver, for I would not disappoint dismal cry, in regular time, like the her majesty for anything In tbs ticking of a clock: Hoot-too- t, hoot-too- t! world." The nightingale says Teeo-teeSo the big fish, with n sigh, turned teeo-toeand the thrush, Zeep-seeback, nnd when they reached Monkey-lan- d the monkey sprang ashore and climbed n tree. Then be called down Bht Mined Them. to the fish: Mr. R. C. W. Howard of Duval we were while taking My friend, our little sal! some one made off with county, Florida, vouched for the truth of the following incident, which came my Uver, and since that is what the undahls observation: Rover, n large, is there for me really Queen wanted some shaggy dog. waa the occupant of a no use in my going. 'Qood-bwell-kekennel, knd'waa frequently - other time,. Mr.FUh, by a duck, which finally accompanied hie mad fish And so the big way sorrowfully home to the Dragon King- gave n supreme test to hla friendship dom, and to the palace of the King, by laying an even dozen eggs tn a corand when the King heard his story he ner of hia kennel. Rover did not rewas no angry that he called to a eer-vn-nt sent the encroachment, but, on the conand said; trary, seemed to feel the responsibility Take this Idiot out to the water-sid- e, of guardianship, and at night lay with and when you. have reached the his, nosea little closer to the door of sand put him down ad beat him with the kennel, while the dock sat on the corner. In due all your might and main." eggs in her And an the King commanded so season eight ducklings appeared, and they did, and they beat, and beat, and Rover appeared aa delighted as if he beat the big fish until every bone In had dag a woodchuck out of hla bole bis body was broken, nnd then they In the past re lot. A week later the threw btm Into the sea, where be has mother duck loet her life In n cow-kic- k been n Jellyfish ever stnee. accident, and Rover at ones assumed the care of the orMem rtf Kite phans, nestling them in hla long hair There !e one time of the year when at night and in ths daytime awlmmlag with them In the pond. every boy would not object to it y! f'hcv 1' fHh. fat (A Tribuna ou are I me I' ho.tra atteat will mu den) tlelm that thU that I The tlrat chiton And I ,i 'weet? m the cunning WHY HE WASN'T WHIPPED. lt'cute "goo-w- t And did 1 bleat goi-gobT And kick my tootwie- - now but feet? And thrill with prd iu fond maiums? In your brain. n)aiil Whs I thought u Itono mlht rrr hid know? Or were your hoon.l the A rubber ring a toe Did phunlotna of another life You Juki had i ((111 dwell within? Or were Ihoae mo t n.rnu, mounlng-rlfe- , Arouaed by aomo obtiualve pin Deep-netler- 1 new-foun- d Dhl you Impatient. Iona for day When you would be aa old as eight? And In your odd. raprtctoua way Thu eiv name of "bhv hale? Ah babe the pity ! that here Y'ou did not stay content, 1 eve. But onward led from year to year. Behold the thing you gn w to be! Say, Tommy, di ter m Uek yerf New; ahe wanted to, but ah wMj "frald Id holler bo loud I"d wak u baby. The Man Who Had tt Vote, s Front lAtndun The following la an unreported Incident before one of the commissioner appointed to Inquire Into a certain election petition: What is your name? 1 Tlt-llit- Double DlatUled, The editor of Life has decided that Peoria Is the meaneet city In the nation. Peoria Is the great distilling town, 'George Jone. Well, what do yon know of this? On the day of tho election 1 went to the Spotted Dog What did you there? "I eeed a man. Well, what did he do? He save me 5 shillings, and said aa how I was to vote for ." ?' Well, did you vote for Mr. No, sir. What did you do then? Went to the Pig and Whistle." Well there? There 1 eeed another man. What did he do?- He gave ipe 6 shilling and said I waa to vote for And did you vote? No. sir. What did you do then? "I went to the Red Lion. - And there? " t There I seed man, too." "And did he give you 5 shillings nnd ? tell you to vote tor Mr. He did so. "And did you?" isnt It?" Yea." Then I suppose Its meanness mufci be of the distilled kind." Cleveland Plain Dealer. -- To Bo Tb St. Peter shook bin head doubtfully. This record," he said, show that you have been in the habit of ualaj profane language. But only on the golf links," urgedj the applicant for admission. Chicago! j Post, I - Coald Not Help iw Benevolent Person - (to old trsmp.; You ought to bs sshamed of yourself to be begging st your age. Trsmp (Indignantly), How on earth) can 1 beg at any other age now, I'dl like to know. Give me n penny. Lon don Titbit. - The Lrtare Claes. Lord 8syvan-Llvru. Ah! but country! your leisure dawns In thl no titles. have ,t I in r ,.jjq Trryr-gtrrtrp"No.'slf." wee LoJfi'tat tb Why here, on your own admission, matter with "hobo," Weary Willi,' 15 vote to have obtained you shillings Roads," and so one? PblUwlel for one of the candidates; did you vote "DustyPress. phi D in at all?" "No. sir." "Why not?" "Because I aint got no vote; lta my father, George Jones, whos an elector. Wealth and Kariy Rising. Do you think that early helps a roan get rich? rising What He Get. hei said th suitor picked himself up t th bottom of the front steps, "but there seems to bve been n misunderstanding somewhere., I asked for your daughters hand, nd; I have received your foot" Chicago Post. "Pardon u me, I dont know," answered the man HI Intention 1 who makes cartful distinctions. "Papa thinks," ahe said, shyly, "that! should say It depended on whether hea were declaring the one who starts the first street car It la about time you your Intentions." ( or the Washington 8tar. "Tell the old gentleman . he replied that J love you too much to marry An lune Philadelphia North 'American. you. She has been divorced three times," said the Boardwalk gossip, No a Beal Oaa tb Chicago But, remonstrated wbat she la you would call a sum. ' lady who had not caught the drift of mer girl?" not did ahe the conversation, perhaps no. hasnX Why, sh Oh, dear, marry until late In life.' Philadellearned how to lie In a hammock phia North American. gracefully yet, and you know that th first requlRtte," Chicago Post, ." Overdoing lb said Uncle Eben. Some folks, Non Advtoa In Iganra. seems so skyaht fob fear (ley wont toes tt happen that you are am How seems due dat dey gib de debble hla successful in politics?" liable to fohgit about whut'a cornin' to set contrary to th ad"I .jsxactly Star. de yothuh people." Washington vice given me by my political oppo nents, and then I know I cant make ft Boaedaboat Inforatloa. , mistake." Chicago Poet la my The Henpecked Husband wife going out. Mary? 1 ' N L pTtl tlflac "Yea, air. Poor fellow! Hea In a badF Wlcka Do you know If I am going with way; the doctor saya hla vole la good her?" London Titbit. completely." I suppose hell have to ns Wacks COMMON CAUSE FOB WAR. the deaf aDd dumb language when he wants to talk to any body." ti Making I All Kigkk Mrs. Young Wife. You are auru there ere S pounds of sugar tn thl package? It seems very light 4 Grocer. That, madam, is because 1 la entirely free front sand. Bosto o, o! fU p! Transcript il Tba Betting OH Do' you think McKinley wlO elected? asked the abort mao. Do IH cried tha.enthusUaCJTn bet an ounce of gold to Id ounce el y; -- pt S sllver that he la! -- Philadelphia American. NorUf - Always In "Oysters are out of lleveF said the jmlfy party. Tea." replied the head walterjplane. Smiths ever H -- There who waa dialog lag. terms at the dnda there. ' I the lobster flee "thl a soubrette, We dont h! no. Sh speak 8he son.' PhiWetfJhla North Amerieaa. Wa have changed servants. - pre-empt- ed Voaatlen May Bn Oat Dairlpth. , wife has gone eway for thg "Your doctor. dreadful cold, Tv I understand?" . feel Let me summer, have. I ae you yovr she thinks ebe' haft but If Yea. Youd "Well, better take H'm. pulse. see my beak halaaoe one clrcum-stanccould no under she and n bot bath, would knew betta"sh London possibly' get your -- feet wet J Poet Chicago , Titbits. OT-Ho- web-foot- ed 1 ORGANDIE OVER SILK. Trimmed with lace; yoke and Sonnet around bottom Bf .skirt nnd of white mas Mg, tacked. - - "FROCK OF - es FIGURTD fists i r- t 4 - |